Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Entropy has eaten into the system and there is nothing that you can do about it.

Sad really.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Entropy has eaten into the system and there is nothing that you can do about it.

Sad really.

Entropy - Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society.

....ummm, that leaves basically one set of choices then, doesn't it? (a take it or leave it type of scenario).

Geez, that trip to Australia is looking better all the time.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

yes, I believe in the New World Order conspiracy too ;)! But, unlike many americans strangely believe, the NWO won't be ruled by UN. The world-one-government will be ruled by banks, oil companies and some huge corporations. They want enslave us all, not the UN. Here in EU many see the UN as an enemy of the NWO, not because of its men (which are mostly corrupted like the others), but because of its law and its institutions.
You can clearly see this following the way the UN is kept out from the main disputes: in Iraq, UN was there just for few days, then they made a terror attack to the UN headquarters and killed many, among others one of the UN chiefs. The UN fled from Iraq leaving NWO forces doing what they wanted with no control. In the UN, every country has a vote: as you can see, *they* can't allow this.

what I hear everyday, sadly, is this: before Bush re-election people here kept saying "Bush is evil but american people are good", now they say "american people are evil too: they're not innocent, they re-elected Bush so they LIKE him".
But I'm sure nobody hates you here in the EU. We love our brothers the americans. It's just we are... a bit angry? ;)
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

what I hear everyday, sadly, is this: before Bush re-election people here kept saying \"Bush is evil but american people are good\", now they say \"american people are evil too: they're not innocent, they re-elected Bush so they LIKE him\".
But I'm sure nobody hates you here in the EU. We love our brothers the americans. It's just we are... a bit angry? wink.gif

I enjoy reading your posts, and I'm sure what Im going to say goes without saying; however I find myself sitting here typing it anyway :blink:

For starters, I doubt that you could fill a stadium with all the people who voted for Bush that know what his regime is actually doing. I have spoken to many people here in Illinois and Missouri, and their attitude is too simple: They voted for George dub'ya becuase he prays to God. They believe that God will provide, and since he prays he will undoubtedly be given devine intervention (and I believe this sentiment is what exactly will allow the mixing of Church and State). I pretty much told them all that they need to do a bit of research and see exactly what kind of Devine Intervention God has given George in the past. God gives men choice, that simple.

Secondly, only half of our country voted for him - so far, only one out of every two of us is evil ;)

And if your statement - "It's just we are... a bit angry?" was a question to me, then I'd have to say NO. If so, its a very small percentage. I'd say when looking at everything that has and is happening to our freedoms, it makes me more.. umm, disgusted and sad.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Originally posted by Timmy G@Nov 24 2004, 05:51 PM
Pyro - I don't think it is a problem of people not realizing it... I whole-heartedly believe that the people simply don't know how to stop it?

Any ideas? *note - not sarcasm or humor - I'm being completely serious.

IMHO - if I thought there were a way to place reality back into check, I'd have to give it a try. I don't know if I'm speaking for many here - but I think that if most Americans who are aware of whats taking place in front of their very faces had the opportunity to either stop it or steer it away, they would.

Therein lies the problem...
not even a thousand people, standing on a railroad track in front of a runaway train, could possibly even stop it.

Unfortunately, the people don't know how to stop it because:
1) They're absolute morons
2) They have too much power

However, bringing back to the stoping a runaway train, you wouldn't need many people to stop it if you brought something with you, like a sturdy, 3 yard thick titanium wall...

So unfortunately, (or fortunately in some cases...) revolution, or something along those lines, has to occur to stop what's happening if it gets far out of hand...
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

yes, I believe in the New World Order conspiracy too ! But, unlike many americans strangely believe, the NWO won't be ruled by UN. The world-one-government will be ruled by banks, oil companies and some huge corporations. They want enslave us all,

Up to here we are in complete agreement. I know that this origionates from the monied elite in many countries, yours and mine included.

Here in EU many see the UN as an enemy of the NWO, not because of its men (which are mostly corrupted like the others), but because of its law and its institutions.

Heres where I disagree. There seem to be two types of globolization. The UN style world overgovernment, and corporate globolization. Many informed Americans see this as two horns of the same bull. If you look at how many UN officicials and ambassidors have huge stakes and chairs on the bords of directors of these very same companies, you have to admit that they have a point.
The laws and policies of the UN may seem to stand against the NWO, but they are being used by the very same people to the very same end. Its an illusion similar to the extreme right and left in the US. They have apperently each taken certian provisions of the constitution to attack. When the public has had enough of one side, they vote in the other who proceeds to continue taking away freedom.
IMHO Europeans need just as much of a wake up call as do Americans, you have already given up some of your freedoms in the name of world unity, and the thing is, as far as I can tell not many even seem to realize it.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Hello, newbie here. I've been following the Titor saga for a long time now, and like many others, have been noticing coincidences too numerous to fully dismiss. However, I haven't noticed any one talk about the "Guantanamo on the Hudson" incident at the RNC on this board or at Anomalies. Has this matter been discussed here or there at all? If so, could you direct me to it? Much appreciated.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

:angry: what is not being realized is: 51% is not a mandate, also this election ....(if you want to call it that) was a rigg job , votes are still being recounted and the ceo of DIEBOLD is on record promising bush ohio???? diebold built the electronic voteing macheines, huh!!! so yes john tatior is most likely for real! like he says " the signs are all around us...... " as for gay marriage , im gay and i know alot of other gay people and none of us or for that matter any one ive talked to wants to get married, yes we want leagal rights ,as would any domestic partner... i mean they don't have a problem collecting our tax dollars , thats taxation without reprentation, so yes if hes right , and i belive he is .... it may be what it will take to wake this county up... because if it keeps going this way then you will truley have a reason to feel fear.....if you just pay attition you will see this the same thing that happened in germany just before hitler had his rath.....
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Hi, I'm also a newbie. Trism, the RNC incidents have been mentioned on Anomalies, within one of the larger threads, though I honestly can't remember which thread it was exactly...

As for the UN/NWO issue, I believe the UN has some agenda of its own that it is trying to pursue. I don't believe the UN is attempting to take over and became a supreme government of the planet, but I do believe they promote a certain ideology.

I also believe that the NWO relates more to large corporations. But oil is a shaky foundation for a global corporate empire, since it will decrease in amount greatly over the next few decades, and will continue to decrease. Oil will eventually be replaced with a more stable source of energy. A corporation, an NWO, needs something that can survive for decades, maybe even centuries.

It seems like no matter when you go noadays, people are completely certain of a great war or destruction that lies ahead. Titor was capitalizaing on these feelings and encouraging them. A clash of civilizations is building up. I don't believe it will go the way Titor said it will go, but it should be close-- humans are their own worst enemy.
Are We On the Path to Civil War?

Welcome to the plantation, Mai, Artsouth and Trism. We'd love to read your introductions in the introductions thread, if you feel like writing something! ;)

Anyway, Mai,
people are completely certain of a great war or destruction that lies ahead. Titor was capitalizaing on these feelings and encouraging them.
Remember that Titor posted on Oct-Nov 2000, just before Bush election. 4 years ago nobody had that feeling of an apocalypse coming and so on. No 911 yet, no wars, nothing. Titor "prophecies" seemed simply odd, at the end of year 2000.
