Are you a Prepper?

LOL. I appologize. I should have explained better. What i bought was an item from my previous post. What i purchased was a big dipper from the website i listed a bit ago. I had used the smaller ones and was very impressed so i purchased that one. It condenses air and turns it into water. Its a very neat thing to have, at least the small one i had was. Lets see how the big one does.
I wonder.. are you talking that you are burying water tanks and having the droughtmaster devices feed into them? Because that is ingenius!
If this one works like the other one i will buy 4 in total. At least for now. I will need for drinking, cooking, farming and best of all selling. Ive set up a small system useing sump pumps and a few other things. Unfortunately i havent worked out all the issues. Im interested in that generator but i wont inquire about it until i get my lump sum from my disability. As i have stated and will keep stateing we cant do anything without water. As can be seen with the mississippi river going dry and stranding ships water will be a hot comodity. Im prepping for all disasters. Emp, solar flares, failure of power grid, drought, earthquakes and even zombie appocalypse. Lol. I was gathering information and still am to make a book for my family members. Ive gathered all types of info from survival manuals, farming and planting, how to go without important things, medicines and birth(just in case), a bunch more. I see our society has evolved to where we have become lazy. We want everything here and now. One important thing is knowledge. Books with that will become gold i think. Im going on again. Before i go that machine that does the same but makes ice is interesting too. I may want one for hot days.
I'd really like to hear more about this system you have setup. Especially now that you're saying you've included sump pumps.

As a slight aside.. I've been contemplating an idea lately. I've been reading more and more on how small home hydro turbines are better producers than solar or wind. So I'm wondering if you could somehow setup something where you'd use the droughtmaster devices to produce water, then have it go down some sort of piping system wherein it'd hit the turbine, and then the output would go into your underground water tanks? Then you'd be producing water and electricity!
I dont share too many ideas or projects because im a learner. As i do i learn. Some of my projects have been a success like the solar oven i built useing mirrors. Others i wont talk about for fear of too much ridicule. lol. Ive set up my sump pump system in hopes of pumping water from my small reservoirs so that i can still shower and have running water as well as move water from place to place without having to lift it by hand. This is not as simple as one would think it to be but im positive i can get it up and running. Power will be a major issue. Ive built my own kit for wind but have purchased a few others to expand into solar power but have been too busy with other things to jump into that. Your idea of useing the water to power a turbine and have both is excellent. I have to admit ive thought about it but useing an active river or something. You may be on to something there. My friend told me that theres a self powering generator that produces as much as a 4000 watts. I will look into that and im fighting the urge to call droughtmasters about their generator as well. One thing i was looking into at the request of my friend was pot bellied pigs. It may be a bit out of place but im thinking of getting one and keeping it on the land so no one gets attached to it. I want to be able to supply food all year round for my family and my group. I may seem crazy but if i ever need to use my items i will be ready, or at least as ready as i can be.
I was thinking about getting guinea pigs for a food source. They reproduce fast could be fed vegetable scraps and doesn't take a lot of land. They are eaten in Peru i think. I have space issues so I have to adapt.
Rare opening of world’s ‘Doomsday Vault’ - Video on
Seeds are stored in a place called the "Doomsday Vault", located in Norway. Watching this vid will give you proof that the governments of the world are preppers. What is coming down the pike that makes the governments feel that they should store seeds? They are preppers for sure and must think something is going to happen!

Yes! The government has secret underground facilities stocked with supplies, hidden all around the USA. God even speaks of it in Bible Prophecy when He says evil people will hide in their "caves" to escape the Great Tribulation (paraphrasing).
There are several good Youtube videos on faraday cages. The one somebody posted with the garbage can was decent. But I found a few where people were testing different frequencies using nothing but aluminum foil to wrap around their devices. With the foil, you can still hold it up to your ear and hear if it's ringing or not. They tested a cell phone and a walkie talkie in the vid I saw.
