Bajak Flux Capacitor


Hi Rex it's Frog I just wanted to tell you I started a conversation between you and me please read it and sorry I have been busy too thanks for your reply back to me what does the flux capacitor does it warp time and space and can you time travel with it into the past or future? have you ever experienced time travel if you built devices or machines? I have heard that bajak who invented the flux capacitor went to a mental hospital because it screwed with his emotional and physical state also it said that his tv laughed at him and told him that it would stop time completely and had other experiences as well I don't know if it was real or fake did you need a schematic or anything you need to look up bajak flux capacitor on search and you will find the results google is better than yahoo well well I have to leave now I will talk with you later on!

Orpheus Rex

I have experienced what felt like temporal distortion once when my life was in immediate danger. Time slowed down and let me dodge hundreds of wood splinters and a log that was shattering aimed at my head. It probably still ended up passing less than a centimeter from my face as I turn to watch it fly by me. It would have killed me.

The mind perceives time and is capable of altering the perception of time and therefore capable of distorting time for the individual. As far as I know, it most commonly associated with dangerous and potentially traumatic situations and only for a portion of the population. As such, I would warn about experimenting such things, but actively encourage it... because what's life without some risk?

I do not know enough about the device in order to properly explain what it's potential is. I do know that it probably emits electromagnetic frequencies. The brain can be physically affected by electromagnetic frequency... and has been exploited to give sight to the blind among other things. Is it possible that the device can stimulate time distortion? yes.


Time Travel Professor
An email was posted to a group of people on December 29th by one of the hotmail people claiming to be time travellers. A copy was not sent to me at that time, but a friend forwarded a copy. The method and comments follow the original suspicions.

Now it's time for all 'Time Travellers'

to FISH or CUT BAIT. Open Challenge to ANY 'Time Travellers' - 01/13/98

This challenge is a result of claims from what purports to be more than one person, though it is being extended to ANY one person or group who claim to be able to actually travel in time, whether physical or mental. The claim from TVC is there are several time travellers, all using aliases that are non-traceable addresses. The person claiming to be in direct contact with these TVC time travellers purports to be a Jesse Stewart (the name given, not known to be factual). If ANYONE can TRULY traverse time at will, whether MENTALLY or PHYSICALLY, they have an opportunity to prove their CLAIMS to a section of the InterNet community who most appreciate honesty in claims and actions. Initial Proposed Test

  • Travel forward in time at least two full 24 hour days.
  • Acquire a future newspaper (not magazine) or watch a TV newscast and either cut out the news item or copy the details on a notepad.
  • Bring back that detailed and dated information.
  • Have that information notarized, provide the source of the information (who, what, when, where of TV broadcast or newspaper name)
  • Photocopy the proof and mail copies to a list of preselected, absolutely trustworthy, public individuals.
  • Mail the sealed copies parcel post (the slowest) the day before the event is to happen.
In my personal experience, many free energy claimants refuse to back up their claims, using some of the following reasons;

  • the technology is still under development
  • fear of suppression by governments or vested interests
  • fear of loss of the invention to investors or rivals
  • unwillingness to trust others to replicate and verify
  • unwillingness to trust others in business dealings
  • something broke or went out of calibration/balance
  • I/we don't HAVE to prove anything to YOU or ANYONE else
    (but we can still make all the claims we want because people will JUST believe us and take our word for it)
Note: it is one thing to post theories, concepts or speculation, but outright CLAIMS of RESULTS require proof on the part of the claimant Time Travellers, here is your chance to PROVE your claims. Perhaps you have a better test? Please let's post it and give the time travellers some options to choose from. What's in it for you, the time traveller? What could we possibly offer someone who could PREDICT THE FUTURE. You and anyone reading this is invited to post ideas - some kind of reward other than just being honest (since that's what makes the world go around 'in our time')? If you have any suggestions for further proofs of actual time travel, please email your time travel claim test ideas so we can publicly post them. Let's get them to either fish or let them continue to cut bait to feed the gullible.

Why Time Vector Chronicles are no
longer posted at Keelynet - 12/31/97

Recently, I chose to remove the Time Vector Chronicles from KeelyNet as detailed in the following emails. I have had two emails asking what happened to them (one being the next day and probably a troll). So, I decided to just post the emails (sans addresses). The following email was sent after I read the time travel 'Technical Overview #2'.

Disappointment with Aliens in a Time Tech document

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 04:39:02 -0800
From: Jerry
Organization: KeelyNet
To: Joe Stewart
Subject: Re: Second Copy - 'Technical Overview #2" Time Vector Field Ch Hi Joe! Well, read through the #2 is very disappointing. I won't post it on KeelyNet unless the comments about aliens/grays and all that mess is removed. The recent post about the Secret Commonwealth is about the closest we've come to anything remotely alien, but it speaks of native, non-human races that have a near mythic history. Time travel is one thing, the rest sounds like filler that I just want no part of. You can edit out the alien material or I can do it and send to you for review. That kind of material is just too ridiculous to post in a file that is supposed to be about the technology of time travel. Sorry, I'd just rather not post it here if it continues to degrade to alien descriptions. Happy Holidays!

Time Tech 2 Going Elsewhere

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 97 09:06:28 -0500
From: Joe Stewart
To: Jerry Decker
Subject: Re[2]: Second Copy - 'Technical Overview #2" Time Vector Fi Jerry, Thanks for telling me how you feel. Sorry if you don't like the material, but this is the information that was given to me and it has been read several times by the time travelers. To post just a portion of the material would make the interview incomplete and would be very dissapointing to them. We'll post 'Technical Overview #2" elsewhere. Thanks for your previous support. Best to you and keelynet Joe (Jesse) Stewart

Removal of all TVC files

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 09:55:45 -0800
From: Jerry
Organization: KeelyNet
To: Joe Stewart
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Second Copy - 'Technical Overview #2" Time Vector Fi Hi Joe! I'll remove the other time travel files also since the truth has now come out...thanks and Happy Holidays!

Next Day Query about TVC files
My concerns about Anomalies

Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:49:09 -0800
From: Jerry
Organization: KeelyNet
Subject: Re: time travel Hi! This is probably a troll but I have no problem relating what happened and why. I chose to remove the 'TVC' files related to that particular story because of the most recent post, claimed to be 'tech' yet, was fully 1/2 about grays, aliens, changelings, Philadelphia Experiment, scalars and associated garbage. Some of which looked to have been 'lifted' from other sources. Keelynet does not 'do' aliens, grays and such pap. I asked Joe to please edit this material to keep it on topic (time travel technology) and he replied saying they would find another place to post it. When I was first approached about this particular storyline, I was quite skeptical....partly because Joe admitted he wanted to 'practice his writing skills', partly because he said he would use these 'interviews' to 'hone his skills'.... It was like pulling teeth to get a technical document which is after all, what KeelyNet tries to focus on. The earlier documents had many suspicious comments that had nothing to do with the storyline (but I posted them anyway) yet this one was so far out of bounds that I could not post it here. Just so. Hoaxers abound on the InterNet and I do hate games. We have a specific purpose for being here and putting up with all the hassles from people trying to promote their own agendas (especially aliens, UFOs, patriot and conspiracy material). They try to do this by using a target audience such as KeelyNet has acquired over many years by being as straightforward as possible. In truth, I don't think any of this particular time travel storyline was real. Too much mystery, too much additional non-related information, too much 'artistic license', no concept of what technical details means. It took me from January to about July to decide to go ahead and give them a shot. I don't particularly care about time travel information as KeelyNet concerns are stated quite clearly; gravity control, overunity and alternative health. There are some bridge subjects that are difficult to ignore and time (being related to gravity) is necessarily one of them. There will be others who will be more open and truthful, we shall wait....seeya!

Inconsistencies & Caveats

From : Anonymous (requested) Subject: another one bites the dust
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 21:16:56 -0800
Hi Jerry! Thanks for your detailed message concerning my question as to what happened to the "Time Vector Field Chronicles". I started having doubts about "Jesse Stewart" for the following reasons:

  • 1 - In his original story, he claims his "temponaut" friends experimented with Bajak's Flux Capacitor and all they got was an ear-piercing shrill coming out of the piezo speaker (this, in itself, is bullshit because this "flux capacitor" uses D.C.).
  • 2 - Some time afterward, I received an e-mail from him asking for people to make their own "flux capacitor" circuitry, test it, then e-mail him with the results (why the hell would his friends want others to test it when they already had?).
  • 3 - I replied, with an e-mail to him, that John Bajak had untreated schizophrenia during the time he had his so-called temporal displacement. I sent this to him after receiving his e-mail mentioned in item #2.
  • 4 - I received a SECOND e-mail similar to the first one mentioned in item #2. Shit, this guy doesnt give up does he?!
Well, at least his stories were imaginative and entertaining. P.S. You should really create a "Beware of Joe/Jesse Stewart" .htm file so other "weird science" webmasters/enthusiasts don't get sucked into this crap. The thing that bothered me the most is that ALL the e-mail addresses (stewarts, "sir thomas", pete savage, and "the colonel" are from hotmail-like they are hiding their true I.S.P. web/e-mail addresses). da da, dumb, dumb, dumb, another bites the dust!

So, ladies and gentlemen, CHECK YOUR SOURCES...If they can't or won't give you additional contact information or you cannot get outside verification, your chain is probably being pulled. Don't do what I did recently by posting a fake death that some jerk dreamed up to get back at an F/E experimenter. Trust is no longer something you can automatically extend to people as a basic courtesy. You are setting yourself up to be screwed.

opmmur, posted: Jun 8, 2012 on paranomalis


Time Travel Professor
I am not convinced that the John Bajak device has ever really worked. In theory there is a very remote possibility with all odds against it working. If you were able to open a door to a parallel universe, then, how would you close the door with the John Bajak device?


Hi opmmur and others it's frog I will try my best to answer your question here goes I talk to spirits and ghosts on a spirit box most of the time and they answer my questions and ask them to do something for me as a favor even though they can't do everything at once so other dimensions and parallel universes exist everywhere in order to close a portal or something like that you must have research and knowledge in order to close that portal I haven't bought the device just yet but I will be doing experiments and maybe post my results on this forum once I buy it even though I am more of a magick person I believe nature and magick are the same physics is the same as science some say it produces a loud noise or sound but it could even produce time distortion and that is what I appreciate also it oscillates between the past and future if that is true so why am I buying it because I want a project to keep me busy and let others know that it is real and not fake or a hoax one last thing I hope also to travel into the past or future or both with the device so if I travel into a parallel universe or dimension then I will tell others that it works only on the forum unless this forum doesn't exist in the future that would suck big time if it produced a portal that's even better because you could walk into another dimension or universe as long as your protected nothing can harm you so be prepared before going through because you could travel anywhere or anywhen and wouldn't know what to do in general and in private in that dimension or universe the only place I don't want to go is hades or hell it would be a terrible place to see and hear but heaven and other places would be great also I can't touch anything in the past and future because of the present if you screw up then when you return it will be a much different timeline or place just imagine this you go back in time and talk with your youngerself and tell him everything he would believe you or not at all but that would disrupt your present when you get back but I have heard that if your in a parallel universe or timeline you can do anything you want because it isn't your real earth but a mirror one one last thing aliens already have this technology they have time travel and teleportation skills or abilities they can disappear and reappear with there ufos and themselves as well the grays are evil race they don't care about the human race they want resources from our planet all alien races are not all evil just confused most of the time here is the truth our technology is from aliens and our dna is half human and half alien sorry for the long essay but this how I wrote in the forum as for wormholes and blackholes that is from alien technology too and not from scientific or physics sources scientists and physicsts would disagree with me but that is the true and real way the philadelphia experiment that happened is real because aliens and ufos appeared out of a portal or wormhole when the elderidge was about to disappear from the bay when it disappeared the ufos flew out of the portal they never landed just hovered or flew away from the portal, the portal was never closed and to this day no one knew about the whole situation then Crowley saw an time portal or egg shaped portal even saw an alien named Lam he wasn't crazy about the whole situation he was lucky to see and hear from Lam but Lam wasn't vocal but more mental in talking with Crowley and told him a lot of information about his race and so on this is all I am going to talk about to you and others on this forum!


Time Travel Professor
A great post Frog186, I believe much of the posting, but not 100% of it as it was stated.


Hi Aryeandris it's me once again I have asked them a lot of questions like could you do me a favor could you prevent world war 3 to not happen and they said yes, are you energy and they said yes, and asked where are you from some say heaven or afterlife and some are not from those places, asked do the gods exist I heard yes of course asked does science and technology in heaven and they said yes I will tell you more if you have a conversation with me or when you have some sparetime well got to go now I will talk with you later on!
