Battle La


I think we already talked a bit about this movie in the forum but I figured it deserves a topic of its own.

I watched Battle LA last month, it rocked big time. It was no master piece but the action was great and never stopped. I was sitting on the edge of my seat during the whole movie. I'm probably going to watch it again to catch every detail.

It seems a lot of people didn't like this movie as much as I did, from what I've read on the Internet.

Did some of you enjoy this movie?


Active Member
I thought it was ok. More plot was needed though. Im almost certain this movie was shown in U.S barracks across the world for morale boost. A sequel could do to finish up the story, but judging on how Hollywood rates them based on ticket sales, I don't see one happening.


I'll let ya know in a couple days just picked it up from the rental and will watch soon been waiting for quite some time to see it cause well I just don't do the theater thing any more to many assholes for me to enjoy a movie there


Active Member
I never go to the theater anymore. Too many loud ass people with their smartphones who can't be quiet for 1 to 2 hours....too many little crumb-snatchers rattling popcorn and candy wrappers hyped up on sugar and caffeine to even sit still. I know i'm starting to sound like an old man here, but the movie experience is not what it used to be.


Senior Member

I had wasted $20.00 + another &25.00 on popcorn & Soda on this movie at a theatre, I would have been real pissed off.
The movie sucked. Period.
The special affects sucked.
The acting sucked.
Hearing that lady's shout echo just like it would being in a studio in front of a green screen, instead of drifting down on a parachute like she was supposed to be doing, was totally a sign the fools that cobbled that movie together need remedial training in film making.

It's not a total loss.

The amateur studio that FUBARed that film to completion can sell it to universities to show in their film making courses covering an A to Z of How Not To Make A Movie.


well I just got done watching it for my self. and it was a good time, there were many times in the story it reminded me of independance day . and there were several lines that struck a chord in my heart like (retreat hell) and the emplide message of the we all go or none of us go when they left the chopper to recon the B.O.O. comd. for the aliens. the rest of the squad fallowing there leader was epic john wayne stuff.
I give it a 7 out of 10 you should most deff. watch it:)


that just goes to show how diffrent people realy are cause when i watched district 9 I thought it was just stupid and got mad that I had paid to rent it. I recognized the plot from an old twilight zone show and that made it even worse for me to watch


Senior Member
that just goes to show how diffrent people realy are cause when i watched district 9 I thought it was just stupid and got mad that I had paid to rent it. I recognized the plot from an old twilight zone show and that made it even worse for me to watch
Which Twilight Zone episode? I've watched every one they have available on Netflix streaming and can't remember that one :( I keep thinking of the one where they crash land on an asteroid and kill each other off for the resources... But it's really Earth all along. I doubt that's it though.
