Be Free: Say No To Negative Predictions

Max X

Junior Member
Who wrote those bibles prophecies and why some people blindly accept them as facts?

Nobody knows yet some accept those teachings without questioning their authenticity and sources, to the point of calling that “the word of God” but the truth is the Roman Empire, the catholic church vatican and their bishops and many others had been adding and taking from that book to suit their money and power hungry agendas.

Are we to accept prophecies because they are apparently “official”? We have all seen examples of religious predictions that are either fabricated by those who have a monetary interest in a certain outcome, or stem from sheer spiritual ignorance, or both.

The point is that the so-called bible is a collection from several authors and possible bad translators who along the centuries fabricated some of those stories suitable to their own agendas to gain power over others and to bind the masses. Apparently the bad boys have somewhat succeeded, but not for long say the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation of Light.

They say that Apollonius of Tyana was the original miracle worker and that Rome used a fake name, Jesus Christ, instead and the biographies of Apollonius were finally destroyed by burning the Alexandria library to the ground in 79 AD. Yet some biographies of Apollonius still exist.

Believing that anything negative will take place in the future is an avoidable negative mental suggestion that you don’t have to swallow because you make your own reality and therefore your whole future is in your mind and in your hands. By believing that any evil is going to happen is to deny yourself the opportunity to create a positive probable future; so dreadful predictions have no authority and there is no need for them.

The fact is that harmony was present in the past, in our present and in the future and in that regard, if it is not good was not created; ordered or said then it never happened so nobody has to accept it or live negativity.

So predicting floods, winds, fires, or death is malicious business fabricating probable futures which could, and have been, avoided under the understanding that there is no space for evil or destructive outcomes in the minds and lives of those who think positive and expect only the best.


WOW Max X it is good to hear from you:)... thats very interesting,, you have come very close to the words of an old Hopi Indian chief''s warning about the ways of the white man, and his lust for power, control of others,, and how they destroy the earth.. refuseing to live in harmoney with nature... cool bet you didn't know that did ya???

Max X

Junior Member
found the tribal elder who spoke of the come and go of the usa and why
while I don't much care for the youtube this was one I did like

Hello Wildman,

Very well said and thanks for the video, and I am well aware of the lifestyle and thoughts of some Native American tribes. The shallow materialism and christianity (small c on purpose) brought from Europe to America after Columbus almost exterminated the goodness of the natives who were very wise and understood the need to live in harmony with nature.

On the other hand the superficiality, lack of understanding and fear of nature of the invaders is now wiping out that very materialistic money hungry life style they brought here.

As the Chief in that video says, we are going through a transformation, a restoration and the money-oriented behavior is coming to an end, that shallow conduct of the Europeans actually has dug its own grave.

Are those subtitles German?


can't argue with that either.. I find it very curious that almost all of the native tribes of the Americas have a spoken history that is almost exactly the same story.. passed down from father to son. how much have you heard of this beeing the fourth age of man and soon to become the fifth.. as the hopi elders have spoke of it alot ,as well as my grandpas tribe the Cherokee.. I realy feel that as you said we are standing at the door of tomarrow and very few have any clue just what is at stake in the next few years.. those of us who feed the rite wolf will see a new day and age of piece such as never has been on this land since the begining.. it sadens me to see the mind set of todays young ones.. no one has told them the truth of life.. or where to find piece for there spirit.. it is plain to tell this by the way they chase after the flashy lites and loud noise of the citys and all the deadly pleasures they find it them.. sorry for the rant there,,
anyways two of the storys I grew up with that old grandpa told me are here hope you like them as they shaped my life in so many ways there is the Cherokee story of the future
my grandpa use to tell me all the time..
anything worth haveing you can't buy at no damn store..
at 10 years old it made no sence, but now it makes perfect sence....
I don't know what language the subs. are either they may be an english version the the hopi tounge I realy couldn't tell

Chip Lewis

It is extremely foolish to write off any ancient manuscripts! Regardless of your personal malformed interpretations. I say take another look and realize that no mortal man has been alive long enough to understand 10% of what they hold. To accept anything short of this is just arrogant shenanigans.


agreed the manuscripts are true,,, the people are wrong to use them for there own perpose,, to control others,, and gain power.. the truth is there for all not just a few...

Max X

Junior Member
It is extremely foolish to write off any ancient manuscripts! Regardless of your personal malformed interpretations. I say take another look and realize that no mortal man has been alive long enough to understand 10% of what they hold. To accept anything short of this is just arrogant shenanigans.

The so called manuscripts or bible origins are totally unknown so it is completely childish to blindly bend your knee to some supposed teachings, ancients or not, just because an institution of malicious and/or ignorant groups of peoples want to convince you those manuscripts are sacred, and that you must believe, accept as such and so obey those who fabricated and publish them.

One of the most powerful instruments of control is the Divide and Conquer trap handled along millennia by those tyrants who want to set people against each other.

The evidence along centuries demonstrates mankind has been and is controlled, manipulated and abused by religious and political organizations; not to mention large/evil corporations – the Vatican, the tyrants of DC, and there is no doubt those so-called holy manuscripts have been a powerful and effective instrument not only to divide and conquer, but to maintain the masses in blind obedience and submissive to those so-called powers.

The evidence –

Their manipulations are viciously planned to deceive the masses into conflict so along millennia thousands of people have been abused, slandered, persecuted, jailed, mutilated, assassinated, murdered by religious-political tyrants based on some teachings contained in bibles.

1. The Crusades attacks on the Arabs; 2. The Inquisition; 3. The uninterrupted hate and war between Arabs and Jews; 4. The division among countries, families and neighbors. For instance the Jews have been made to believe they are the chosen race, and that the Arabs, and the Egyptians are not, all through tall tales deliberately twisted to generate conflict among them.

In addition there is now historical evidence the ancient race of peoples from the area now known as Israel never went down to live in Egypt at all (See David Icke's book: The Lions Sleeps no More)

How many of those weird and/or childish bible stories are actually fabricated? “All of them are” says Acharia S.

Chip Lewis

The so called manuscripts or bible origins are totally unknown so it is completely childish to blindly bend your knee to some supposed teachings, ancients or not, just because an institution or malicious and/or ignorant groups of peoples want to convince you those manuscripts are sacred, and that you must believe, accept as such and so obey those who fabricated and publish them.

One of the most powerful instruments of control is the Divide and Conquer trap handled along millennia by those tyrants who want to set people against each other.

The evidence along centuries demonstrates mankind has been and is controlled, manipulated and abused by religious and political organizations; not to mention large/evil corporations – the Vatican, the tyrants of DC, and there is no doubt those so-called holy manuscripts have been a powerful and effective instrument not only to divide and conquer, but to maintain the masses in blind obedience and submissive to those so-called powers.

The evidence –

Their manipulations are viciously planned to deceive the masses into conflict so along millennia thousands of people have been abused, slandered, persecuted, jailed, mutilated, assassinated, murdered by religious-political tyrants based on some teachings contained in bibles.

1. The Crusades attacks on the Arabs; 2. The Inquisition; 3. The uninterrupted hate and war between Arabs and Jews; 4. The division among countries, families and neighbors. For instance the Jews have been made to believe they are the chosen race, and that the Arabs, and the Egyptians are not, all through tall tales deliberately twisted to generate conflict among them.

In addition there is now historical evidence the ancient race of peoples from the area now known as Israel never went down to live in Egypt at all (See David Icke's book: The Lions Sleeps no More)

How many of those weird and/or childish bible stories are actually fabricated? “All of them are” says Acharia S.

1.) The Earth is round, not flat as once believed (Isaiah 40:22).

2.) The Jewish people would be scattered worldwide; yet Israel would become a nation again-ref Isa 66:8; Mic 5:

3.) Israel shall be brought forth in one day, at once-ref Isa 66:8. Prophecy fulfilled;May 14, 1948

4.) The rebirth of Israel would happen after many days. It would occur a long time in the future after the prophecy was made and at the time the bible calls the latter days; Ezek 38:8

5.) Israel would be brought forth (or reborn) “out of the nations.”-Ezek 38:8. Prophecy fulfilled-May 14, 1948

6.) Israel must regain the city of Jerusalem-Joel 2:32; Isa 28:14; Ezek 22:19. This happened just as predicted in 1967

7.) There would be weapons that could destroy the world-Mk 13:20; Rev 6:8; Rev 9:18; Zech 14:8,12. This prophecy is true

8.) There would be an increase in earthquakes-Mt 24:2,3,7; Mk 13:8; Lk 21:11. This prophecy is correct

9.) The Gospel must be published in all the world-Mk 13:10. This prophecy is exact

10.) In the latter days when Israel was once again a nation, there would be a great military power to the extreme north of Israel in the land of Magog (which is modern-day Russia)-Ezek 38:2-4,8,15,16. Incredible

11.) There would be a nation to the far east of Israel, to the end of the earth. This nation would have an army of 200 million. This is from the book of Revelation.

12.) Atmospheric circulation (Ecclesiastes 1:6).

13.) Field of Gravity (Job 26:7).

14.) Biological importance of blood to life (Leviticus 17:11).

Shall I continue?

Whether "Ancient Aliens" controlled them, they had ESP, or the ancients authors owned their own "GE C204 Time Displacement unit"...they could see some interesting future events. I know they'll be resistance from other members as well. But, the manuscripts have information in them that has assisted humanity more than most know. Everything has an "up side" and a"down side" and can be used for "good" and "evil".

Surely in the future they have found more evidence than we have even now.


I think what we are talking about here comes down to the only comandments that our LORD JESUS gave us
1=love the LORD with all that you are
2=love your brother as you love your self
on these two rest all of the comandments,, and if you can do these you will fulfil all the others,, thus life will be good ....however the church has dismessed these almost completely... by the actions of its recorded history.. sadly the most inportant is kicked to the curb in favor of trying to stomp out the beliefs of others.....we were told to overcome evil with good,,not to chop of the heads of those who don't believe as we do...
