Can a time traveller help me?


I've been trying to time travel for a while now but it simply doesn't work. I have breathing difficulties so it makes it difficult for me to meditate. I'm also very depressed so I really just can't do it when I'm like this. My whole body is in pain :( ..Can someone please time travel for me and prevent me from committing the biggest mistake in my life, I went to a doctor and instead of helping me he damaged my health.. Someone please warn me from going to this doctor. I just can't live like this anymore. I can't please help me!!

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
From what I can tell, you are very strong willed woman. Regardless of having the keys thrown across the room, or hidden. you still would of made it to the doctor that morning.
Now however is not the time to look back but forward. Use that ability to strive through turmoil you have. And put it towards each moment instead of the whole. Break it into small chunks, and solve each individually.
You have inside you the drive to push, even if you don't see it.


Actually there were so many warning signs before the surgery. But I just couldn't see them. :(
Are you like a psychic? You seem to be very clairvoyant. Is it ok if I send you a PM?

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Dear lord no.. not psychic in any sense. Just someone who has felt what it's like to hit rock bottom. I've felt the darkness an crawled an inch at a time out of it. If you need someone to msg, I'd be honored.


Dear lord no.. not psychic in any sense. Just someone who has felt what it's like to hit rock bottom. I've felt the darkness an crawled an inch at a time out of it. If you need someone to msg, I'd be honored.

Yeah I've hit rock bottom really hard. :( .. Thanks for your comments anyway.. Maybe I should accept what's happened and move on.. Right now that seems to be impossible though :/


Still waiting for a mitacle to happen.. Dear time travellers even if you have to break my legs, please prevent me from going to thay butcher doctor.

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Not surprised at all. That's how it feels, well actually it feels a thousand times worse than that. Like being on fire but drowning at the same time. Senses heightened to the point you want to hide in a cave to avoid all human contact. Yet being alone can be worse because then you are left by yourself. Many people would tell you it's just you being silly, or over reacting, but those who have been there.. we know it is the beginning of something amazing. Think of it as the cocoon stage of a butterflies life.


Not surprised at all. That's how it feels, well actually it feels a thousand times worse than that. Like being on fire but drowning at the same time. Senses heightened to the point you want to hide in a cave to avoid all human contact. Yet being alone can be worse because then you are left by yourself. Many people would tell you it's just you being silly, or over reacting, but those who have been there.. we know it is the beginning of something amazing. Think of it as the cocoon stage of a butterflies life.

It's especially difficult for me to deal with this because it has left me with health issues and deformities :(. But I will try to pick myself together.

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Don't think of it like that, break it down smaller.. think like say you wanted to have a coffee? Make that your goal

"I'm going to make myself a coffee. Focus on making yourself a coffe, do everything you possibly can to make yourself a coffee. Rest if you need to rest, doesn't even matter if you take a little nap before you make a coffee. You could even buy a coffee instead, as long as you get a coffee. Just make sure once you get that coffee in your hands.. you remind yourself that getting that coffee seemed difficult, hell it might have been.. say to yourself, good job you for making a coffee!"
By breaking it down into tiny things, things you would of had no issue doing before, things you can do. It turns it from "I can't do anything" into "I can do a couple things, go me!" That's your goal now. Focus on the little things.
