Can The 99% And "occupy" Movements Escalate Into A Jt Style Civil War?


Senior Member
It is all coming to pass. The civil war has been brewing for many years. Senators still keep talking about a recovery. Most people are waking up. Hey, things will get ugly - needless to say. Debunkers will claim that everything is fine and I am crazy.

Please remember than in 2005 I told people to get ready for what was coming. I predicted bankruptcy for many companies. Also that social unrest would escalate into a civil war. John Titor gave us the warning. However, he also said that in the future most people die of starvation - not radiation, and he hinted with get a bicycle at a coming shortage in gas.

My prediction of Borders closing came true this year. Expect more predictions to come true next year.



Senior Member
Well, I tremember the sixties.

This is a bunch of children whining for toys compared to that.

We didn't get a civil war then.

BTW, once the US finally does break apart (and it will happen, it's happened to every other country that ever existed,) will the ensuing war be claimed as "Titoresque?"

I mean, can't we have a civil war without claiming some faker "predicted" it?



Senior Member
2012 dude....

You want a real limitus test for titor? Iraq war ? hit. 2004 Olympics? miss. Mad cow? the Jury is out (This requires medical knowledge and Alzheimer increase rates should be jury remains out) Civil war on doorsteps by 2011? miss. Loss of civil rights total and in full? Hit.

Yada yada... John Titor was not a predictor... you should not see him as such. All he ever did even according to his own story , was recount his past. Thats it... He was not like ren or other impersonators. He did not say this will happen and that will happen no... in fact John titor went to great lengths to stress that his worldline was different from what our world line.... Some things might (MIGHT) turn out the same others might not and some stuff is just totally unavoidable. Neither he nor us have any control over it.

2012 (dec21) is the limitus test....


Senior Member
"The employment rate of black men in the United States fell precipitously from 89.6 percent in 1960 to 76.1 percent in 2000… The decline in labor market participation among black men was accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of black men in correctional institutions. As recently as 1980, only 0.8 percent of black men … were incarcerated. By 2000, 9.6 percent of black men … were incarcerated."

In 1969 unemployment was 1969 - 3.6, but in 2009 it went over 9% and there was a promise of a recovery. Well, that was an empty promise. People are tired of waiting for jobs that will never come. I predict a coming crime wave. Debunkers will say - you get all your prediction from cnn... everything is fine and you are a nut case.
"The employment rate of black men in the United States fell precipitously from 89.6 percent in 1960 to 76.1 percent in 2000… The decline in labor market participation among black men was accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of black men in correctional institutions. As recently as 1980, only 0.8 percent of black men … were incarcerated. By 2000, 9.6 percent of black men … were incarcerated."

In 1969 unemployment was 1969 - 3.6, but in 2009 it went over 9% and there was a promise of a recovery. Well, that was an empty promise. People are tired of waiting for jobs that will never come. I predict a coming crime wave. Debunkers will say - you get all your prediction from cnn... everything is fine and you are a nut case.

Speaking of the black unemployment rate; have you all noticed the increase in flash mobs that are done mostly by blacks? I believe we will see more flash robberies soon maybe even flash riots. In a way the OWS movements were flash protests.


Conspiracy Cafe
Is that because most flash mobs are run by black people, or because the snooze only reports on flash mobs with black people in them? Question of perception in the media really.

Using the words 'by blacks' is offensive by the way. Say black people, or black Americans, even black youths, not blacks or the blacks. Heaven forbid what language you'll use when the Martians land as I am not sure the Martian Ambassador will take kindly to you referring to his people as 'the greens'.

Are Japanese people 'the yellows' to you?


Junior Member
Short answer: NO

Longer Answer: Civil wars don't JUST happen. Gesalts form. Group A forms more loyalty to its members then it does to members of group b. This is necessary to form the ties of violence necessary to start a civil war. Also you have to view the system as being so broken violence is the only answer


OCCUPY WALL STREET MOVEMENT is still going strong across America!

There's too much information for me to post in a Comment, so I'm posting a link. CLICK on the Headline below for Articles, Videos, and Updates for February 4, 2012!

In Spite of Elections and "Camping Bans," Revolutionary Wave Grows

I read the article and some of the comments. Scary stuff here.
They do miss a major point on the housing market crash.
They are blaming the banks, when it was the Government that required they give loans to people who were not capable of making the payments. They did not want to take on these required bad debts, but had to. Trying to recover from this probable default, they bundled them and sold to investors. (Not good, but hey, whatcha gonna do?) The Government created the problem. Whenever the Government gets involved, waste, mismanagement and corruption follows. They (OWS) should be marching on the White House or Congress.

Now, as for this developing into a "civil" war. I do not see two armies of the Left & Right engaging in military maneuvers. However, it could develop into a type of underground resistance, similar to back in the 60's. I do think they would be capable of doing some serious sabotage around the country. At this point, we can only wait and see.
