Debunking Can't see them but their on my feet...


New Member
Hi, I need help understanding what is going on. Every night for 3 months when I'm in bed these little furry critters get on my feet. They (one on each foot) feel like the size of a small cat and are furry with teeth and claws. They never hurt me but pull on my socks and move around my feet. They can pull straight up in the air. In other words their feet don't have to be on something for them to pull. They don't have warmth, but do have weight. Very light weight. I can feel them if they walk on the bed to get on my feet. It doesn't matter if my feet are under the covers or not. When I spend the night in my tree house about 60 yds. away they are there. There seems to be more than just the 2 on my feet. I think my dog can see them because he watches something and his eyes are darting from one place to another. Never barks. Next to my bed is a brass candle holder hanging from a string and is about 14 inches from the floor. When the dog is watching the candle holder will sway as if something is pushing it. About 1/4 of an inch in one direction and then sways the other direction. They are becoming more friendly each night. Now while at my computer at night they have been on my feet and past my ankle. I have taken pictures and nothing is there that I can see. I have lived on this property for about 20 years and I have seen several things that I would describe as from another dimension but never had them touch me. I have not tried to make them go away but I don't want them if they are evil. Can anyone help me understand what's going on or had this kind of thing happen to them? Thank you for your time.


Ghost rats or ghost cats? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. Are you sound asleep when it happens?


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I've never heard of anything like this...What Paula said, maybe ghost cats just trying to be affectionate?


It might be worth ruling out some kind of nerve damage, blood clots, or something similar in your feet causing the sensations before you consider the paranormal. Dogs have been known to be able to sense medical conditions in their owners before their owners do. (Obviously that wouldn't explain the candle, but better to rule out potential health problems first, you know?)

Blood clots in particular can lead to death if not treated.


New Member
Ghost rats or ghost cats? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. Are you sound asleep when it happens?
Ghost rats or ghost cats? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. Are you sound asleep when it happens?

Paula, Yes that's it, I woke up every morning for 90 plus days and said, WOW, you will never guess what I dreamt last night. The same dream as the night before. This is the strangest thing you have ever heard? My story is mild compared to other stories here and it's the strangest thing you have ever heard. This is a paranormal forum Paula. You are obviously trying to get other readers to disbelieve my story and to get others with the same story not to post it. I'm sure I'm not the only person this has happened to. Do you suggest I post in the recurring dream forum? Take your own advice Paula, you always tried to rule out psychological issues. Maybe I can give you some advice, get rid of the skunk hair doo and stop thinking that your stuff doesn't stink.


Ghost rats or ghost cats? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. Are you sound asleep when it happens?
Ghost rats or ghost cats? That's the strangest thing I've ever heard. Are you sound asleep when it happens?

Paula, Yes that's it, I woke up every morning for 90 plus days and said, WOW, you will never guess what I dreamt last night. The same dream as the night before. This is the strangest thing you have ever heard? My story is mild compared to other stories here and it's the strangest thing you have ever heard. This is a paranormal forum Paula. You are obviously trying to get other readers to disbelieve my story and to get others with the same story not to post it. I'm sure I'm not the only person this has happened to. Do you suggest I post in the recurring dream forum? Take your own advice Paula, you always tried to rule out psychological issues. Maybe I can give you some advice, get rid of the skunk hair doo and stop thinking that your stuff doesn't stink.

I think she may have been referring to hypnagogic hallucinations, which actually happen while you're still awake, but just falling asleep, and can be terrifying because they seem completely real. You mentioned that it happens at your desk though, so it rules that out. Have you looked into medical conditions? Like I said, it's possible your dog is trying to warn you that something is wrong, so it would be worth getting a checkup with a doctor and just tell them you've been having weird sensations in your feet. It's best to rule that out first just in case. Plus, if they tell you there's nothing there, you have more proof. ;)


Paula, Yes that's it, I woke up every morning for 90 plus days and said, WOW, you will never guess what I dreamt last night. The same dream as the night before. This is the strangest thing you have ever heard? My story is mild compared to other stories here and it's the strangest thing you have ever heard. This is a paranormal forum Paula. You are obviously trying to get other readers to disbelieve my story and to get others with the same story not to post it. I'm sure I'm not the only person this has happened to. Do you suggest I post in the recurring dream forum? Take your own advice Paula, you always tried to rule out psychological issues. Maybe I can give you some advice, get rid of the skunk hair doo and stop thinking that your stuff doesn't stink.
I'm sure she didn't mean it that way. I also got over sensitive about my stuff. Maybe they are fairies. You say it happens in your tree house.


Wait, what happened here. Just because I think something is strange doesn't mean I am condemning you. Check out my websites. (See my sig).
I am attracted to strangeness. Believe me, I am the last person to pass judgement. I'm here to learn, like you. I just agree with trying to rule things out. It's my own personal method of investigation. Check off all you can and you could end up with something paranormal in the end.
