Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time

Of any type of shadow envelop this story , l find it much more pulsating and exciting than all the other "lights" that you could list.
A shadow hovers this history, a shadow of mortification, maybe a wish to die.. to suicide..
It seems me and Epi were the only ones who saw a black widow enjoying theatres of pain and suffering and crying the again "crucified soldier".
Martin, too many things are happening in Turkey that have a certain similarity with the story of LIttle Doctor , without mentioning the Iranian oil tanker attacked with two missiles a strange coincidence , even the Azargoun ship is of Iranian nationality , l suspect that LIttle Doctor writes in code to plan the attacks .
The intervention of Captain Leale Martelli avoided a nuclear explosion in Istanbul saving Turkey. But now who will save the neighboring peoples from Turkey itself? The Tigrano had sensed the danger derived from the expansionist aims of the people of the half moon. The ambitious Turkish government would like to take advantage of the current crisis that the world is experiencing to reaffirm its politics and its power, mindful of a glorious past when the Ottomans were feared and respected by the rest of the world. It is not to be excluded, in the event of success by the Ankara regime, a return to the past with regard to the division of the neighboring territories and it cannot be excluded that Istanbul will become capital again by regaining possession of the name Constantinople. Nor can it be ruled out that a new Medz Yeghern could be repeated soon. Once again the Christian peoples will be seriously threatened by Turkish nationalism and the ropes could again dangle from the gallows like the one from which a Tigrano was saved by a captain. Will that captain manage to save the thousands of Kurds threatened by the Turks this time? Apparently not at the moment. Meanwhile, the Tigrano found the blue eye that was hidden in the old part of Constantinople. The Tigrano managed to interact with the instrument which consequently interacted with the other instruments, thus showing the tigrano their position. To try to clarify the facts, it is necessary to open a parenthesis:

In an ancient past, inside a large inverted pyramid, four machines were kept, which the vicissitudes of time and the action of man contributed to separate. These four machines, very similar in their appearance to a large throne, were simply referred to as:
Eyes of the gods, one green and one blue
Heart of the gods, red
Mind of the gods, black.
Only the location of the two eyes is known, one, the green eye, to the Valle Benedetta, where it was brought by the Templars who called it "Throne of the Jews" and which the local religious renamed "Specchio del romitone" and the other, the blue eye, which is found in Istanbul that was found by the Tigrano, who now also knows the position of the "Heart of the gods" and of the "Mind of the gods". This is why the Tigrano may already have reached the island of Cyprus. Once again the Templars found the hearts of the gods and decided to buy the entire island of Cyprus in order to hide it safely. The heart of the gods was hidden for centuries in an ancient Templar catacomb. No one has ever been able to know that the heart of the gods was hiding in Cyprus, no one except a certain Turkish general who in more recent times managed to reach a few tens of meters from the place where the blue eye was hidden, but then he could not enter. This general was called Osman Fail Polat, but this is another story ... However the Tigrano is now also aware of the secret place where the last machinery, the most powerful, is called, "the mind of the gods". This is found in a place in Syria in the part currently under the control of the Kurds, in that same place that centuries before was also explored by the Armenian Magician in which he found a pendant where there was depicted a Phoenix, detail that I had already mentioned in a my post of January 24th 2016, but this is another long story ...
