Carrie Fisher Dead at 60 — The Illuminati’s Final Act For 2016?


🤖 Think outside the mind
In conspiracy circles, anytime a major celebrity figure passes away there will be some speculation about the nature of the death and the potential of Illuminati involvement. Under ordinary circumstances, the death of Star Wars s actress Carrie Fisher may not be any real reason for concern. It’s well known that she had a major heart attack, and she is not the kind of celebrity that would normally be associated with the Occult. But coming in the heels of the death of George Michael and a year full of high-profile celebrity deaths, some discussion is expected and warranted.
The two major competing theories at this point are that Fisher was yet another Illuminati blood sacrifice, perhaps because some feel that she crossed Harrison Ford, or that her death is just in time to help drum up extra publicity for a forthcoming Star Wars film that she supposedly has already filmed her parts for.
While a simple heart attack tragedy is far and away the most likely explanation here, it never hurts to have an open discussion about these things. What do you think? Is there more to the story? We want to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
That's pretty sad. 2016 has been a bad year for celebrities. :(

Yeah. Its been a bad year for me too. Just a shitty horrible year.

Now we got Trump coming into office in a few days.

Gets even shittier from here on out

2017 - get to ditch ObamaCare! YAY!!!! Back to topic -- What would be the Illuminati's motive? Is Elvis still alive, too?
And 24 hours later Carrie Fisher's mother dies.

You could have gotten a birth certificate showing you were born in has worked before.

Ok. I admit it. That made me laugh.
