Cat Lovers



I didn't see a laser pointer in your arsenal of toys. I have successfully worn out my cats with a laser pointer. To the point of panting. Although they never did stop the occasional fighting. But I suppose the bright laser dot racing around on the floor might help divert their attention from fighting. All my cats would litterally go wild trying to catch the laser dot. My favorite laser pointer was a green laser pointer. I think I got it off eBay pretty cheap.

I do have a laser pointer. Penny doesn't care about it at all. :(


Active Member
This is my newest cat Muffin. It was originally the neighbors cat but it kept getting hurt and attacked because it was left outside declawed. The third time it got hurt I asked her if I could please have it. Inside cat now and very much loved and cared for. I kept his original name. I didn't know if I wanted three but I don't regret it. Three is the limit though. Lolimage_09.png


Active Member
@PamelaM You have 3 cats. Any suggestions?

Penny is clearly bored. I know that's why she attacks Cersei. She thinks it's playing, but then it turns into a real fight.

Introduction is very important. Because my orange cat was injured he stayed in a big cage until he was better. This helped my two other cats get used to his smell. I also plugged in Feliway around the house .
This is a feline facial pheromone diffuser.
It provides a friendly atmosphere. I also gave them all a bath so they all smelled the same. They like to chase each other around the house and wrestle but they don't fight. And they are all fixed males. They will naturally establish who is going to become the alpha
Cat as that is just natural for them to do.
My orange cat is young and just wants to play where the other ones just find him annoying. Lol but they get along just fine.
It's all in the introducing.
There is a good book out called cat vs cat
By pam johnson-bennett.
I took alot of tips from there it's for keeping the peace when you have more than one cat.

Cat trees come in handy also to give them places high up. There is alot of good tips in the book. It explains territories and etc. Litter boxes and eating ideas for them.
