Clues left behind by John Titor? - 01


Senior Member
I agree with your assessment that black holes aren't what they appear to be but I don't go quite as far. They don't work like astrophysicists claim but your claim that all curvature of light is due to stellar atmosphere distortion is too far the other way. Gravitational lensing between galaxies is quite documented in deep space.

Truth is in the middle.

Source of gravity on Earth is also highly misunderstood.

Quantum gravity of an atom also is lacking.


Temporal Engineer
titor's machine and your bismuth discoveries have a link

The bismuth facts that I learned lead to more facts. None of it actually leads to weight multiplication. It would take a machine to produce infinite weight multiplication to simulate a black hole. Yet everywhere we look, there is only finite. It would be easier to look for a way to freeze time than to try and create something fictional.


Temporal Engineer
I agree with your assessment that black holes aren't what they appear to be but I don't go quite as far. They don't work like astrophysicists claim but your claim that all curvature of light is due to stellar atmosphere distortion is too far the other way. Gravitational lensing between galaxies is quite documented in deep space.

Truth is in the middle.

Source of gravity on Earth is also highly misunderstood.

Quantum gravity of an atom also is lacking.

There was a reference to a physicist I provided a long time ago that demonstrated how light is bent due to the atmosphere of the sun. So we know for a fact that light can be bent if it travels through a gaseous medium. There are interstellar clouds in space. Of course that physicists work has been suppressed. So that the fictional theories can be taught instead.

All the facts I have gathered so far do tend to suggest that gravity isn't an external force at all. No field exists. At least not a field in a time like direction. An objects gravitational or atomic weight has amplitude. That amplitude is variable. Play with the amplitude and you can control gravity.
