Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?


Active Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Whats going to happen when she dies. Woulden't want to be the husband, his lawyer, or the judge.


Active Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Randall Terry is on Fox News right now. There is subpeona asking that Terri be in Washington, DC tomorrow. Randall states that he is representing Terri's parents and is demanding that Terri be present at this hearing. I'll post a link once one is available.

Also Michael finally allowed Terri to partake of communion this afternoon after stating yesterday that he would not allow it. The report on Fox was that she was allowed a drop of wine (Jesus' blood), but was not able to partake in the wafer (Jesus' body).

Michael states that is is a faithful Catholic. Can someone explain why he would "deny the woman he loves" from partaking in the Host? If he was that faithful, he would not have a commonlaw wife and two kids.

Sorry, I don't want the government to intervene. I want her religious rights to be upheld. If Michael denied her right to communion, will she also be denied Last Rites?


Active Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Michael states that is is a faithful Catholic. Can someone explain why he would \"deny the woman he loves\" from partaking in the Host? If he was that faithful, he would not have a commonlaw wife and two kids.
Well, the inability to swallow might make that kind of difficult. As to the denial of last rights I doubt it. Why would he do that?

Does it seem almost too convienient and symbolic to anyone else that this is all going on over easter weekend?


New Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Sue, I'm not Catholic, but I think communion is part of the last rites. I believe Vatican II referred to it as Viaticum, via (way) tecum (with you), as if to imply that by having communion just before you die, the Lord's presence in communion goes along with you as you make the translation from this life to the next. An extra dose of company for the journey, so to speak. Regardless of whether or not this view of the ritual is scripturally accurate, good grief, she's about to die and Dr. Mengele Schiavo will begrudge her a closely held tradition of her faith like this? I really doubt that seventy calories will keep him separated from his money and new wife for much longer. Show a little compassion, guy! I mean, isn't that what this whole circus is about anyway? Doing the compassionate thing to (for?) his brain damaged wife?

Oh, and the calendar has been on my mind all week, wolf. I find it very interesting that this is playing out at this time of the church year.


Active Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Oh, and the calendar has been on my mind all week, wolf. I find it very interesting that this is playing out at this time of the church year.
Well, IMHO this is all being stage managed to provoke a violent reaction from the more radical pro life factions.


Senior Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?


My dear friend. You ain't been paying attention. Terri Shiavo had the Last Rites and Communion just before the feeding tube was pulled. By court order she's supposed to be able to receive Communion again before she dies. Yeah, I was raised Catholic, but I'm recovering. I don't know if the wine counted as Communion, and frankly don't care. Let the woman die in peace. Okay, her husband may be a total piece of dog turd, and? Doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a respectful and dignified death. Hell, if it'd me be, all I'd want is one of my .40 cal.'s and a brief second alone. Of course, I'd have to have some of my brain function to pull that off. Michael may be a slime wad, but that don't make her condition any better. Put yourself in the boy's position. How much outside crap would you want intervening in the scenario? Can't say for myself if I was in his position. As much grief as I get from the wife, I'd be real torn about pulling the plug. And at the same time, if she was beyond recovery, I probably would. She wouldn't want to hang around in some level of vegatative state, and neither would I. Call me a bastard. It ain't personal.



New Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Cary, isn't everyone going over their will and/or living will to make appropriate adjustments? My code words are Bullwinkle for "let me live" and Boris for "pull the plug", I think because Bullwinkle is mostly glottal consonants that are easy to articulate even when incapacitated and Boris is slightly harder to articulate.


Active Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Bush just needs to declare Terri an enemy combatant, then she can be kept alive indefinatly.


Junior Member
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Funny that the government can't safely use a 6th Commandmant defense like that, they'd probably be laughed off stage by the few but loud liberals. Terri Shiavo will spend the rest of her life brain damaged regardless of what happens. And since she isn't competent enough to divorce her husband, she'll be stuck with him for the rest of the time, regardless of what happens. If he really is a piece of ****, then it's in her best interest to be rid of him, and if he really isn't a piece of ****, then he's telling the truth and she really always wanted the plug pulled.
