Do you believe that time travel is possible?


Time Travel Professor
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Yes, any High School kid could Time Travel with the right tools and information. This will be the case sooner then later.

Professor Opmmur :)


Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Do men in black exist, and chase after them ?


Active Member
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Time travel was something I always completely disregarded.

I was watching Rob and Big when I saw Rob with Steven Gibbs HDR machine, trying to make it work. He even went to Canada and found a guy who believed in Steven Gibbs machine to help him use it. Nothing ever happened. He called Steven Gibbs to ask him about the machine and he freaked out saying that Rob was going to get him and he knew he was an alien or a part of the government or something super crazy, I can't remember.

Which got me onto hdrkids time travel forum, which led me here :)

It's interesting to think about, but I don't think I can wrap my head around it still.

I find John Titor really interesting, though.


Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

If I remember, the guy who appeared on that program (Rob and Big) was DrZ, he's posting here sometimes.

He tested the HDR for some time, I haven't seen him for some time. I think he lives in Qc.


Active Member
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Really? That's cool! It's like almost knowing a celebrity lol

Yeah, he was in Quebec on the show. He was saying how his obsession with time travel was hurting his marriage.


Junior Member
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

I have a hard time with the concept, though I am fascinated by it and that's how I found these forums. Thing is, I think if we found a way to go say into the future, you would end up in a future that didn't include you. You would be traveling faster than the speed of light, which means that you are able to transend time. By the time you would re-land on Earth, years on Earth will have gone by, but you have not aged. So anyone in your life would just notice that you disappeared. You might even find articles on your disappearance/death. But you would be as you are now, which means your "future life" didn't happen. If you were to run into someone you know, this would give it all away, because you haven't aged, yet they have. I think the only way to avoid this is if you traveled 100 years or more into the future, where no one alive now would know who you are. In this respect, we may in fact have time-travelers in our midst. But you wouldn't be able to see your "future", ie, what happens to your life-because your "life" basically ended the minute you went into the future.


Time Travel Professor
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Here is Doctor Z's web site: It is a great site. :)
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] my personal site [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]HI, My name is Francois ,a.k.a The Doctor Z[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I work on time travel and experiment for than 10 years now , i was there when titor was still online,[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I have one goal in life and one dedication is to make time travel possible , i already made an experiment back in 2003 than send me thru susbspace in the exact moment between one second and the next, so base on this, already sucessfull experiment , call the brossard experiment. check more about it on Time no more /the return[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]


Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Dr Z, this guy is in Qc, too bad his website is now private. I'll probably contact him sooner or later to see if he might be interested in some chat interview or an event of any kind, that could bring people on both of our sites.

I remember reading his site in 2005, there were some awesome informations about the Brossard Experiment and time travel devices.


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Do you believe that time travel is possible?

Timenomore is no ore due to the lack of interess of its own members and fans, i ask for help and no one came so for now we have reopen a new group with more skill individuals and we are saving ours moneys to rebuild the BX but sorry no website this time , i dont have time for this too much work to do on the machine so just keep visiting this website i will post some minor result and photo so youd know im not lying
Dr z
