Do you believe that time travel is possible?


Junior Member
I think practical time travel will fit Steven Hawking's bill, most likely. Time travel to the past is probably possible, but it's more probable that we'll be able to travel to the future first. Especially if instead of moving away from the sun, we move towards it.


New Member
I believe that it is possible. :D

I'm still kind of a newbie with this stuff but it has something to do with ChronoKinesis AKA the ' ability slow down or speed up one's perception of time.' It's like Telekinesis but you control the time - not the physical object itself.

But to be honest, like in the movies - it's probably one in a billion (or a million) people that can do this. Everyone has their own kinesis (talents) making themselves unique but not all of them can be rich & famous in real life, right?

My explanation is still kind of vague but I sure hope you get my point. ^_^ If you don't, feel free to ask. :D


ChronoKinesis. I never thought of such a concept before. I do like the idea. Does it change your perception of time, or other people's perception? Or perhaps both?

I like the idea. :)


New Member
as we all know time will never change
time will happen again but In a NEW DAY!!
if time is like LIGHT which can travel so fast
we can easily go to the future INSTANTLY!

As i remember If Albert Einstein still alive I think it is POSSIBLE.....

If the time travel is POSSIBLE we can prove and conclude easily answer the BIG BIG QUESTION on where does the HUMAN RACE CAME FROM!!!!

when did the Universe created..
If God is true!! we can witness the his time when he is alive ....

maybe Someday TIME TRAVEL will now be POSSIBLE...
many scientist NEVER STOPS QUESTIONING so I HOpe someday it will come true gets possible..



Junior Member
I want to believe that time travel exist because I want to go back in time to change something in my life. I don't believe time travel exists for now. Time will tell, technology would find the answer.


if time was a real thing/object anything but a thought you might be able to move through it. but its not
all time is a measure of distance travled by the it do not be real.:eek:


ok i realy love this idea but heres the prob. what is time????? as far as i can tell al time is a direct ref. to the moveing of the earth. so if we remove us and the earth. now what do we base are understanding of time on???? no days, no yrs, all we realy have to look at is now. how do we refer to anything in the past???? what do we call the future????? :confused:


Active Member
I would like to change something, too. There is one person I didn't meet when I was seventeen and I wish now that I had. If I had, maybe my life would be very different than it is today. Very different.


New Member
Well, one could say that we already travel through time: every second, time passes, and we reach another point in the future. That could be also time travelling.
The chronokinesis idea would allow us to go faster or slower to points in the future.
That's for time travelling towards the future.

I remember i saw a documenary about quantum physics and a scientist was saying that according to his observations, if we can change the future there is no reason why we couldn't change the past.
It doesn't say anything about travelling, but we could assume that changing the past involves travelling to the past.

At the moment, I'm seeing time as a linear line.
