Do You Dream In Black And White Or Color?

Do you dream in black and white or color?

  • Black and white

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mostly black and white, sometimes color

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Mostly color, sometimes black and white

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Color

    Votes: 14 73.7%

  • Total voters
Ok I just wanted to point out that the vote for mostly color sometimes black and white percent is 11.1% . This is the year for the ones they say 2011. 11-11-11 or 11-1-11 or 1-1-11. Just thought i would point out the alignment in the numbers it stood out. I have a fascination for numbers anyways. Vamp1r3Goddess
I didn't even know that people ever dreamed in black and white until a year or so ago. I've never dreamed in black and white, only color. Seems the more that I hear about how others dream, the less my dreams seem to match. I would say that my dreams are more like a movie as well.

I've been dreaming like crazy the last 2 months, and it seems a lot of people that I've spoken with, are saying the same. Anyone else have an increase in dreams, or at least an increase in realizing you've been dreaming a lot?

Since around March, I've been drawn to look at clocks, odometers, digital readouts, digital timers, you name it, with either 1's or 4's showing. I tried as much as I could to rationalize it away for a while, and it just got so overwhelming, it couldn't be denied any longer. Usually it was when two 1's, or two 4's were showing. And very often 11:44, 1:11, 1:14, 4:11, 4:44 especially, and of course 11:11. I've had numerous people tell me they never noticed 11:11 before, but this year, they keep seeing it over and over. One day, seriously, the only times that I saw on the clock, was 6:44, 7:44, 8:44, 9:44, 10:44, 11:44, and so on, till at least 6:44 that day. Now, that will get your attention when it occurs to you. I made absolutely no conscious attempt to make this happen. At about the 12:44 point that day, I was like, "OK, what in the heck is going on?"
cmac, Funny you should mention the clocks. I look at clocks all the time. Lately, I've been noticing sequences or patterns. (had a 11:11 today) I'm sure that I'm not seeing these any more often than normal, but now they are catching my attention. Synchronicity, there can be a connection to something without us knowing what it is. We may be getting clues as to the answer before we know the question. I'll have to start paying more attention. Strange things may be afoot Watson.
Try not to allow yourself to give into fear, it will serve you better if you can avoid fear based thoughts and feelings. It is perfectly fine to be aware. The fear and worry about the future, creates pain and discourse, depending on the intensity of the fear of course.

Not trying to tell you what to do, or direct this specifically at you. Just a general statement for whoever this resonates with. This is something that created unbalance with me at one time. Just something to think about. Your emoticon shows "cautious" which is great, cautious and aware. I let fear take me over in the past, at times, more than I realized at the time. Now I can see that more clearly. So, I felt like I wanted to share. I'm glad now to get away from it, it just doesn't serve me anymore. It is very normal. It is all part of the process.

I dream in colour predominantly but, black and white, or single colour dreams in red, blue, green are not uncommon. I tend to organise my pre-sleep thoughts in order to dream the dreams that please me or help me deal with things. When I organise dreams, I organise them with shapes and colours that represent issues or conundrums for me. Illness used to be a focus for me and it was represented by a cube that was primary yellow. 15 years ago the cube was as big as a Borg ship and it's the size of a 6 sided dice now. I tend to think in coloured shapes too.

Still on the subject. Whilst awake and you're daydreaming, can you visualise the daydream with your eyes open, or is it audio only?
I also hear that reading in your dreams is not supposed to be possible... Occasionally when their are things to read I can read in my dreams.... I used to keep a dream journal too. I have not used it for a few years now though... I can say this, when you do record your dreams they come more often and more vivid.
I don't remember reading in any of my dreams no signs or any words on buildings or road signs hhmmmm odd never caught that befor
I also hear that reading in your dreams is not supposed to be possible... Occasionally when their are things to read I can read in my dreams.... I used to keep a dream journal too. I have not used it for a few years now though... I can say this, when you do record your dreams they come more often and more vivid.
Many things are possible in the dream world the spirit realm. People can do all sorts of things you wouldn't think possible. ALL things are Possible. And I like this saying you should all know where it is from "All those who wander are not lost."
