Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
The point of this is......what exactly?
So tribalism might be better?
It's a good philosophical discussion but it inevitably leads to insanity.....
Did you honestly believe anyone would come in here and openly state whether or not they
preferred one race of people over the other?
I'll go my way and you'll go yours---if that's what was meant to be should have been done ages ago.
Now that we're here we're here.

I can prove that we are all racist, regardless of our color. It is natural to favor ones own.
I'm not talking about religious belief systems, I am talking about the post-modernist left. They have a choice in killing or not killing non-believers. Mooslims do not. Jihad is the core tenet of their faith.

Also, while the average post-modernist may have the same zeal of jihadis, they do not have the same level of education as jihadis. Don't believe me? Watch all of the riot footage you can, listen to them speak and ask yourself, "Do these kids know American history, world history or biology? What about political history? Now let's pick a country, say Iran. Now ask them the same questions. Now be honest, who do you think would be more knowledgeable?

That has been done btw.

The more knowledgeable would be the non-believers as they have not fallen into supernaturally stupid thinking.

You might wonder why the religious are so gullible and immoral enough to adore a genocidal god.


alpha centauri

Active Member
Does the positive side of tribalism/racism outshine the negative side?

The moment we follow our selfish gene’s love bias of tribalism and racism for our own kind and color, we create a hate bias for all other kinds and colors.
I agree. But I wanted to add, that this is not necessarily the color. Because the groups are pretty random. You could also unify (Black, White, Yellow) and fight against a group of aliens because they have totally different genes than us.

No matter if those aliens are Black, White or look similar than a specific race.

They likely differ more from us than the difference between our races. One example is those Nordic alien race. They look like a specific group of people on our planet but are far more different (according to the reports).

Tribalism/racism has a dual nature. Good parts and evil parts. Mostly good but it is hell when the uglier negative racist side is in play.

We are racist because we know that reality favors the survival of the fittest. That is what we are in our genetic lines; even the most unfit of us, when compared to the average or above average.

We mostly negatively express our tribalism/racism with violence, even to war and rebellion. The less profitable way to gain the upper hand as compared to trading. Check human history.
According to the "law of one" (that is a channeling, you can read for free on the internet) you need the group energies (third chakra) to get the energies to the heart chakra. But of course, In my opinion, you should love all groups and your own group. Similar to the teaching of Jesus: You should love others as yourself.

What I want to say: I think that you need the group energies but that is similar to the ego issue, the groups should not feel superior (that would be negative). Every group should see themselves as equals.

We are heading for violence in the U.S thanks to the oppression of too many groups. Blacks, natives, women, gays and all other groups that are oppressed unjustly are beginning to unite into a large group that will no longer be cowed. If nothing changes after peaceful means are tried, violence is bound to happen.

Studies show the race issue(in the US) is better than in the past (there are less and less racists). I think the media fuels it. And other countries oppress far worse (the Middle Eastern countries as an example) and the people dont care about that.

Gnostic Christian

Active Member
Every group should see themselves as equals.

I do not see that as possible and history backs me up.

It would also make for a fairly stagnant society as ideas would be really6 slow to come out of such a non-arguing society.

Your DNA as well as all of us tells you you are the fittest. To drop to equal is just you showing you have settled for being less fit and or no wanting to compete for the gold.

We want to capture all people for our fittest tribe. There are only two ways to capture another group. Force of arms or trade. I have nothing against countries trading instead f killing. The countries with less religiosity are proving to be the most peaceful and law abiding.

Trade becomes the status quo over killing in those countries due to their greater law abiding and seeking of peace.

Check the World Piece Index for confirmation of the stats for more peaceful atheist nations.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
You should love others as yourself.

Love is a two way street.

When others treat me as well as I treat myself, then love might happen.

IMO, I always treat others as I would treat myself.

I have been tough on my own mental capabilities and try to have others as tough on themselves.

That is true love, if I can get them to do as I have done.


Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Love is a two way street.
No, love is a battlefield

When others treat me as well as I treat myself, then love might happen.

IMO, I always treat others as I would treat myself.
Well not anymore.

I have been tough on my own mental capabilities and try to have others as tough on themselves.
That is true love, if I can get them to do as I have done.
About 3/4's of the world population is dirt poor and and dirt dumb! How can your personal philosophy help them? First, you have to get them to listen to you and then you have to explain how your credo is better for them then generations of their culture and family traditions! The third world isn't the third world by accident. They did it on purpose!


Senior Member
I believe we're different. We're not all the same. But we all have a life force.

So long as people can discuss their feelings and get it all out------that's a good thing.
I was a bit unfair. I myself have had all these same thoughts as the OP, and addressed them.
I think what rattled me was the whole "violence is necessary" thing.
You could have peaceful tribalism or even total seperation between the groups of people without violence-----in theory.

In theory you could have separated people that still sort of co-existed and did trade with each other here and
I guess it makes me feel a little weird and sad because
When I was a little kid I did not see race at all. It was only when I started looking into it and researching the different peoples that I realized
we're really not all the same exactly.
