Election rigged? Nah ;)


Junior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

Paul Said:

Somebody has got to rein in the networks, too.

This will be hard to do when they are bought and paid for.

What do all of these logos have in common? Watch out, they might blink.



Senior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"BubbuClinton\")</div>
Paul Said:

This will be hard to do when they are bought and paid for.

What do all of these logos have in common?


Could they perhaps be linked in regards to the Masons? Or is it that the Chinese own all three?


Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

*Which* people control the elections??

*We*, the people.... Through elected officials? Not sure, but NOT directly appointed or under the control of any of the 3 existing branches....


Judge Bean

Senior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Zoomerz\")</div>
...what special interests wouldn't be thwarted by eliminating contributions?

The ten largest government defense contractors spent $414.6 million in lobbying and only $35.7 million in campaign contributions between 1998 and 2003. The single biggest beneficiary was, you guessed it, President Bush ($5.4 million). These top ten received 58% of all defense contracts, and more than half also of all of the no-bid and cost-plus contracts ($571 billion), dubious sweet deals made out of public view and a strict definition of the law.

I always like to throw in that "strict definition" thing because of the cacophonous chirruping of the administration about "strict interpretation of the Constitution," which usually means to those who say it that the Constitution should be narrowly construed to make their bad conduct lawful.

The defense contract system is an example of "special interests" who are in fact no longer outside of the government, but comprise its infrastructure. That is to say, the old model of innocent elected official tempted by greedy capitalists in the lobby no longer applies. The capitalists are the government, and invite selected dweebs to sit at the table and eat tax money.

Since the No. 2 beneficiary in 2004 was Kerry, you can see that it doesn't matter to these special interests which candidate won. This means that the system carries on forward without regard to what their contributions can buy them. Most of their money goes to "lobbying," a wide range of pimping activity that apparently does not involve direct campaign financing.

Lobbying costs are what it costs private interests and corporations to conduct the new style of government now in operation.

Far more effective than simple campaign money is the swapping of corporate officials back and forth out of the White House and cabinet. Taking the sole example of Monsanto/Searle and the dizzying shenanigans that have gone on at the FDA and with Ashcroft/Rumsfeld/Veneman, which they haven't even tried to conceal, you can quickly realize that there is, to put it cruelly, no longer a Presidency as envisioned by those strict early Constitution-writers.

Clarence Thomas, a former Monsanto attorney, is on the short list to be named Chief Justice; Ashcroft, also on the list, or at least on the list to be on the Court, received campaign contributions from Monsanto in his doomed (literally, since he lost to the dead guy) run for the Senate. Rumsfeld is said to have earned $12 million from the sale of Searle pharmaceuticals to Monsanto just as he assumed office.

Monsanto manufactures genetically-engineered seeds, and was responsible for Agent Orange and massive PCP pollution-- the Administration has asked for increases in Super Fund cleanup, many of the sites Monsanto's.

I won't go on, except to note that the provisional Iraq government passed a law requiring farmers to use the seeds (Monsanto is the biggest producer of them).


Senior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Zoomerz\")</div>
*We*, the people.... Through elected officials? Not sure, but NOT directly appointed or under the control of any of the 3 existing branches....


Zoomerz, your kidding right? Take a stab and guess what year the *people* actually had a real say in what out govt. has been doing?


Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)


Thanks for the great post...I knew I could count on you for some new fuel and digestive tract lube!

You know far more about lobbyists than I, so any ideas how to use the force and thwart Vader?


Nope, not kidding, heh.....That's why I signed the post Z- (eternal Idealist)

It'll never happen without revolution, so I'm not that hopeful, but I'm convinced something like it is the only answer correcting our political plight....



Active Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

Darkwolf, I had in mind those bastards that take advantage of people in third world countries, those type.
Did you mean the rich who should be taxed, or eaten. Well taxes are not for punishment. Their only purpose is to get the government what it needs to keep doing its job (in an ideal world anyway) We can't keep taxing the imoral. Do we need to do something about those people? Yep, but we shoulen't use government powers for anything other than their intended purpose. Thats a large part of how we got into this mess in the first place.


Junior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

StarLord Said
Could they perhaps be linked in regards to the Masons? Or is it that the Chinese own all three?

To answer theses questions we should probably start a new thread. I might if people are interested in talking about it.


Great stuff. But you are beginning to sound like a conspiracy theorist with all of that both sides controled by special interests. LOL

I couldn't agree with you more. Both John Quincy Adams and Dwight Eisenhower (http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/ike.htm) warned us to watch out for the Military Industrial Complex. They tend to fund themselves through war, and secret opps. They best way to get these through is with good solid bribes (eh, ... I mean) LOBBYING.

Speaking of Monsanto and all of the genetic engineering stuff. Have you kept your eye on all of the Microbiologist that have been mysteriously dying?


We are living in strange times.


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." -- Charlie Brown, Peanuts [Charles Schulz]


Senior Member
Re: Election rigged? Nah ;)

Doesn't take much of a Rocket Scientist to figure out that Someone has a package to deliver soon and they are making damn sure that no one will be able to find a cure in the forseeable future.

Oh Joy.
