Elephants afraid of mice


Senior Member
Creepy they may be but most aren't really harmful to us. They serve a purpose and eat other bugs that would multiple if not for spiders. And actually if they had bigger fangs daddy long legs would be dangerous because of their venom is quite posionous. Just some food for thought. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess ;)
I recall hearing on the radio this morning "ironically fits this subject perfectly" that there was a island that had snakes introduced to it and over time they wiped out the population of birds on the island and the birds where the only prey the spiders had so in return the spiders basically took over the island, ugh gives me the shivers thinking about it.

Spiders Take Control as Birds Fade From Guam – News Watch
Here is a quick article close to the story i heard on the radio.
Blast...you need to use some vacation time and take care of those spiders. Show them who the boss is...and keep them out of that beard!
Doubt the government would let me have a nuke, i don't like spiders or snakes but that's not what it takes...."rambles off in song"


Senior Member
Just my point exactly i was trying to make about the ecobalance of everything. When one is out of balance it can cause problems. being on an island i can see that happening but not in a different habitat. we need the spiders to eat all the pesky bugs that would overpopulate quickly if we didnt have them Like flies for example. And snakes it is good we have them or we would have an overpopulation of mice. So everything in nature has a balance and a purpose. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess :D
what about mosquito's......there is nothing good or useful about mosquito's....


Bats eat mosquitos... and with ought bats there would be no Batman.

On a serious note I'm sure there is some bug or creature that eats their eggs or larvae that supports a whole ecosystem. Sad but true... but I agree. Something needs a better diet. Let's kill em all


Bats eat mosquitos... and with ought bats there would be no Batman.

On a serious note I'm sure there is some bug or creature that eats their eggs or larvae that supports a whole ecosystem. Sad but true... but I agree. Something needs a better diet. Let's kill em all


Senior Member
well whatever eats there larvae needs to eat alot more of it the swarms get so thick up here you can cut through them with a knife its horrable, god forbid if you have a pond
I dont think mother nature has figured out how to down size them yet. Im sure something back in history something caused the ecobalance to get out of whack and that is probably why we have them now. Kinda like the pythons that are taking over florida it really worries me that they want be able to slow the population down. Thanks to snake importers it could really mess things up. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess :D


Senior Member
I dont think mother nature has figured out how to down size them yet. Im sure something back in history something caused the ecobalance to get out of whack and that is probably why we have them now. Kinda like the pythons that are taking over florida it really worries me that they want be able to slow the population down. Thanks to snake importers it could really mess things up. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess :D
Well thats just like the Asain Carp and Wild boars, there destroying everything in there path as they spread like wildfire, only took thej umping carp a few years to make it to minnesota, once they settle fishing becomes a risky business due to the fact the second that motor gets turned on your got 20 pound fish flying at you.


i'm 5'10 250 pounds and if i see a tiny little spider "except daddy long legs" i will go out of my way to walk 10 feet away from the creepy little thing,.
Creepy they may be but most aren't really harmful to us. They serve a purpose and eat other bugs that would multiple if not for spiders. And actually if they had bigger fangs daddy long legs would be dangerous because of their venom is quite posionous. Just some food for thought. Love and Light Vamp1r3Goddess ;)

This is an myth that just about everyone I know perpetuates. Even myself at one point.

UCR Spiders Site: Daddy Long Legs Myth


Speaking on spiders, here is picture of a little mixed drink I made for my buddy. For garnish I put the exoskeleton from my white kneed Brazilian bird eater on it. Enjoy!

