Encounter With Time Traveler


I admit it. I was skeptical about all this time travel stuff when I first got here. However, all that changed when I met an actual, dyed-in-the-wool, honest-to-goodness time traveler - right here at this very site! And not only was he a time traveler, but an alien as well!

I was in the chat room here when I met somebody who went by the name "Mayhem". (I'm not certain, but I don't think that's his real name. Probably an alias of some kind. Could be hiding from evil government or corporate agents.)

Anyway, this Mayhem fellow revealed to me that he was currently living on the planet Austra-something (I can't remember exactly. He may have used some kind of amnesia ray on me.) Not only that. It seems that his current planet is not where he was born, but rather his birthplace is some exotic emerald planet called Eire-something. (Again, the ray.)

On top of all this (and I know this is hard to believe, but bear with me) he was speaking to me from (cue ominous music) THE FUTURE!

No lie, folks. He kept claiming that it was Friday, 30 March at 1:30 pm, but it was actually Thursday, 29 March at 10:30 pm! How could this be?!?

My plan now is to gather together some old mouse traps, a broken shoelace, a ballerina slipper (size 9), the fanbelt from a 1957 Chevy, and a loose screw (of which I have plenty). With the help of my buddy MacGuyver, I should have a working time travel device in no time.

Oh. I forgot. I'll also need some tin foil in order to fashion a helmet of some kind.

Wish me luck.


There he is! Somebody stop him! For the love of God and all that is holy, STOP HIM!


So...your amnesia ray works on websites as well...

No matter. Your nefarious plans shall be foiled - or my name's not Napoleon Bonaparte.


Temporal Engineer
My plan now is to gather together some old mouse traps, a broken shoelace, a ballerina slipper (size 9), the fanbelt from a 1957 Chevy, and a loose screw (of which I have plenty). With the help of my buddy MacGuyver, I should have a working time travel device in no time.

Oh. I forgot. I'll also need some tin foil in order to fashion a helmet of some kind.

Wish me luck.

Loose screws! That must be the key ingredient for building a time machine. You'll find others on this site with loose screws as well.


Actually, it's the size 9 ballerina slipper that does the trick. Smaller sizes cannot generate enough watalode power to make it work, and anything larger blows out the krayziaz generator. I suppose I'll have to visit my local Ballerina Shack (or BS, for short) to get the right size.

Once I get that part, my Watalode Time Framistat (or WTF) will be complete.
