Ever done it?

Have you ever tried to hoax, or considered doing it?

  • Yeah, I do it all the time!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I did it once to see what would happen.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've considered it, but never tried.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never have, never will.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Ever done it?

The HDR lasts since many years, and Gibbs keeps selling them. I wonder why people don't sue him, if he's selling crap ?
Like I said before, I can't believe that time travel is that simple !?!

Re: Ever done it?

I agree...I think that some people have accidentally travelled out of body to other times/dimentions. While in meditation or in sleep. Science will figure out a way to make the whole body travel, and not just the spirit.
No way does the hdr propell anyone to go astral travel. The person has to use their own brain power, not some ridiculously priced contraption. Brain power will be the start and then science will follow up.....
Why can't more people do it?
Shit....its hard! Not even people who have perfected deep meditation can do it...theres got to b a way though.
Re: Ever done it?

Perhaps it's a shame to buy an HDR, and then say that you got owned by Gibbs, isn't it ?
Re: Ever done it?

It's very possible to achieve the sort of things Gibbs advertises on your own. What he offers is a placebo... And maybe that's the intent all along.
Re: Ever done it?

Webnower said:
It's very possible to achieve the sort of things Gibbs advertises on your own. What he offers is a placebo... And maybe that's the intent all along.

You are probably correct. Also we must not forget that if people believe something strong enough it becomes real, at least in their own mind. I also think that people who buy a box like that are not really very intelligent and have some mental sickness.
Re: Ever done it?

Why rag on hdrkid? And is it a girl?

I don't think I've ever seen her trying to sell it, she just believes in it. You can't blame someone for believing in something.

And if you believe in something enough, it does come true, or work for you.
Re: Ever done it?

Webnower said:
Have you ever attempted, or considered attempting a hoax? You'd think it'd be fairly easy to get away with it if you knew when to "pull out".

My brother and I did one a while back on Above Top Secret.com just to see if we could do it and it turned out alright. I honestly never understood the enjoyment of spending your time thinking of ways to be deceptive, but it was interesting to try.

Oh yea.. I did that on TimeTravelInstitute.com once acting like a computer freak plus made up a big story about a IBM 5100 computer in regards to John Titor. Three quarters of that was made up while one fourth of it was true.

We argued and argued on that forum.. lol that was hilarious.. until the admin there started to get angry and pushed the 'privacy' issue out of the window. I ended up getting wtfbbq'ed by exposure relating from the Randi forum and other sites too. :D

I just wanted to see how far they were willing to go. I kept doing it until my 'mission was accomplished'...

I am a real life investigator who does these kind of things on the internet as I was paid for the 'dirty work' on collecting pretty convincing evidence on who titor is. Now that's over as what Darby pointed out of being a 'sockpuppet' on his forum. lol.. Actually it wasnt a true sockpuppet as I created a name to match the old one...

I still go back and read the whole thing again and again .. and sit here laughing. :rolleyes:
Re: Ever done it?

jurgen36 said:
You are probably correct. Also we must not forget that if people believe something strong enough it becomes real, at least in their own mind. I also think that people who buy a box like that are not really very intelligent and have some mental sickness.

Yes I agree heavily on that. Maybe thats what the supposingly "HDR Device" does.. to take advantage of people with mental illness?
