First flying car available for preorder

None taken, what about parking spots? I reckon i could start a business selling parking spots in the sky:) Sorry deviating from the topic lol

Well done, @Mayhem !

Made think perhaps I should start my own Helium Balloon business....That's just in case the car rotors fail,
one would like a nice floating experience in such a case. Certainly beats falling down, eh?

You and I could go into business together....The Helium could then keep your parking stalls aloft.
Heck...I'll even throw in helium for the Parking Meters you'd create! 😁

(Gives the term 'Floaters' a Whole New Meaning.) ;)
Skys the limit @Wind7 if those ideas fail, we can do inflatable parking spots always though that might be a good one for land.

Yes! Great Idea!! inflatable is where it's at, man!!! (y)

The way some people drive around these parts...
.....Their cars should be inflatable and surrounded in NERF material. ;)

1691291624271.webp "NERF. It's Where It's At for Safety!!"
