Food prices go up


Senior Member
TAKEN FROMhttp://Food Prices Expected to Rise Sharply - CNBC
Corn is up 45 percent the last three months. We haven't seen cotton prices this high since after the Civil War. Soybeans are up. Oil is up. Metals are up. So are coffee and cocoa.

OK so that was back in 2010 before the drought of the century. What do you think will happen now?

I have seen in the future shortages of food and fuel create a crisis. Four of every ten rows of corn are used to make ethanol which is used in your car. Government is trying to stop this process. This is due to the lack of corn. I spoke to farmers yesterday, and they are going to Brazil to get corn. Expect things to worsen.

TAKEN FROM Drought To Send Corn, Meat Prices Soaring: Seven And A Half Things To Know
All the while the corn withered and died. The corn that infuses our bodies, that makes up 69 percent of the carbon in a strand of hair plucked from our heads.

Hey, corn was $2 bushel in 2005 and approx $8 now. That is a four fold increase. Expect this could cause some pocket book pain. It will cause a price increase in milk and eggs.

A typical hen will eat in six month (60 lbs) one bushel of corn. She will lay a (144) 12 dozen eggs. It is true that I can substitute wheat, oats, barley, millet, instead of corn. However, the drought has affected all the grains. Also, it has affected soy. Well, soy is not a grain. It is a legume that is high in protein and used by farmers to increase the production of eggs.

What I see is a steep increase in price. People are not happy with what they are paying now. However, there is still plenty of food in the grocery. I do not believe that will be the case in coming years.

Took this picture today, and here near my window is some corn. It is healthy now. Hope that we get more rain. Otherwise, there will be no crop.



Senior Member
Your corn looks a lot better then some of the pictures I have seen on the news lately. I travel up north and drive by many ethonal plants in IA and MN. Large operations with train loads of corn going into these production facilities. I read that 40% of the corn crop goes into making ethanol and until recently producers had been subsidized by the government. The Pros and Cons of Ethanol
Anyway gas is higher, energy costs are higher, and now food is higher. Everyone wants more money for what you need to survive and at a time when most people don't have it. Power in the hands of the people that control the food supply. You want to eat you need to do this and that or you go hungry...unless you take the mark. The media here and in other countries are telling people that food prices are going up and to stock up now but with everyone short of cash, what can you do? Are we blanked or what?


Food prices are expected to always rise, farmers will try to get it from other countries for now, until they can not any more....


The drought is having huge impacts on not only corn farmers but all livestock farmers. The drought is not allowing them to grow their own feed, most of which is corn. The cost of feeding cows, hogs and chickens is not economical at the current prices. Most are having to make the decision to slaughter what they have now or go bankrupt. You will see the price for meat go down in the near future but then shoot up 10-20% of what it is now.

Maybe more people will eat more like a vegetarian. The worlds food supply would be easy to fill if we ate more grains and less meat. I'm a huge carnivore so this change would be hard. The meat industry has done a great job engraining in us that it isn't a meal without meat. Where's the beef?


Active Member
I think I read somewhere one time that the US supplies something like 40% of the World's corn.

But.. here's something I've said for years.. IN THEORY.. now don't forget I just said that.. cause IN THEORY, communism is the most ideal form of government IMHO. IRL it just gets abused by a very small group of individuals that ruin it. But I mean.. you'd have 1 town growing crops, another town growing crops and cutting timber.. maybe another town manufacturing cars. The best scenario would be each town producing exactly what it needs. Nobody needs paid because everyone is doing their share of work. The problem comes in when they start to need to trade with each other. Because yes technically the 3rd town is making cars.. but who says the other towns need cars? So now they start making things like machine guns and putting them on the cars and then things get nasty bc nobody wants to trade evenly.. maybe town 3 killed town 1. moves in their own people and now have two town and have a monopoly on multiple supplies. and as you can see this spirals out of control over time.


Senior Member
The drought is having huge impacts on not only corn farmers but all livestock farmers. The drought is not allowing them to grow their own feed, most of which is corn. The cost of feeding cows, hogs and chickens is not economical at the current prices. Most are having to make the decision to slaughter what they have now or go bankrupt. You will see the price for meat go down in the near future but then shoot up 10-20% of what it is now.

This map explains why the prices are predicted to go rain, no crops. And then we have to worry about fires.
What is it like up north in Canada?


Senior Member
I was going to wait a month, but here is an update on the corn crisis. There is no rain. It is drying up.


Right now coons are eating up our corn.



Senior Member
What are the farmers in the area doing with the corn? Are they picking it now and grinding everything up for feed or are they going to wait for fall?


some here are picking and grinding it up now. while others are waiting a while yet but as the days go by with no rain more and more are doing the feed thing as soon as the crop insurance cliams are filed and the yield is checked by the adjuster.. the cattle farmers are selling off there heards to they just can't feed or water them ...


Senior Member
Oh, what a year. Finally, got some rain. Those are remnants of isaac. Still, one of the driest years ever. I want to thank God for the little corn we do have, but look at the prices. Hey, they are way up. :(

