Genesis of the New American Revolution

Domestic violence? 2 days after she left? I am confused.
Do you understand what the local courts, and their servants, the sheriff's department, have done?

They did what they were supposed to do.


Perhaps you should read the first link there. There may not be a mandatory law in place that officers HAVE to remove weapons from a citizen's home who has been charged/convicted of domestic violence, however the courts can provide an exemption and allow officers to remove weapons. They deemed you enough of a threat and the courts authorized the officers to remove your weapons. Simple as that. And judging from the police report and how many weapons the types of weapons and the ammunition you had. What exactly are you planning on hunting? T-Rex?

Long story short, if you don't want your guns taken away, follow the goddamn law. This is your fault, you hit your woman and you got caught and punished. Stop pushing the blame on others and take responsibility for your own actions.
Domestic violence? 2 days after she left? I am confused.
Do you understand what the local courts, and their servants, the sheriff's department, have done?

They did what they were supposed to do.


Perhaps you should read the first link there. There may not be a mandatory law in place that officers HAVE to remove weapons from a citizen's home who has been charged/convicted of domestic violence, however the courts can provide an exemption and allow officers to remove weapons. They deemed you enough of a threat and the courts authorized the officers to remove your weapons. Simple as that. And judging from the police report and how many weapons the types of weapons and the ammunition you had. What exactly are you planning on hunting? T-Rex?

Long story short, if you don't want your guns taken away, follow the goddamn law. This is your fault, you hit your woman and you got caught and punished. Stop pushing the blame on others and take responsibility for your own actions.

Please excuse me as I do not understand the conviction of your statement regarding who did what they were supposed to do? Are you stating that a father looking for his missing child is a threat because he filed a missing persons report? Could you please explain to me at what point in my case there was a charge or conviction for domestic violence?

To answer your question regarding the exercise of my 2nd amendment rights, I am an armed private security contractor for the state of Florida. It is my profession to guard people, places, and things with the use of modern firearms. I suppose there was once a time when men wore plate armor and carried swords to perform these duties.........

Please excuse me again as I simply do not understand your statement. Who is it that you are claiming that I hit, and who caught me doing it? Why was I punished?
I did study law and Constitutional law and know that we have drifted far field from the U.S. Constitution in this nation.
It is not safe to be right if your government is wrong!
You may be right...but dead right.
I would like to suggest that you sit back and wait for the STHTF and then and only then join the fight!
Around the year of 1650 my folks came to this land as well.
Please stay safe and wait...
Remember that you should never try to teach a pig to dance for you will just frustrate yourself and aggravate the pig1
You are not the jackass whisperer!
Is you church BATF approved?
Good luck with the folks on this forum....
I did study law and Constitutional law and know that we have drifted far field from the U.S. Constitution in this nation.
It is not safe to be right if your government is wrong!
You may be right...but dead right.
I would like to suggest that you sit back and wait for the STHTF and then and only then join the fight!
Around the year of 1650 my folks came to this land as well.
Please stay safe and wait...
Remember that you should never try to teach a pig to dance for you will just frustrate yourself and aggravate the pig1
You are not the jackass whisperer!
Is you church BATF approved?

Good luck with the folks on this forum....
<--- That's an awfully broad statement to make..
Anything else you would like to inform me about myself? Also, a verifiable source would be appreciated as well.
Thank you Willis, for your insight.
So... Your wife claimed you did something and the police did their job. Your landlord is a piece of shit and your kid got sick.

How is this the genesis of an American revolution?

More specifically, what does any of this have to do with all the other stuff you're claiming with Mitt Romney, the Ark of the Convenant, a nuclear war on March 11, 2015 and your claim that the Mormons are hiding Titor and/or Titor's machine inside a mountain in Utah?
I did study law and Constitutional law and know that we have drifted far field from the U.S. Constitution in this nation.
It is not safe to be right if your government is wrong!
You may be right...but dead right.
I would like to suggest that you sit back and wait for the STHTF and then and only then join the fight!
Around the year of 1650 my folks came to this land as well.
Please stay safe and wait...
Remember that you should never try to teach a pig to dance for you will just frustrate yourself and aggravate the pig1
You are not the jackass whisperer!
Is you church BATF approved?
Good luck with the folks on this forum....
I cannot wait anymore Walt. The local courts and authorities are so vigilant for me to hand them the child that they poisoned that they are hunting me at the moment with a writ of bodily attachment. Essentially a life sentence, having commited no crime. No crime = no sentence. Indefinite incarciration. I will be hiding out in the forest and rivers of central Florida, effectively locking me out of the cities on the coast, locking them in.
So... Your wife claimed you did something and the police did their job. Your landlord is a piece of shit and your kid got sick.

How is this the genesis of an American revolution?

More specifically, what does any of this have to do with all the other stuff you're claiming with Mitt Romney, the Ark of the Convenant, a nuclear war on March 11, 2015 and your claim that the Mormons are hiding Titor and/or Titor's machine inside a mountain in Utah?

My wife hired a divorce attorney. Checks and balances exist to preserve the constitution and the rights it protects for all citizens. Why is it that the most powerful document in the United States fails to be in effect as soon as divorce attorneys start bribing local circuit judges? The wife is not at flaw here, it is the system in which we live under.

As for your statement regarding the landlord. This case is not what it appears to be. I will show your additional documentation soon. Very quickly this case accelerates from a poisoned child, to a homeless child, and then to a manhunt. Perhaps the question we should ask is why are the authorities so hell bent on finding this child considering he has already survived such an event?

I'm not trying to convince you that Mitt Romney saved the Olympics from financial collapse, he is. I believe that the crusades answer your Ark question, and time alone will verify March 12, 2015 for you. The Mormon vault connection in Utah is where things get really interesting........
