Good news for a change

Hey, I once owned (and wore to school) a string of love beads. Psychedelic bellbottoms too.

And I voted for Carter. So there!

Edited to add:
Hey, we're all idiots. All humans are. Non-humans too, probably.

I just happen to excel at illustrating this point on an individual basis. It's what I do.

well guys just checked the standings for pro-stock motorcycle drag raceing and
out of the top 15 racers 9 are riding HARLEY DAVIDSON bikes with Andrew Hines currently in second place on a HARLEY
however the current points leader is a GIRL:eek:
Karen Stoffer on a Suzuki:( and from what I've seen the girl is quick with nerves of steel
I only mentioned her because the fact that a girl is in the top of the class is somethin to be proud of :)
it does my heart good to see that the girls compete in a mostly mans sport of motor cycle raceing
folks these bikes have aprox. 300 hp and wiegh in around 500-800lbs reaching speeds of 190-200mpr in the quarter mile with et's in the 6.8 seconds range
thats a fast girl rite there:D
As for good news, well things over here, the US, could be better but the good news is that it seems to have responsible folks acting responsibly, at least until the election insanity starts.
well just checked the standings for the pro-stock motorcycles drags and 9 of the top 15 are riding HARLEYS wooe hooe and the current points leadre is on a HARLEY I love it when they do that
