Debate Hdr Debate


Nice finds Cosmo, I didn't remember those 2007 WW3 predictions. 2% again... hmm

I'd like to know HDRKID's current explanation regarding those predictions.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I also recall reading similar failed predictions on some site with a disclaimer that they may not come true as the future shown by HDR during alleged physical time travel is NOT of your own time-line but of a parallel time-line. Parallel universe theories are all around us from Michio Kaku to John Titor to HDR users. I personally am not much sure about parallel time-line theories but if HDR works, then that's always the reason why predictions failed for our world IMHO. Of course HDRKid will know better than I :)


Here's what I heard from many sources: Although it it possible to get to our real future by physical or astral travel, the HDR will more than likely bring you to an alternate time line. Isn't this a lot like remote viewing the future? It's possible, but very hard to remote view our very future. More than likely, the remote viewer will see an alternate future.


Senior Member
Hi Starlord:
I cannot convince a person that already has their mind made up.

Hi cosmo:
The bulk of my predictions have come true, but some have not. I cannot hit the dart board 100% of the time, althought I do try.

Hi HH:
All my trips to the future involve an alternate time dimension. This means I will always see slight differences in each time jump. What I do is multiple jumps. Then I try to get an average. Most of the time it is the favorite that wins the horse race. Only rarely does the long shot win. That is why it pays thirty to one.

Basically, the debunkers are putting all their money on us escaping WWIII, which does not happen on some time lines, but that is very rare. I am putting my money on the favorite which happens on most time lines and we will see who wins.

Hi num:
I was able to do astral travel before I got my HDR. However, it did help me improve. Just like a pro basket ball player does not get every single shot, but misses a few I also have some misses. That is to be expected, but debunkers demand 100% accuracy. Well, you do not have 100% accuracy in a test for cancer. Do we throw the test out if it is 98% accurate, or do we heed it?

Debunkers claim that psychic phenomena is a hoax. They are never interested in finding out how it works, but only in coming to psychic forums and making fun of me.

Please read the profanity laden posts from Star lord and other debunkers. Learning remote viewing is like learning to tell the temperature of water by sticking your hand in it. Debunkers demand that you get the temperature down to the exact degree with 100% accuracy.

Right now you can tell the difference of 50 degree water and 90 degree water. With some practice you can learn the difference of 50 and 55 degree water, but I seriously doubt that anyone can tell the difference of 33 and 35 degree water with 100% accuracy..... :)


Senior Member
Hi cosmo:
The bulk of my predictions have come true, but some have not. I cannot hit the dart board 100% of the time, althought I do try.

Then link to these accurate prophecies as has been asked hundreds of times... Or GTFO. The one-sided conversationalist strikes again.


Active Member
It would seem to me that whenever asked to show validity of your baseless claims kid, you start rambling on and on about debunkers like to do this and debunkers like to do that. I am not here to debunk you kid....never have. I question the source of your claims...the HDR unit. Now, will I spend 1K plus to have Gibbsey send me Will I build one out of spare parts that I have laying around in my shop? No. That I reserve for those who have been duped by you and others into believing that said device works. Heck, folks have even asked you to post a video of you using the thing, but that.... just like Dr. Z's failed time machine go-cart will never occur. See, I do believe in the possibility of Astral Travel. I even find proof in remote viewing. But your brand of prediction is false. You do not remote view with that device. You do not travel the Astral Plane with that device. These mediums have been and will continue to be explored without the need of the HDR Unit. What you offer up instead is nothing short of a newspaper article or cable news stream. Yet still you persist in the belief that your magical HDR Unit not only works, but allows you to forecast the future...if in some alternate timeline. I don't live in that timeline bub... So it will continue. We, who seek truth through the Scientific Method or by experiences will question the HDR. Psychic phenomena is real. I agree with that...just not the method you propose. My grandfather used to say "Piss or get off the pot." I think the term applies to you here. Now....go me a debunker and make a few more predictable predictions. I will wait.. and I will laugh at you some more. Or better yet, upload that video of you using the device. I'm almost positive that what we would see would be nothing short of idiocy.


Senior Member
Hi cosmo:
I have already posted the list of components in an HDR and the Radio Shack SKU numbers so you can build one.
That is a lot more effective than telling you that it works because you can build one and see.

Hi zeo:
It is my job to issue a warning. I have already done so. People who gather food and fuel will increase their ability to survive. Notice I told people to buy gold, not electronics devices from anyone. Also to plant a garden, and to gather things that they will need in the coming crisis.

This has been my emphasis, not convicing people about time travel as that will not be important soon. Finding food will become a 24/7 job Figuring out how complex theories about time travel will not be on the list - they will not care. for those few that survive.

This is similar to what I have seen in the future - a highway with no cars.


Senior Member
Hi cosmo:
I have already posted the list of components in an HDR and the Radio Shack SKU numbers so you can build one.
That is a lot more effective than telling you that it works because you can build one and see.

Why (and this is a rhetorical question) should I go through the expense, humilation and wasted time of building one when all I've asked is for a link to your accurate prophecies? You know, the ones you made BEFORE they showed up on Google News. My time is far more valuable than that.

As Zeo said, I'm not here to argue or debunk you; you do that well enough on your own. All I'm asking is for a grain of credibility to go along with your insanity. I'll even ask nicely:

HDRkid, please, pretty please with sugar on top, link to some of your predictions on this site that have been accurate.

I don't actually expect a coherent response though, you'll just post more ramblings about how debunkers are assholes and there's no food in the grocery and show us generic stock photography of empty streets.

Prove me wrong.


Senior Member
StarLord, you ask HDRKID over and over again to post links to his old claims and provide proof. Can you provide us with links showing HDRKID's past mistakes?

While I agree that some 10 years old discussions may make you think HDRKID isn't what he claims to be, I'm not sure it should prevent people from having an actual discussion about the HDR device 10 years later. Especially since there are much more HDR enthusiasts now than back in the days.

"Mistakes"? or prevarications and getting caught red handed at them thousands of times by Darby, G100 and others?

Time Travel Institute:

go to the search function and do a search on HDRkid, you'll find the monster thread they had to close as well as the next one that was opened after that fact.


Google HDRkid Hoax or just plain HDRkid

You'll get a few links to what's left of what was TPN saved to Paranormails also the last HDRkid debacle thread. Do you have a function here to search people's posts?
If so search out G100 's posts when he debunks the hdrkid's lies.

"enthusiasts" is an interesting term for the phenomena of part of the learning curve, kudos.

Especially, if and when one was foolish enough to have paid money for that placebo. Good money is riding on the typical reaction to the situation where the fool and his dearly departed money doesn't have the guts to admit they got taken and ripped off by gibbs and will claim it works.
Now, before the kneejerk question arises have I ever used one, no I have not, if you wish to waste your money and buy one and ship it to a blind ship post box, I''ll be more than happy to test it. Asking if some one ever built their own F16 in a basement like a person claiming they had built an F18 in their basement, isn't much of a logical retort looking for the fertilizer that would build the "So How Do You Know it does not work?" response trying to supply factual references to bolster gibbs placebo.
Anyone falling into one of the largest traps built around gibbs piece of nonsense "If you don't believe it's going to work it won't work" is fooling them self big time. Scientific Laws are not predicated on ones belief. Electricity still flows whether or not you believe in it. Astral Travel is based on attention, the point of that attention and continued effort. It works whether you have wasted $450 or not, are holding the placebo or not. People in the know laugh their head off when they hear "It makes it easier for me to astral travel" Eventually when they figure it out, the placebo never did anything, it was all because of what your own effort was. If people really wanted to make things easier, they'd supply fins for olympic swimmers to use when they race.

The more you read on the internet at all the myriad HDRkid based sites, eventually it will come to you that there are different people posting as that person. Watch the language, grammar, keeping an eye open for English as a second language clues.

You say "he" in referrence to the original HDRkid. That may not be entirely true as Jennifer was not a he, she was/is a she.
Is it still the same person? It doesn't matter after getting busted for that many lies for when that happens, her credibility mimicked that of having screen windows on submarines, "paper" airplanes made out of sheet steel, Jesus toast made personally by Jesus each morning after they ran out of bread a year ago.


All any of the "evil debunkers" have ever asked for and never received was evidence that a placebo made temporal movement possible. It is very simple if they were actually doing it. Exact Game score with scores per specific person. Exact headline of a news paper and a date. 1- 2 weeks maximum. Imagine all the excuses that piled up after that, time travel police show up, the guberment shows up, "bullets in my window" show up ~ that was another knee slapper that was. Trust any person when they tell you that no body gives a damn where you live kid, you have nothing of worth. Besides, with Eschelon, Carnivore and the new one the NSA has, every single supposed conversation between you and gibbs could have been recorded. If any of the nonsense you have been peddling and shilling for that last decade was actually real, the government would have confiscated everything and gibbs would have been in some thinktank laboratory making wish plates for the government. Don't bother with an excuse that gibbs lives in a secret place and has been forced to move constantly, triangulation results from your thousands of "steven gibbs called me today & I called steven gibbs today and he said..." poor excuses for shilling would have pinpointed him. The government doesn't care about fantasy and made up toys being manufactured in order to rip people off with.

Before the switch of excuses from what once was just "plain time travel", us "evil debunkers" allowed that there was the possibility that what was actually taking place was plain OBE to the Astral Plane. Then, for some strange reason the hdrkid's Schick morphed into "Astral Time Travel". However, anyone knowing a tad about that would immediately have to ask, "Why is it all you ever see is doom & gloom?" Theres a very good reason if you bother to do the research which boils down to constantly visiting some lower aspect of the astral that's filled with negativity and has not a damn thing with actually going through any sort of time travel here on the physical plane (time travel) and the bottom line is that the traveler's internal state of consciousness is what causes them to arrive to that spot. Think of it like a specific bus ticket for a specific destination.

Then, the Sthick morphs to the claim that gibbs gizmo placebo actually moves your body through time. BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! That was seriously rich. All on 110 wall current no less......Christ on a crutch, at least the Titor authors were intelligent enough to include some sort of believable science of him traveling with 2 Contained Singularities for a quasi possible power source to move mass through time until real science crushed that. Not. Claims like that surely push the envelope of Scientific Laws. But Hey! Aliens gave it to gibbs right? LOL!!!

I currently breed and sell rocks that speak seven languages as well as ancient Sidhe, do boulean algebra as well as calculous and travel through time, you just need to be standing on the right spot for all of that to happen. Obviously, if it's not working you didn't rub it the right way, make your wish properly or are not standing on the right spot, but hey keep trying because it's not the rock's fault, you are doing it wrong.

Discuss the HDR till the cows come home, what it won't do is make it any more real than it already isn't and it's just like wanting the freedom to discuss how fishing with nuclear bombs makes good sense.


Senior Member
Hi cosmos:
Rather than spend me time arguing with a person who thinks that a metal detector is a hoax, I prefer to find gold rings. I do understand that I do not prove anything by finding one. Debunkers can claim that I paid some one to go in the middle of the night and bury it in a certain place for me. Still, I do not benefit from hordes of people using metal detectors by me convincing them that it works, but by me finding gold and that is how it is.

The benefit of using the HDR is that you see future events and can prepare. Notice that I do not sell any. Also, you will notice that I never ask anyone to buy the device, but rather give them plans if they want to build one. How exactly, is that suppose to help me?

Hi Starlord:
Most of my predictions have come true. For example, I have done over 2000 trades this year. OK on 1.9% I lost money. That is over 40 bad trades, but I work on improving.

Let us say that you are right and nothing happen. I bought a lot of gold and silver, both of which have gone up. The cans of food I can eat, and most of my supplies like generators etc I can sell at a profit, so there is no down side for me.

On the other hand, if we have a CME carrington event like in 1859 it will destroy our power grid meaning no power. I told you to store food and fuel. I did not ask anyone to buy an HDR unit or any other unit, but to learn remote viewing. All you need is a pencil and some paper.

What are you going to do when there is no food, fuel, or power?
