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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Mudpuppy, did you wish to point out the truth regarding the h d r to us?

Tell me, did you miss Harte's post? I'd like to know your feelings about what he posted.[/b]

What I wish to point out to you and Harte is this:

1) Everyone in this forum has the right to post his or her findings without feeling that they are being "ganged" up on. If you do not agree with HDR kid or his findings, then you are free to post your opinion WITHOUT using offensive language. You have done that....and done that....and done that......with HDR kid. It's time to put it to rest. DO try to understand that everyone has their own reality and perceptions. No two people are capable of seeing things exactly the same way, and you should expect there to be differences in opinion and respect those differences. If you disagree with HDR kid, then go post in a topic where you can do so without deevolving to using obscenities.

2) If you can't do the above and wish to make posts that give a hostile and harrassing feeling, then perhaps you should move to a more appropriate forum where that kind of behavior is condoned--because it isn't here.

3) DO NOT assume that you know all there is to know. Ignorance and arrogance are the worst enemies of one who is seeking understanding. To do so only makes you look foolish.

4) When you let your ego get away, you will learn nothing. You may have been here for a long time but that does not automatically mean you have all the answers and is certainly NO measure of wisdom.

Since you asked if I'd like to point out the truth, that is the "truth" I wish to point out.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
What I wish to point out to you and Harte is this:

1) Everyone in this forum has the right to post his or her findings without feeling that they are being \"ganged\" up on. If you do not agree with HDR kid or his findings, then you are free to post your opinion WITHOUT using offensive language. I assume you are over 8 years old, correct?

2) If you wish to make posts that give a hostile and harrassing feeling, then go to a more appropriate forum to do so........this is not the place.

Since you asked, that is what I wish to point out.[/b]

Indeed? This is a debate regarding a HOAX the same that any other TIME TRAVELER has Claimed. Did you wish to change the way we challenge HOAXES Here?

Your question regarding my age was out of line.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Indeed? This is a debate regarding a HOAX the same that any other TIME TRAVELER has Claimed. Did you wish to change the way we challenge HOAXES Here?

Your question regarding my age was out of line.[/b]

Yes, well, you responded before I was done editing. I apologize for referring to you as 8 years old if you could not refrain from using obscenities at HDR kid.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
Yes, well, you responded before I was done editing. I apologize for referring to you as 8 years old if you could not refrain from using obscenities at HDR kid.[/b]

Interesting, that you would take this tack. Well then, that's your first salvo.

You refered to a term "findings" which in the scientific would would mean something qiuite different to what the kid has dug up. His stories are not findings. They are the aftermath of digestion from the male bovine species.

Do you have any clue as to why some of the people that have reacted they way they have and asked the questions they have, have done so?

Indeed? This is a debate regarding a HOAX the same that any other TIME TRAVELER has Claimed. Did you wish to change the way we challenge HOAXES Here?

This is HDR's initial post:
Hi all fellow TT fans. I was invited to come to this forum.

It appears that there are several people here who use the HDR.
My goal is to figure out how to use the HDR better and perhaps
figure out a few things that will happen in the future.

Also, I plan to build the Flux Cap invented by John Bajak.
My website is http://www.fluxcap.com

He is not perpetrating a hoax. He is seeking like-minded people who have experimented or have knowledge of the HDR machine. There is a serious debate on about the validity of the machine.....not on HDR's validty. No one needs to be "challenging" HDR kid as a hoax in the first place. If you agree with him, fine. If you don't, fine. Go find another place to post and leave him alone. There happen to be members here who do like to discuss his experiences....or haven't you noticed that in the past 86 pages?????

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Indeed? This is a debate regarding a HOAX the same that any other TIME TRAVELER has Claimed. Did you wish to change the way we challenge HOAXES Here?
Your question regarding my age was out of line.[/b]

You arrogantly say HOAX, like you can prove hdrkid's visions of the future aren't real...

Are you saying that science minded people that know what they are talking about do not know anything? Are you saying that it is OK to post about a electromagnetic unit like this that damages brain cells is ok? Are you saying that you think it's ok for advertising of something possibly dangerous like this to unsuspecting individuals?

I am surprised. I thought you cared about the people that came here to post.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Interesting, that you would take this tack. Well then, that's your first salvo.[/b]

sal?vo2</span> <a href=\'https://secure.reference.com/premium/login.html?rd=2&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdictionary.reference.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dsalvo\' target=\'_blank\'><img src=\'http://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/JPG/pron.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\'></a> (<span style=\'font-family:verdana, sans-serif\'> P </span>) <a href=\'http://dictionary.reference.com/help/ahd4/pronkey.html\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'color:#0033ff\'>Pronunciation Key</a> (s
n. pl. sal?vos
  1. A mental provision or reservation.
  2. Law. A saving clause.
  3. An expedient for protecting one's reputation or for soothing one's conscience.
Alright.......can we just dispense with the grandiose verbage to try and score points. If you're point is a valid one, plain English will suffice.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
You refered to a term \"findings\" which in the scientific would would mean something qiuite different to what the kid has dug up. His stories are not findings. They are the aftermath of digestion from the male bovine species.[/b]

You deem them "stories". These are his experiences. Big difference. You are the one doing all the labeling as "stories"...not HDR kid. This is his revelation...however he tells it...not yours to deevolve into a "story" or a "hoax". Noone that I know of has given you that right. You have bestowed it upon yourself.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Starlord\")</div>
Do you have any clue as to why some of the people that have reacted they way they have and asked the questions they have, have done so?[/b]

I might, for example..........here are few for you to mill over:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Passive Extremist\")</div>
You arrogantly say HOAX, like you can prove hdrkid's visions of the future aren't real... [/b]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"The_Ruffneck\")</div>
StarLord please , it gets annoying reading the same post over and over again on every page.[/b]
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Passive_Extremist\")</div>
And with every post this board devolves into anomalies.... One alpha male who sets the rules and any dissenters are ran away...[/b]

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Are you saying that science minded people that know what they are talking about do not know anything? Are you saying that it is OK to post about a electromagnetic unit like this that damages brain cells is ok? Are you saying that you think it's ok for advertising of something possibly dangerous like this to unsuspecting individuals?

I am surprised. I thought you cared about the people that came here to post.[/b]

Excuse me? Don't try that with me StarLord. It's not going to work. WE all care about our members. What we don't care for are members who try to verbally manipulate the feelings of others to portray that we may NOT care about them all to make a simple egotistical point. Are those the actions of one who cares about his fellow members or one who cares about being "right"?

Is this your way of caring about members so that they may see the "possible dangers" of the HDR machine? Next time you decide to "care" so much, just post some research minus the deroggatory comments.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
He just, floats....... yup, crap floats, what a coincidence.[/b]

Just as I could, for You to mull over, all the Quotes from G110, Kira herself, Harte, and other that have spoted this for what it is.

As you blithely put it regarding any kind of rights, I am surprised that none of the moderaters here have bothered to look into the Health aspect of playing games with electro magenetic Placebos. Where are the unsuspecting folks rights to expect that at least what they read about, someone has taken the time to research to make sure someone isn't just using a site to post in order to sell something.[/QUOTE]

Hdrkid, have you ever been to a universe where Venus and Mars were habitable, and if so, what was it like? Also, there was an experiment i was thinking about that could test to see if the HDR is really a placebo or not, here it is.

1. Without the HDR, lay down in your bed, but keep thinking that you have an HDR with you and you are using it, imagine the device attached to you.

2. As you are laying down, keep the thought of the HDR with you in your head and meditate, keep the thought in the back of your mind.

3. Try the astral projection technique that you use the most and see if it works about the same as with the HDR.

I remember one post you made where it said continous use of the HDR hinders psychic abilities, i have heard that magnetic fields can alter ones mind if it is directed enough, it is just something i heard on the History Channel. Good luck with the experiment if you wish to try it-Malaki
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