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You still have not fully answered my post. I notice that you do that as a rule when someone is pointing out objections to your stories here.

Needing glasses because of poor eye sight has absolutely nothing to do with OBE. Jeez, I cannot believe you even went there as an example. You were Born with either eyes that work perfectly or you are not. I have been wearing lenses since I was 6. Telling me to toss my glasses produces only one thing, poor vision. God still loves me but without lenses, I will not be able to see properly.

Yes you are right, not all people are the same, However, we were, are and always will be born with the ability to remember how to, or relearn how to OBE, Out of Body Experience.

You claim that you did astral travel before without a machine. So you admit that you don't need a machine to do that. You stated that 'after' getting that machine, it became much easier for you. POPPYCOCK. All that machine did was convince you that it would be easier because you relied on its results, you therefore 'relaxed' awaiting the machines 'help' and did what comes naturally.

Like anything else that has to do with our bodies, we have to both train it and exersize it. OBE is just like learning a new sport. You train yourself how to move properly and you learn how NOT TO WASTE YOUR EFFORTS. Had you met me when you first started and I read your post about HOW HARD it was for you to OBE and your 'strained efforts' to achieve this, I would have immediately pointed out one of the Laws here on the Physical Plane regarding Reverse Effects.

Basically, the harder you Strain and or Push to do something insures that it recedes from you just that far. The 'door' to Soul opens INWARD NOT OUTWARD. The harder you strain against that door, the tighter it is closed. If you think about it honestly, it was when you 'gave up' that you seemed able to do it. All this contraption has done for you is alleviate the responsibility of 'opening the door' in your mind. The machine has done nothing for you that you cannot do your self. You THINK it makes things easier, so in your own mind it does.

Do yourself a favor, go on the internet and do searches on "fake medical equipment" It may amaze you. They have been proven to be 100% fake and not able to assist medically speaking, with the healing process. However, let us not forget the power of a "Placebo". A Placebo contains no medication what so ever, none, zip, zilch, nada, the big fat zero, and it is administered purely for its, get ready for it, PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT. It works Because the person BELIEVES it works. These Placebos can be medicinal, mechanical, electrical in origin and effect. As you have found if you bothered to look, there are hundreds of Quack inventions that helped or healed people in the past. All they did was allow people to HEAL THEMSELVES. Nothing More, Nothing Less.

Imagine that, absolutely nothing having an effect on a person. You unit is exactly that. the HDR is nothing more than a PLACEBO. You have convinced yourself that it works. Nothing more than that. You have duped and deluded yourself into believing that you are having these experiences because of a machine.

Have You Thought This Through???????

The more you do OBE properly, like, WITHOUT A MACHINE, the easier it becomes.
Were you born with this machine? Did it come attached to your DNA? So, we are back to your UNNATURAL ideas, claims and stories.

I note that you avoided my questions regarding your status of Mastership. Are you a Spiritual Master? Don't avoid the question please.

Are you willing to except the responsibility for what happens to anybody because of your posts?



Your faith in science will be tested in the years to come.
Responsibility breaks down when you begin to question everything that you once held dear.

I'm sick of these empty replies HDR. Have you nothing better? I do not have faith in 'science'. What is science? I put my trust in the things for which there are evidence, and subsequently shun the things with no evidence which contradict them. If that was your response to my post to you on 'Responsibility' it was very poor. In the past you have justified yourself better than this.

You think that astral travel is dreaming. That is like a cat saying that humans are fools because they spend a lot of time looking at pieces of paper instead of chasing mice.

Similies and metaphors, no meaning, no evidence. This quote is the 'story of your hoax'.

Certain shamans have the power to slow down their heart rates and enter a trance state where they can access other forms of knowledge.

I agree entirely. You do not seem to have a point however.

You are breaking up. You have blatantly ignored important issues from both Starlord and myself, you visibly exult in the other easy, meaningless questions you recieve. This is all a game to you; you are a poet, you have a powerful imagination, but it is not right to decieve people.

I have asked you before, but it seems you need to be told twice. Pack this in before you make a complete fool out of yourself.


Senior Member


You claim that you did astral travel before without a machine. So you admit that you don't need a machine to do that. You stated that 'after' getting that machine, it became much easier for you. POPPYCOCK. All that machine did was convince you that it would be easier because you relied on its results, you therefore 'relaxed' awaiting the machines 'help' and did what comes naturally.

This is the "magic feather" theory. You say the machine is a placebo, much like a used car salesman who needs his "lucky shirt" to sell cars. All in his head.

Perhaps, but once I tried to tune the HDR and found I could not tune it. I then noticed that it was not plugged into the wall socket. To tune the machine I need electrical energy, much like tuning a radio. Perhaps you can explain why the HDR works best on the day of a full moon? Tidal effect?

I remember in Middle School a friend did an science fair experiement with a psychotronic device, not the HDR, and he made seeds grow faster. I did my own experiment and yes, seeds grow faster when exposed to a high intensity pulsed magnetic field.

There is so much that we do not know.


I have asked you before, but it seems you need to be told twice. Pack this in before you make a complete fool out of yourself.

?Question: Am I already a fool by your definition because I believe in UFOs, spirits, etc.

Now, I add astral time travel as one more thing that I believe in.
I did not believe it was possible at one time, but I had to see what was on the other side of the hill.

Hi Frog:

1. What are time cops and what do they do and are they from the future or past?

A one time I did not believe that time cops could exist even when people I trust told me about them. Now it seems to me that they have a function preventing people from using this technology to do harm. Exactly how they operate I do not know. John Titor did not know about "time cops" or he did not want to discuss that subject. I have been told that people who misuse time travel, disappear.

2. In parallel universes you can mess around I mean you can't change history but you can have fun right?

You can see other possibilities, like how the US would look without WWII. Much better off, that war was very expensive and many productive people lost their lifes. How the world would be if JFK had lived. A lot of people who died in Vietnam would be walking around now and US would have flourished.

3. In the near or further future what is the government called like in type and name and who is in charge of it?

On most timelines it is known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

4. Will their be a police state in the near or further future?

On the the timeline that Bush is elected martial law is declared I believe in 2005. On the line where Kerry is elected, martial law is not declared until 2012 I believe, but I cannot access the times between 2010-2015, also there is a war in 2015. I do not have exact dates, these are for timelines very similar to the one we are in now.

I was able to see a timeline where tthere was no WWIII, it had problems with over population, but it seemed OK to me. I still believe that WWIII can be prevented, but we must work at it.



thanks once again for your great answers to me and others questions and thanks for listening and responding back to me and for your time and patience also I might be able to buy a hdr in november but it hasn't been decided yet though if anything happens I will let you know I have three questions once again for you so here they are:

1. Do you have to pray to god and jesus before you operate the device or machine also what will happen if you don't pray?

2. What kind of money is used in the near and further future also will fast food or restraunts still be around or not?

3. What kind of war in the near or further future be like? please explain or describe!

thanks for everything like information, listening, responding back, time and patience, advice and so much more well I will talk with you later on!


Senior Member

Thats a good question Frog. A very Good question.

If I was doing what hdrkid is doing here I would be praying to God.


Senior Member

Hi Frog:

1. Do you have to pray to God and Jesus before you operate the device or machine also what will happen if you don't pray?

Yes, I ask Jesus for help when using the HDR. I have been sent to bad places using the HDR. Astral Hell, a WWII where Germany wins, and the US after WWIII.

BTW, I just read about a time traveller who went to an alternate timeline where the south wins the civil war. Would you believe that there is still slavery in 2005? :angry:

2. What kind of money is used in the near and further future also will fast food or restraunts still be around or not?

Paper money becomes worthless after WWIII, also there is no government. No fast food restaurants, but some inns, pubs, bars, places like that; people trade items, like a can of tuna for a bicycle.

I did not see anyone placing sports, people were worried about finding food. Also there is a new kind of real hard core techno called SUPERSLAM in 2026. I know that in 2150 there was a club that played music from postwar called Club Retro.

It is very high energy electroblast with a digital backbone, synthetic timpani, and has a pounding computerized beat, like a hybrid of fusion glide and trance techno - married to Vibrant "factory".

People do not know the names of performers, just like you do not know the names of the programmers of the latest PS2 game. To me it sounds like a crazy jumble, no harmony, no melody, just loud! :D

3. What kind of war in the near or further future be like? please explain or describe!

People where living on farms. John Titor talks about TV over internet, but I did not see that. What I saw was people working hard just to survive. Planting crops and trying to eke out a living. There were still some small towns with maybe 100 people. Cities were full of diseases, nobody went there. You were paid in items like gold coins, bags of food, gasoline, yes there was still gasoline in 2026, but it was very expensive, about 1/10 of an ounce of gold for a gallon equivalent to about $50/gallon. Food was SUPER EXPENSIVE!

In desperation some people turned to exotic technologies like time travel. I saw a shop where a man had over 500 time machines. And people were using them!
My guess is that they were trying to escape post war America.

I saw empty cities after WWIII and very few people. It is sad that we cannot learn to all work together. My hope is that this future can be changed. :cry:

Hi Starlord:

If I was doing what hdrkid is doing here I would be praying to God.

For once I agree with you Starlord. I have gone cave diving (a very dangerous sport) and I did not feel the amount of fear that I feel when using the HDR.

I compare riding the HDR like riding a bucking bronco. You want to go one place and he wants to go somewhere else. You end up going somewhere that neither of you imagined. Oh, but the places I have seen! :)



Hi hdrkid it's frog again I just wanted to say that napolean dynomite movie that you saw my brother is in it his name is kip in the movie also that time machine was my idea kind of he wanted to make it silver instead of black and I will have two more questions to ask you later don't worry about what you posted in your blog I check it everday anyways well I just wanted to tell you all of this by the way I haven't decided if I should buy and use the hdr I am kind of religious so I know that there is god and jesus and his angels well I got to go now so I will talk with you later!


Senior Member

Hi Frog:

I went and saw the movie Napoleon Dynamite.
It had a time machine in it that looks similar to the HDR.

They should have had a bright flash of white light, followed by a loud bang and then the ex-football player is in 1982. The only problem is that he would probably go to another timeline. Like one where McGovern wins the election against Nixon and everybody is a hippie.

That's the problem with the HDR. You don't know where or when you end up.

BTW, Who was Kip?
I will look for him.

Did you like Napoleon's girlfriend Deb?

It is better build an HDR than to buy it, more fun that way.
I am trying to get plans for it so I can post, but I already have plans
for the old sonic resonator that came before the Hyper Dimesional Resonator
if you want them. You can get most of the parts you need at Radio Shack.
The HDR is basically an electromagnet.

Remember to ask Jesus to protect you when you use it.



?Question: Am I already a fool by your definition because I believe in UFOs, spirits, etc.

How can you believe in UFOs? If you haven't seen one, you can only hope, and base a judgement on second hand evidence. If you have seen one, then it's knowledge, not belief. As for spirits, I have been involved personally in two 'ghost' encounters where I have seen in one case an apparition of a long dead family cat walk past me and through my lounge door, and in another a pale head hovering behind me as I looked into a mirror (which I caught on camera). I do not understand what has made these things happen, but I certainly didn't change my views on the supernatural. I keep an open mind.

Now, I add astral time travel as one more thing that I believe in.
I did not believe it was possible at one time, but I had to see what was on the other side of the hill.

Believing in astral time travel is very different from making wild, fantasy like claims of actually doing it.

I still want to hear what you have to say in your defense on the topic of responsibility; you said yourself you are putting others at risk. How do you justify that?

Originally posted by hdrkid@Sep 25 2004, 07:42 PM
Hi Frog:

1. Do you have to pray to God and Jesus before you operate the device or machine also what will happen if you don't pray?

Yes, I ask Jesus for help when using the HDR. I have been sent to bad places using the HDR. Astral Hell, a WWII where Germany wins, and the US after WWIII.

BTW, I just read about a time traveller who went to an alternate timeline where the south wins the civil war. Would you believe that there is still slavery in 2005? :angry:

2. What kind of money is used in the near and further future also will fast food or restraunts still be around or not?

Paper money becomes worthless after WWIII, also there is no government. No fast food restaurants, but some inns, pubs, bars, places like that; people trade items, like a can of tuna for a bicycle.

I did not see anyone placing sports, people were worried about finding food. Also there is a new kind of real hard core techno called SUPERSLAM in 2026. I know that in 2150 there was a club that played music from postwar called Club Retro.

It is very high energy electroblast with a digital backbone, synthetic timpani, and has a pounding computerized beat, like a hybrid of fusion glide and trance techno - married to Vibrant \"factory\".

People do not know the names of performers, just like you do not know the names of the programmers of the latest PS2 game. To me it sounds like a crazy jumble, no harmony, no melody, just loud! :D

3. What kind of war in the near or further future be like? please explain or describe!

People where living on farms. John Titor talks about TV over internet, but I did not see that. What I saw was people working hard just to survive. Planting crops and trying to eke out a living. There were still some small towns with maybe 100 people. Cities were full of diseases, nobody went there. You were paid in items like gold coins, bags of food, gasoline, yes there was still gasoline in 2026, but it was very expensive, about 1/10 of an ounce of gold for a gallon equivalent to about $50/gallon. Food was SUPER EXPENSIVE!

In desperation some people turned to exotic technologies like time travel. I saw a shop where a man had over 500 time machines. And people were using them!
My guess is that they were trying to escape post war America.

I saw empty cities after WWIII and very few people. It is sad that we cannot learn to all work together. My hope is that this future can be changed. :cry:

Hi Starlord:

If I was doing what hdrkid is doing here I would be praying to God.

For once I agree with you Starlord. I have gone cave diving (a very dangerous sport) and I did not feel the amount of fear that I feel when using the HDR.

I compare riding the HDR like riding a bucking bronco. You want to go one place and he wants to go somewhere else. You end up going somewhere that neither of you imagined. Oh, but the places I have seen! ?:)

Wow, HDRKID, it sounds like you visited a lot more parallel universes than i have. Usually, i just re-live memories from my alternanates in those universes. Other times, i physically shift into my alternates bodies, and see what is going on. I have been to hellish universes, one i visited was where there was a christian evangelical extremist government in control of the entire planet, CEFSE, Christian Evangelical Federation of Earth. They exterminated every other religion, culture, etc. And kill anyone who follows any other religion except their own. I got stuck in that universe once and had to hide before i had the energy to shift back to this one. The president in that world is a pastor as well, the term for a president is Pastor President, the leader in that world is Pastor President Oliver Jamesca, im unsure of his existance in this universe. You are forced to go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, confess in front of others, and forced to believe what they believe.
Another universe i visited is where there are laws in place around the world i believe, and in the US, called Family Directives, where the amount of food your family gets is determined by your childrens behavior, i encountered a lot of rudeness when i went there, children, teenagers, and even infants are scorned and treated like they are evil. The election is hot there too, Bush is in power, and John Kerry is trying to win the election, John Kerry plans to get rid of the Family Directives. Child abuse goes unnoticed there as well, or isnt illegal.

I will post more info about my journeys through other universes later on, what other universes have you visited HDRKID, and what is your favorite one.
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