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Hi Timescholar:
Well, I was wrong about Kerry being elected,
hopefully I will be wrong about Iran being invaded.

Hi Blue Freeze:
Has anyone start their Christmas shopping yet?
No, I hope that when you get a Hyper Dimensional Resonator
you can share your astral time travel journeys with us.

Hi Frog:
1. Do they have any games, toys, vr in the near and further future and what major game companies survive in the near and further future?
I will try to look for toys using Steven Gibbs HDR.

2. What major car companies survive in the near and further future?
On some lines GE makes electric cars. Most car companies do not survive the switch from fuel to battery, but a few do. New companies spring up, these fill the void left by the extinction of "old fashioned" dinosaur fuel car companies that made fuel powered automobiles.

Names that I remember of electric cars {Crysler Crusader, GE MK4, and Nogomo Electron}. Most electric cars are small and seat only two people, some have only three wheels and seat only one person! :)

I remember NOGOMO because there was a joke on that line was that No-go-mo stood for No go anymo' because it was always running out of charge in the middle of the highway! :D


Yep. I'll share my astral travels with ya when I purchase my HDR considering I have enough Christmas dough to buy one. :) Any news on the release date for Gibbs' "Space Time Modulator" or "Time Transposer"?

Do you know when they'll start to mass produce electric cars or hydrogen fuel cell cars? And yes that was a good question about what toy and gadgets are used in the near future? Anyone hear of the new Oakley's with a built in mp3 player? They are so cool but worth about $400.


P.S.- Four more years. Four more years. Bush is cool. :)

I was intrigued while reading this forum. It took me 2 days to read it all but I enjoyed it :) . First of all excuse me for my english since I am from the other side of globe :D.

I wanted to ask you some questions. I had similar experiences but they differ apparently. I would like if you could comment them. I have no clue what is the difference between astral traveling, remote viewing and OBE. For me, it's all the same. Maybe, my experience differ from yours because of my different interpretation? I have no regular trips since my philosophy is that I am an entity in the sea of time-space and only supermind (not GOD, i do not believe in it) allows me to travel in time lines and not were I want but were it sends me to, to learn and to know the universe.

1. You said that you were affraid to go to time lines with a big difference in time.
Why? A short history of me to understand why I am asking this question. I stepped onto this "time traveler" (?) path when I was young and when IT showed me some worlds in my dreams. Really, I do not specialize in time travels since my understanding is different. Time and space are the same. So, I call them traveling without "time" or "space" prefixed. I saw the time-space and how it influences me. It was the first contact with IT which tempted me to go further. I was learnt in my dreams how to travel and the first world I saw was the time when dinosaurs lived and people walked around holding in hands some instruments. I do not know if they were humans. The image that was shown to me was similar like looking through binoculars (how do you call it? -- RV? Time travel? Obviously it is not OBE, I learnt it later) and then the image moved from me like a sheet of paper and disappeared. So, it seems possible to see a deep past, isn't it?

BTW, I have never used any devices or drugs for it. Recently, I have no travels (recently means about 5 years) but it is a different story.

2. The habitants of higher worlds that I traveled to helped me to learn, manipulate time and space, and my inner "me" knows how to do this. One woman helped me to cure a man here in this time-space by uniting with me and traveling with me back. I asked help in these time-spaces and they responded to me.
So, it seems that all time-lines interact between each other, aren't they?

3. I have never talked with them in their language and even heard spoken language. I talk with them telepathically. Sometimes it is difficult to understand and I only grasp images of what they want to say. Sometimes I get in my "head" a pile of words which meanings are similar to my language.
I think you need to learn or ask IT to learn you to communicate using telepathy ;).

4. You are bount to Earth, aren't you? How do you imagine yourself after death?
Do you believe in reincarnation?

Thank you for your thoughts. It seems that you are very brave and interesting person :).

Hi Blue Freeze:

Do you know when they'll start to mass produce electric cars or hydrogen fuel cell cars?
We currently have hybrid cars, that is a step toward all electric cars, the problem is that batteries are tooooo heavy and take tooo long to recharge.

In the future the store electrical energy in these devices that are small and compact, also the conversion loss is lower than with a battery.

Room temp superconductors make it possible to transport cheap electrical energy from hydro projects in Canada to the US.

And yes that was a good question about what toy and gadgets are used in the near future?

Some are already out like a color map with GPS, 3D HDTV, videophone, but they become more common, others like portable holo movie players are still in the lab.

Most gadgets involve computer power, like voice recognition for video games,
and small robotic lawnmowers that cut grass, but not your lawn ornaments.

Clothes has microchips in it so it can change color, glow, even display ads!

Smart tires allow a car to drive over ice, snow, puddles without problems.

The near future looks a lot like now, but in 50 years, on lines without WWIII,
there is a shift in architecture, things look more smooth and sleek, not as ornate.

Houses look like office buildings, lots of glass and square shapes, funiture is skeletonized and angular with a harsh metallic finish.

Anyone hear of the new Oakley's with a built in mp3 player? They are so cool but worth about $400.

MP3 will be replaced by more efficient methods of compression and DVD by crystal storage, no moving parts.

Hi Jaguar Son:
1. You said that you were affraid to go to time lines with a big difference in time.
I do not like high divergence timelines because things are all "wrong", stores different, people dress "funny", everything has a freaky off the wall look.

A short history of me to understand why I am asking this question. I stepped onto this "time traveler" (?) path when I was young and when IT showed me some worlds in my dreams. Really, I do not specialize in time travels since my understanding is different. Time and space are the same. So, I call them traveling without "time" or "space" prefixed. I saw the time-space and how it influences me. It was the first contact with IT which tempted me to go further. I was learnt in my dreams how to travel and the first world I saw was the time when dinosaurs lived and people walked around holding in hands some instruments. I do not know if they were humans. The image that was shown to me was similar like looking through binoculars (how do you call it? -- RV? Time travel? Obviously it is not OBE, I learnt it later) and then the image moved from me like a sheet of paper and disappeared. So, it seems possible to see a deep past, isn't it?

You can see the past and the future, but from another timeline. RV is remote viewing, not as accurate as astral time travel, OBE is out of the body experience, that some people have, NDE is near death experience.

All are similar.

BTW, I have never used any devices or drugs for it. Recently, I have no travels (recently means about 5 years) but it is a different story.

That is good. Some people needs devices for OBE. Soothing sounds help me, also the HDR.

2. The habitants of higher worlds that I traveled to helped me to learn, manipulate time and space, and my inner "me" knows how to do this. One woman helped me to cure a man here in this time-space by uniting with me and traveling with me back. I asked help in these time-spaces and they responded to me.
So, it seems that all time-lines interact between each other, aren't they?

Yes all lines are connected. If you go back and change things on the other side there is a "ripple" in this timeline. That is one reason for astral time travel. If you go physical time travel you can mess up the entire multiverse.

3. I have never talked with them in their language and even heard spoken language. I talk with them telepathically. Sometimes it is difficult to understand and I only grasp images of what they want to say. Sometimes I get in my "head" a pile of words which meanings are similar to my language.

I know enough of the language in the 2600's to talk it a bit. Also some slang from 2020, after the war. The English language changes a lot in the future. That is how you can see that most TTs are teens having fun.

I think you need to learn or ask IT to learn you to communicate using telepathy.
Telepathy is used in the far future, like a cell phone is now. Also used to communicate with machines.

4. You are bount to Earth, aren't you?

How do you imagine yourself after death?
Hopefully in a better place, one without pain.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
I remember snatches of things from before.
Perhaps it is a trick, never could find the person.


I read an article in a magazine about small discs about the size of postage stamps on which holograms of data are etched. supposedly now they can store up to 10 gb and they are working on getting them up to 40 gb (so they can store dvds) before they are released to the public. are these kinds of discs popular in the near future? should I stop buying cds and just download all of my music in preparation for this transition (lol)?

can you tell me some lines where you saw tv ads,movie previews,sports stuff or anything or you can me a few lines with different stuff

Originally posted by hdrkid@Nov 7 2004, 06:45 PM
4. You are bount to Earth, aren't you?

How do you imagine yourself after death?
Hopefully in a better place, one without pain.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
I remember snatches of things from before.
Perhaps it is a trick, never could find the person.

I meant "bount to Earth" not only physically. You said that you preferred to travel on your own feet even if you did astral traveling. Did I understand it correctly?

It is interesting to note that I rarely saw time lines clearly if I go by foot. The clear pictures appeared when I was flying and observed everything from top. I had bad experiences with time lines that you call "astral hell", they were attacking me very often if I was on the ground. But they do not know how to glide :D and they can not reach me. It's the best technique to avoid contacts for me with them. My every travels started from flying, observing and then, if no hostile habitants were seen, I landed on the ground. Even if they make traps for me I can run from them by flying up and changing the matter of traps (I can make holes in matter by my will but it costs a lot).
There is one effect that I found exists in time lines. Lie down on the ground when you are in other time line and wait for a "time-space wind" (do you call them as vortexes?). It will grab you and take away from one time line to other. I never affraid of it--it's a good wind although I can not control it. There are also some places with currents of the wind from the ground. It can carry you up. They are like elevators to other time lines. I often used them since you can travel without wasting your energy or making efforts by your own will. Such winds are rare in this world as I noticed.

Another "bount to Earth" meaning that I had is that you are exploring (I made such a conclusion) only the english-speaking time lines. It narrows your ability to travel somewhere else. It bounds you to Earth and do not allow you to see more.

The questions about death and reincarnation were directly connected to "bount to Earth" question. My advice: stop exploring "Earth things" and you will be allowed to keep your powers in the next life. Otherwise, you will be left here for a long time (maybe as a wandering soul). Maybe, I am not right but think about it ;) .

The other advice is in this phrase: "You are a piece of time-space. Your every action in time-space changes you too. Your physical transformation changes astral body, and astral transformation changes your physical body". When your astral body will change your physical body, then no devices be needed. Wait for that and be ready to throw away your device :P.

And the questions for you :). Do you have an ability of remote communication between humans and exchanging experiences? I have it. Do you want to play a game?..

Hi Jaguarson:

Do you have an ability of remote communication between humans and exchanging experiences? I have it. Do you want to play a game?..

I have tried to use the HDR to communicate with other timelines. Using a kind of morse code by turning ON/OFF the HDR electromagnet and creating a distortion wave.

The wave disrupts TV reception and causes a wavy pattern on the TV. I have found that I start getting signals at around 9:00 AM. Usually I being transmitting at 9:05 PM. The signal is weak.

It is a game to see if we can send short messages to each other.

Hi Sammy:

Can you tell me some lines where you saw tv ads, movie previews, sports stuff or anything or you can me a few lines with different stuff?

Using the HDR for astral time travel, I have seen other timelines and potential futures.

I saw ads for cars that look futuristic, I saw an ad for Star Wars episode III revenge of the Sith, remember "Revenge of the Jedi". In Revenge of the Sith, Vader destroys most of the Jedi and dons the black helmet.

Yoda and Ben Kenobi escape, but a lot of the others die. Former Queen Amidala gives birth to twins {Luke & Leah}. I think episode III was a lot darker and gloomier than the other episodes.

The movie shows how the good and kind boy Anakin Skywalker was perverted into the sinister dark lord Varder.

I don't want to give away too much of the plot but I thought that Natalie Portman did well in her part.

Hi Draak:

Are these kinds of discs popular in the near future?
CDs are still available in the near future, just like VHS is available now,
but less and less so. CDs scratch and skip. Crystal memory does not have
these problems. Also the blueray DVD has problems.

In the future these technologies are like 8-track tape now.
Some people still remember it, but most do not.

TV becomes a lot sharper in the future and wall screens are common.
So, you have a lot of super good looking young actresses.
Very few "old" people on TV.

should I stop buying cds and just download all of my music in preparation for this transition (lol)?
I would keep all the music I like on my hard drive, you can get a 200 gig hard drive real cheap now, and download it to crystal, when crystal comes out.

Music from now becomes hard to get. Most music companies go under and due to lawsuits few stores have today's sound. Also, most CDs are thrown out when they stop making CD players.

BTW, in the future new styles of music come out, like KLIK, storage, & Jao. People then do not listen to "nowadays" music like you do not listen to Guy Lombardo.


what are some othe things you saw in that timeline,was there any other movies you saw when you were there and what year was it and who was president.

Hi hdr it's frog once again I just wanted to say I have three more questions for you so here they are and thanks for the advice and information also thanks for taking the time to answer all of my other questions as well:

1. In the near or further future will people be able to obey and respect time travel, teleportation, and other paranormal subjects or are they too busy?

2. What kind of games do they have in the near or further future like virtual reality, console, or computer games?

3. Have you ever traveled to the further past like dinosaurs, b.c., and other places like that?

thanks for your time and patience and sorry for asking alot of questions to you but time travel is very interesting to me because of people's ideas, experiences, and so much more well I will talk with you later! good luck in everything for you!
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