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Hi Frog:

1. In the near or further future will people be able to obey and respect time travel, teleportation, and other paranormal subjects or are they too busy?
OBEY & RESPECT? Them's fighting words in the future,
people are free from oppresive gov.

2. What kind of games do they have in the near or further future like virtual reality, console, or computer games?
Yes, VR and VC (voice control), also mind control games as well.

3. Have you ever traveled to the further past like dinosaurs, b.c., and other places like that?

Using Steven Gibbs HDR
You can astral travel back to the dino period.
On some timelines the dinosaurs never died out.

There is a misty fog and swampy with lotsa bugs.
Its like the whole place is a big bog.

I can tell you that T-REX is red and gold colored and he sqawks like a chicken,
its the funniest thing, he sounds like a hen laying an egg.
you gotta laugh every time. :lol:

Hi Sammy:

What are some other things you saw in that timeline?
Cars look more blocky in that line.

Was there any other movies you saw when you were there?
There are other movies in that timeline, but I have not seen
Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire in any jumps.

What year was it?
Star Wars Episode III is in 2005.

and who was president.
Bush, but Kerry was elected on many lines. :)

I have a few more questions for you and I have something to tell you also so here are my questions:

1. If we have a police state in the near or further future who is in charge of it like president or government also if we are free what can we do in the near or further future?

2. Have you ever played a vr or voice control game while you were astral travelling?

thanks for listening and thanks for everything like answers, advice, and so much more I will talk with you later by the way I am going to use that pendant soon after my birthday though because it would be scary if I missed my birthday and didn't get anything :) well see ya later!

in that line with the star wars movie what were the sports like there and can you tell me another movie that you saw.

Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire in any jumps.

What year was it?
Star Wars Episode III is in 2005.
It doesn't take a time traveler to know that these movies are being made. Episode III is coming out this May, and Harry Potter... Well they're making the whole freaking series.... And Goblet of Fire is the next one to be made.

Originally posted by sammy@Nov 9 2004, 06:07 PM
in that line with the star wars movie what were the sports like there and can you tell me another movie that you saw.
Dude, the Star Wars "line" is THIS line. Keep up with the times man ;) It's coming out in May.

I did not see "Goblet of Fire", "Order of Phoenix", or "Half-blood Prince" in any lines. This is interesting because "Goblet of Fire" is supposed to come out in Nov 2005 and at $305 million be the most expensive movie ever.

I did see two different versions of Ep3 in which Anakin becomes Vader.
Both had Jar-Jar Stinks and Mace Window, two lamer chartacters.

No major spoilers here, but ep3 was kickin'.

Darth Sidius/Emperor Palpatine is one bad motha' in the movie,
He & Mannequin kill most of the Jedi,
luke & leah are born.


Hi Sammy:

in that line with the star wars movie what were the sports like there and can you tell me another movie that you saw.
Same as here. Lots of people in theater watchin ep3. On most lines it is Revenge of the Sith, but I think on one line it was called "Empire", also on one line ep2 "Attack of the Clones" cheesy title was simply ep2 "The Clone Wars" a much better title, except Jar Jar was all over the movie.

I still remeber one line "Messa lika Annie, my bestest friend"
Lucas in this line cut Jar Jar down to a cameo.

Also, this is important, in "Empire" Anakin Skywalker and Ben Kenobi fight over Padme Amidala. Anakin loses her and turns to the dark side.

In our line, Anakin is simply a badass and does not love Padme. So we do not know why he went bad, makes no sense.

Hi Frog:

1. If we have a police state in the near or further future who is in charge of it like president or government also if we are free what can we do in the near or further future?
On our line, Bush invades Iran, passes a draft, etc. This causes massive problems.
The governent is forced to pass martial law. Things will get bad in a hurry after we invade Iran.

2. Have you ever played a vr or voice control game while you were astral travelling?


Dude there is already a starwars movie called empire , unless empire had a different name in this other line , if so name it?

what other movies were at the theater you went it was the biggest blockbuster of the year in that line.

Hi Ruffneck:

Here it is "Empire Strikes Back", not "EMPIRE"
EBS was OK, but EMPIRE is about how Palpatine, the emperor,
rises to power with Darth Vader at his side.

That movie does not get made, instead we have
revenge of the Sith.

Anakin Skywalker vs Ben Kenobi...

Hi Sammy:

what other movies were at the theater you went it was the biggest blockbuster of the year in that line.

hi another lord of the rings comes out next.in different timelines did different people play obi-one and akain.was empire more darker and scarier since anakin vs obi-one and what did the timeline look like with empire.

Hi Sammy:

James Van Der Beek was Anakin Skywalker
and Christian Slayter was Ben Kenobi.
In our line its Christian Slater.

Max Window is Samuel Jackson,
Senator Amidala was played by Natalie Portman,
but Owen Lars was different, do not remember who played him.

Also the costumes for Senator Palpatine is different,
and Vader gets to wear the dark helmet.

Each line is different.

Ewan was probably not an actor in that line. :D'oh:
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