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Junior Member

To me astral travel isnt really special, you cant physicly travel and it is ur perception that controls what u see.

In many cases the perception in bended by what u see and hear, anyone has the power to twist the mind subconciously, as it is on the subconcious lvl your not aware of the damaged people are doing, stuck in a world of your own only destined to that witch u beleave.

There are many cases i can put forward to prove what im saying but wish not to upset anyone, all i ask is keep your egos down and look forward to truth as it will get here alot faster if people dont lie.

HDR kid be happy with what u have learnt atm look forward to learning more and change your ways or they will control you, you will beleave your ways but always find faults or unhappyness in them, dont just listen to what i say look at ur life in general, please dont get offensive with anything im saying just be honest with your self and you will be respected much more for it.


Junior Member

In my opinion Astral and physical travel are to opposites. In philosphy terms i would suggest they are 2 sides of the same coin. one is Yin and the other is Yang. they boths have advantages and disadvantages.

Astral - is less risky. has more potential. trains the mind.

Its also harder to achieve. its also very passive. This is also due to the mindset needed to do it.

Physical - Its more risky, has less mental requirements.

However its also active, real-time and can aid in physical emotional development in a much greater way.

I see both as equals interms of importance even though right not my interest is not in the astral side at this time. Both are two halves making the whole story. Both have a piece of each other within themselves. This addresses the balance. To be totally balanced when learning about time, I would suggest eventually both are embraced at some point.

kind regards,


Junior Member

How does astral work? Is it even real time travel or is it just in your imagination? Doesn't make sense to me if you are here, but in your brain you are there, how can it be real then?


Junior Member

Your question would be better answered if you read text on remote viewing/sensing etc.

In short, you're not going somewhere in your 'brain'. Your going above normal space/time channels. Your mind is not locked exclusively to your body.

Baring in mind at a fundermental level, you live above them anyway.

Remote viewing is the same, only its not usually connected with TT.

Remote sensing is the most profound ability, and would be considered more advanced then both of these two.


Junior Member

nice discription. I beleave astral travel to be an effective but limited way of timetravel, the minds energy has no set timeframes it runs through them all and focuses on the ones u do, baring this in mind the more places people visit astraly and the more they seek to understand the more they begin to think that they know everything about that astral place, this in turn can completely change what people are seeing.

Many people have mastered the astral plane, them witch have mastered the astral know full well that you wont see what u want clearly if you dont keep the ego out.


Junior Member

Originally posted by hellrazor@Dec 26 2004, 01:49 PM
\"nice discription. I beleave astral travel to be an effective but limited way of timetravel, the minds energy has no set timeframes it runs through them all and focuses on the ones u do\"

Yes i would suggest this is correct.

Many people say that when they first 'break free' astrally, they actually can't see anything. They haven't learnt to see yet without using their eyes. There are old Buddhist teachings on this that very accurately describe the difference between looking and 'seeing'.

In remote sensing, you don't see full-stop. There is only 'knowing'. Unlike astral where you can use non-material thought patterns. With remote sensing, you have to leave all aspects of your current thought patterns at the door. Other wise you break the link with the universal Mind.


Senior Member

Hi Twomey:

Here is something I saw in one of my jumps that I reported here.

"One mystery is that I saw a lot of water damage, like flooding with lots of mud. Also, the malls had piles of garbage where the parking lot was."

Well, today we had a giant earthquake in Asia, fourth largest ever reported.
The tsunami cause a giant wall of water with widespread destruction all over asia.


When I time travel I see bits and pieces. Like cities on fire, and I do not know the names of the cities or why they are on fire.

Another person saw on TV that the US had been attacked. There was a picture of a warhead.

I am not the only that has seen the future.

Hi Olly:

You said:
To be totally balanced when learning about time, I would suggest eventually both are embraced at some point.

This is true, but I have a friend who was using the HDR. He was a history professor. First he told me that he was going to time travel to WWII in 1945. He came back and gave me a detailed account of the war, rationing, labor shortage (imagine that!), way people dressed back then, etc.

Then he told me he was going to study the civil war. Well, he never came back. I called and called, the phone rang and rang. Nobody knows where he is...

Perhaps it was all a joke and he never went anywhere, but I don't think so. I have had reports of people who have used the HDR for physical time travel and have been trapped on the other side.

It seems that this is a risk with physical time travel. Astral is safer, but you are limited in what you can do. For example, you cannot bring back a newspaper from 2050.

Although I must state that in the future most books are in computer form and paper books are both very rare and extremely expensive. Most paperbacks from now will disintegrate sooner than 70 years.

In fact, after the war, we lose a lot of information that would have been useful to helping us in rebuilding our world.


Junior Member

lol all stuff u predict can be found in a newspaper many hints in the news aswell, the other predictions u came up with are copyed off other people.

Judge Bean

Senior Member

Originally posted by hdrkid@Dec 27 2004, 04:49 PM
Here is something I saw in one of my jumps that I reported here.

\"One mystery is that I saw a lot of water damage, like flooding with lots of mud. Also, the malls had piles of garbage where the parking lot was.\"

Well, today we had a giant earthquake in Asia, fourth largest ever reported.
The tsunami cause a giant wall of water with widespread destruction all over asia.

Are you saying that you reported this prediction or vision on the forum, or that you reported having made the jump itself here? If the former, please provide a link, as they say. I would be interested in viewing a compilation of all of your visions of this type, to mark how many of them have failed to materialize.

I, too, have had visions of mass destruction and death. In fact, I cannot bear sometimes to watch TV news, or for very long, due to the endless stream of brutality and disaster that barrages me-- literally, an onslaught of images. I do not need to be a timetraveler to get the idea that a whole lot of bad ###### is going down. Tomorrow won't be much different, you know. Your vision is practically worthless.

I, too, can give you an idea of what's in store. Look in your local paper tomorrow and tell me if there isn't a collection of anecdotes about murderous neighbors, the sexual assault of children, and loss of meadows and birds forever. Let me know right away if you live in a place where the politicians don't take payola under the table and no one is a cuckold for Christ.

In my jurisdiction, the sorry, limping march of humanity continues, a parade of criminals and the walking wounded. Around the corner, a hurricane gale or armored assault column awaits-- we're not sure which, even in California. The physicians and priests among us are all being sued; the judges and mothers are all scared out of their wits. Give me a call, please, if you have a nicer kind of a life, because in the one going on in these parts, people are sleeping under the freeway in cardboard shelters and eating out of dumpsters.

I've got all the toothpaste and hamburger I could want, of course, and it looks like the music and dreaming continue in the ranks. There is hope everywhere. It's the part of the future about which nothing is usually forecast that gives us the most cheer-- the vast majority of what lies ahead, in fact. Please keep your doom to yourself; we have enough of a hint of it every hour of the day.

Aside: the Civil War-era anachronistic professor is an old Twilight Zone episode.


Junior Member

Sorry, I have a short memory and forget what I ask sometime, is there any possibility of video taping your time traveling experiences?
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