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Hi Starlord:

My predictions on the pope and oil are spot on.

Hi Ruffneck:

Predicting that the pats would win seemed like a sure but also,
they could find a lot of oil next week, but they won't.

Hi PhantomLord

The draft will start soon. Bush will see a lot of opposition,
more than he expects.

Hi Frog:

The draft is the problem.

Travel is illegal on a few lines.

Like i've said before , it's my opinion we aren't running out of oil..... whoevers in charge at the top is creating hype with wars in opec countries , and rumours about peak oil to push up oil prices and make record profits.Doesn't help that they don't keep up with demand.Or does oil companies not looking for extra dollars sound weird?.....

Yes, it took a real 'gift' and a 'working hdr' to predict that (a 80yr old man that is sedentary, of failing health to begin with, has suffered health wise for the last year, his body is slowly breaking down due to age, ) he would die soon. That took a mighty leap in alternate world experience and perception on your part. Watching the pope last year was such a sad sight as he could barely move around. Even a person with severe cataracts would have noted how little the white blur on the screen moved and been able to surmise that not all was well with the pope. And you predict that he will die soon.

We all knew that gasoline prices would go up during the war. There is way too much money to be made with a more than perfect set of excuses in line to be passed up by the oil conglomerates. Coupled with the fact that China has been over buying and hoarding oil, you can bet your bippy that prices will hit the roof. As much as 4 - 5 dollars have been speculated on more than a few web sites out there. Imagine that.

Can you believe that there are places on the net that have absolutely NO access to the hdr and yet they are predicting exactly the same things that you are.....
AND the dates are BEFORE your predictions.... Why, that simply boggles the mind doesn't it??
How do you suppose that's possible........

Like i've said before , it's my opinion we aren't running out of oil..... whoevers in charge at the top is creating hype with wars in opec countries , and rumours about peak oil to push up oil prices and make record profits.Doesn't help that they don't keep up with demand.Or does oil companies not looking for extra dollars sound weird?.....
Hey, HDRKid - I think you could do better with your predictions than talk about rising gas prices, that is a gimme.

Ruffneck - I believe there are many publications regarding our worlds resources & oil; How it has seen peak production and is on the decline in many more areas of the world, moreover than it is on the rise. I believe we should have been looking for alternative fuel sources a long time ago - or for ways to just 'use less petroleum' than what we do now. We've all heard about how BIG OIL has purchased many inventions that would cause cars to use less gas, and how they have then snuffed out that invention just so it wouldn't hurt their business.

I personally managed an Amoco gas station 10 years ago, and even then Amoco was reporting over 1 BILLION a year in pure profit. Think about it - that's just Amoco... that doesn't include all the other boys out there.

I think your comment about Oil companies looking for extra dollars is exactly right. It's just too bad that they choose not to see where they are taking us.

Hi Starlord:

My predictions on the pope and oil are spot on.

Hi Ruffneck:

Predicting that the pats would win seemed like a sure but also,
they could find a lot of oil next week, but they won't.

Hi PhantomLord

The draft will start soon. Bush will see a lot of opposition,
more than he expects.

Hi Frog:

The draft is the problem.

Travel is illegal on a few lines.

What year do you see this perdicted draft happening. I have a hard time believing this because of how difficult it would probably be to train new men for combat. It would take months. Also I am 19 and I don't see my peers cooperating with a thing like this. It seems everyone is so caught up in their own desires that they would protest a war that they know really nothing about. How do people react to the draft in your time travels? Do they protest or do they willingly cooperate? And what role do the draftees play in the war. Do most work behind lines and don't see actual combat?

Yes, it took a real 'gift' and a 'working hdr' to predict that (a 80yr old man that is sedentary, of failing health to begin with, has suffered health wise for the last year, his body is slowly breaking down due to age, ) he would die soon. That took a mighty leap in alternate world experience and perception on your part. Watching the pope last year was such a sad sight as he could barely move around. Even a person with severe cataracts would have noted how little the white blur on the screen moved and been able to surmise that not all was well with the pope. And you predict that he will die soon.

Keep in mind starlord that the pope has been equally sick on numerous times in the past and others have perdicted his death only to be wrong.

Can you believe that there are places on the net that have absolutely NO access to the hdr and yet they are predicting exactly the same things that you are.....AND the dates are BEFORE your predictions.... Why, that simply boggles the mind doesn't it?? How do you suppose that's possible......

These places are probably unwilling to embrace the new-fangled prophetic devices and are firmly entrenched in using the sooth-saying knowledge of the ancients. Real Oracle at Delphi type stuff. Oh well, there's alot to be said for being old school. By the way, as I understand it, this ancient device requires no grid lines, magnets or full moons. But, as with the HDR, it is not 100% reliable. ;)


Keep in mind starlord that the pope has been equally sick on numerous times in the past and others have perdicted his death only to be wrong.

Gimme A break, a prediction of the Pope dying in the last two months, and you sit back and wait, then you get to say See? Didn't I tell predict that?

Sure, so could my myopic cataract plauged aunt because she guessed it because the white blur on the screen doidn't seem to move much and the words were almost grunts.

It doesn't take a doctor to see when a octagenerian is failing.

I'm no expert on how the draft works, but wouldn't a draft hurt the economy even further? I mean having to spend all that money on thousands upon thousands of fresh drafted troops, also throw in the cost of their training and equipment, I don't see how the Govt could afford it.

I'm no expert on how the draft works, but wouldn't a draft hurt the economy even further? I mean having to spend all that money on thousands upon thousands of fresh drafted troops, also throw in the cost of their training and equipment, I don't see how the Govt could afford it.
Unfortunately, the Government thinks it can "afford" anything. It just creates what it thinks is "imaginary" debt. Up till now, they've been able to get away with that kind of thinking because the world's monetary reserve currency has been the dollar. That is changing, and it won't be long before we (the U.S.) won't be able to "float" our debt anymore. That's gonna be when the s*** hits the fan.

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