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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
There is a block from 2010-2015. I think that something big will happen in 2012, but I cannot access this date. The ancient Maya talk about the world ending on 2012.

Prior to this jump I went to 2026 and saw a world which had gone through a war. But this instance when I went to 2021 there was no war. Houses looked close to the way they look now and people used the internet a lot. I remember there was more to the conversation on ICQ, but this is all that I could remember.

People in the future dress more casual than now with shorts and sandals. T-shirts are very pop. Nobody wears a suit, even for a funeral. Language is a bit different, but not that much.

Upspeak is pop. People say \"Ya goin' stow?\" instead of \"Go to the store!\"

I am going to try to jump to 2021 to see more, but any jumps near 2012 are difficult; it is a lot easier to go back to the 1990's or even the 1950's.

When you jump to the 2020's you jump over the time barrier, so it makes the date even more chancy. Like I tried to hit 2020 and got 2065 instead on a timeline that was very divergent from this one.

Everything looked different. I mean people, architecture, cars, etc.

Usually I aim for low divergences lines so I have some idea of what the future will be like.

This is what I have pieced together. The US falls apart after Kerry is elected in Nov 2004. There is a civil war in 2005 that gets worse and worse. The elections in 2008 are the last elections the US as we know it has. After that there is a military government.

Also, on most lines the new US is recovering from THE WAR in the 2020's.[/b]

to be brutally honest, if this is how the world is going to be soon, I don't want to live anymore.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi happymagilla:

Perhaps we can build a more powerful HDR than the one Steven Gibbs sells. Steven told me that if you make the electromagnet bigger 12 inches instead of 7 and add more copper windings to the iron core it will make the HDR more powerful.

Right now he is using 21 gauge magnet wire and a soft iron core for the electromagnet.

George Nordahl created the Multi Verse Resonator or MVR basically it is an HDR with a Pyramid.

According to Steven Gibbs the MVR can be used without a vortex.

Hi Frog:

1. Would you be able to travel physically one day because I have heard that other people who have the hdr can travel both physically and mentally also what kind of other travel can be used from the hdr?

It is quite dangerous, look at what happened to Chris, stuck in the future, still I do not want to go through the war.

2. Would the hdr if it is improved later on do you believe it could open a stargate, wormhole, or a portal to other dimensions or other parallel universes or timelines and even one to a direct past, present, and future?

Maybe we can use Tesla technology to build a portal, like the stuff Madman Markum was working on.

I got a call from a friend up in Canada, he is building a portal. Funny, he is from Toronto, the same place that Ros is from. eeerie! :)[/b]

I live in Toronto, Is there any way I could contact your friend who is building a portal.

How does Texas look?
After the war (2017) The future me had a shortwave radio.
Ocean freezes, bitter cold winds, sky is very dark. Streets empty. Cities gone.

In 2150 - large desert area, largely uninhabited. Blowing sand makes life difficult.

In 2250 - No vegetation, sand dunes, small white dome houses without windows.

In 2650 - Most of planet has been restored to pre-war conditions. Texas is green now as is the rest of America.

After the war you see these strange dark clouds - very gloomy.

Also, on most lines the new US is recovering from THE WAR in the 2020's.

Kid, what's the difference in "the war (2017) and "THE WAR in the 2020's"</span><span style=\'font-family:&quot\'>.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
You know that there will be no institutions after the war. Hmmm You have seen the sea freeze because of \"nuclear winter\"... What friggin Hogwash. [/b]

Witch War?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Starlord\")</div>
I have seen all races getting along with each other. In fact, there is but one race, the race of Tan. After generation upon generation of kind thoughts, allowing others to worship as they wish for all mankind has realized that it matters not what supreme being one believes in and that hurting another is very much the same as hurting yourself, mankind has learned that taking lives or subjecting other people to domination for materialistic purposes is for losers and weenies. There are no wars.
Mankind has made peace with the Earth also. Long ago a major conservency system was put into place and rather than rape the planet, man has taken the place of steward and helps to sustain the nature that abounds around him. Polution is a far distant memory as is Greed, Hate and Fear.

Due to the uplifting environment of universal peace, mankinds thoughts have turned outwards instead of selfish inwardly thinking. Because of this one simple turn in consciousness which outshines our own sun, world wide resources are dedicated to health and insuring that each and every citizen of the world enjoys the exact same nurturing environment to advance not only physicaly but emotionaly and spiritualy.
From this foundation new ways to travel through space by ways of manipulating the ever present magnetic forces whereby the age old barrier of C is fondly remembered as a different version of the earth being flat.

Because of these new ways, mankind is allowed to take their rightful place amongst the galactic federation. Because we have graduated on our own planet and know intimately the folly of war and aggresion, mankind is fully prepared to meet races that have not learned this.

Children at a very early age are taught as they were countless millenia ago to leave the body before the skull closes that hole naturally. They are taught here on the outer as well as on the inner by 'guides' or Spiritual Masters. Because of this every living being that has gone through this process knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Death is Impossible and that All of us, each and every single living thing in the universe is connected. Children are taught to experience the higher Planes way before the vehicle we know as the body fails. All mankind learns that the last frontier does not exist in space but in the reality of higher consciousness and the natural experiences to be had on the higher planes without the obvious insults of assumed need for placebos and unnatural modes of self deception.

No longer are there folks wearing those signs that proclaim 'The end of the world is just around the corner'. Chicken Little, his negative dooms day senarios and all his minions have been put to rest. People come to the understanding that this is an imperfect world and s#it happens. It matters very little how we check out of here once we have the understanding that Soul is eternal and cannot perish now does it?[/b]

So, mankind just decides to be peaceful after all the years of war?

When it comes to Korea & Treaties do you think anyone trusts Korea? Look at how they are trying to blackmail the US. Do you think they would do less to China? Before Kim's Father came in to power who was running Korea?

Nope I didn' say that. I asked what you know of North Korea and it's history, Do you think any country trusts North Korea? Let alone come flying to it's aid?

hdrkid is full of shit. Let's face it.

I saw it. It must be proof. lol.

He means I dreamt it. It must be proof.

I have had some pretty weird lucid dreams that I believe really were of another place they seemed so real, but they were totally out there and in no way related to here. There was no president this and that etc. What a crock of shit.

As for his predictions. I remember him predicting that kerry would win.
NO, no, that was a only the highest probable getoutclause, ahem, I mean timeline that I foresaw.

His predictions and various timelines are just a regurgitation of all the time travel stories posted on this site and he has mixed and added to them.

As for hell on Earth when Germany wins world war 2. What a load of crap.
Why? Germany prospered before the war. The poles cheered them in.
After the war (or before for that matter), Germany had no manpower to invade the US, nor did it have the slightest intention of doing so. It lost the war of attrition, plain and simple. Germany even let UKs army leave Dunkirk because it wanted Britain to uphold the empire which hitler admired so much. Don't believe what you have read about there being evil and good nations. It's all balony. There are no extreme black and whites. Things are a lot more complicated and realistic than that.

Hi All it's Frog I am back from the coast I went to alot of places it was cool and fun anyways I bought two books adventures in time encounters with the past and journey home a true story about time and interdimensional travel they are good books also I will be experimenting later on I don't feel like doing anything today I think I am going to sleep for awhile well that is my update for now I will talk with you all later!

Labasta, welcome to the land of No Logic. I challenge you to debunk to the best of your ability the kid's theories and the hdr unit. We need people like you that can think for themselves. Many people ask me why I am so adamant about debunking this. My first question to them is if they have read everything from the begining here and have they seen the kid trip himself up time after time? The biggest joke is how he responds to logical and scientific challenges. What do you think about this?
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