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1. Do you know what was the real guys name who Wrestled as Monster.

2. Did you ever go to a line where there was wizards and dragons

3. Have you ever saw on any line a gremlins 3

4. Who wins the nba finals on other lines?

Greetings HDR kid and everyone,

OK the fact that you can do remote viewing and astral travel sounds interesting.

About 12 years ago (1993) I met a 16 year old kid who was gifted with the ability to astral travel at any time he chose, which means he was able to go into a meditative state and leave his body at will, so I decided on a number of occasions to put him to the test and as it turned out, he was able to time travel in this state, not to mention he could actually move objects with his mind while out of body. Apparently he discovered his ability at age 6 and on one occasion had missed used it at a summer camp one year that resulted in him developing some serious health problems. Anyway I decided one day to get out some yearly journals from when I was a teen, and then send him back in time to specific dates and places for him to find me and report what he saw. To my surprise he was able to describe people, places, names and even things I had forgotten about which I had also done on these same past days. Having done that I decided to sent him to find me 10 years into the future, and then again 20 years. At 10 years in the future (2003) he found me standing at the base of a pyramid with a blond woman in a group of people. At 20 years (2013), he'd not found me at all, but rather realized that everything in the area was dead with the exception of black cockroaches. There were no cars moving on the road, no birds or animals, no people to be seen and all the trees and lawn looked dead for miles around. The only sounds left to be heard were high winds. Strangely enough the houses and office buildings where still intact but lifeless and dark with no power. Rusting car wrecks littered the roads from place to place with human skeletons still crawling with bugs.

Anyway as it turned out, I actually did find myself standing next to a blond woman in a group of people, at the base of a pyramid in the summer of 2003 and even took a picture of it to show friends. Unfortunately this gifted kid eventually lost his ability to astral time travel when him and a friend attempted to go back in time to kill Jesus in an attempt to stop and prevent the Christian religion without my knowing about it, but while working with him at the time, we did discover that it's possible to manipulate events of the past, but not in the current time line. However we did discover a kind of ripple effect which can occur from one time line to the next in a kind of mirror effect as though all the time lines somehow complimented and effected the next.

Speaking of gifted people, here is yet another young person by the name of Adam who was able to do similar things, but in his case he uses his ability more for good and healing others.

Anyway that's my story.

James Truthseeker

Hi truth I'm frog I have had a past life regression I did it all by myself no doctors and nurses helped me I was a girl in the eighteen century or in the middle ages I didn't get to see her completely because she died later on and I was pulled back before she died and it wasn't an astral travel or time travel experience my name was mia and that is all I know of it for now but your experience is very interesting by the way I have a scrying mirror myself maybe I will use it later on for astral travel and other uses too it will be my first time I haven't used it yet well I got to go now I will chat with you later on see you around I guess!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Frog186\")</div>
Hi truth I'm frog I have had a past life regression I did it all by myself no doctors and nurses helped me I was a girl in the eighteen century or in the middle ages I didn't get to see her completely because she died later on and I was pulled back before she died and it wasn't an astral travel or time travel experience my name was mia and that is all I know of it for now but your experience is very interesting by the way I have a scrying mirror myself maybe I will use it later on for astral travel and other uses too it will be my first time I haven't used it yet well I got to go now I will chat with you later on see you around I guess![/b]

I am curious to know how you accomplished to have a vision of your past life? Can you give details on how you did this? This has always been a topic that interests me.

Hi it's frog once again I just wanted to say through meditation and using a selentine pendant I was able to achieve a past life experience I was laying down at the time it happened I wasn't sleeping just closed my eyes and layed down then I was projected to the spot where it happened it wasn't an out of body experience at all I could see and hear what was going on then when she was about to die I was pushed back to my time which is now oh by the way I couldn't see myself in that time I could only see and hear through my eyes as a vision would be it is said that some crystals and pendants can help you go to other dimensions and even other worlds or planets like parallel universes or timelines through the pendant that I have it helped me see my past life! well that is good for now I will talk with you later on and thanks for replying back to me!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"J-Truthseeker\")</div>
Greetings HDR kid and everyone,

OK the fact that you can do remote viewing and astral travel sounds interesting.

About 12 years ago (1993) I met a 16 year old kid who was gifted with the ability to astral travel at any time he chose, which means he was able to go into a meditative state and leave his body at will, so I decided on a number of occasions to put him to the test and as it turned out, he was able to time travel in this state, not to mention he could actually move objects with his mind while out of body. Apparently he discovered his ability at age 6 and on one occasion had missed used it at a summer camp one year that resulted in him developing some serious health problems. Anyway I decided one day to get out some yearly journals from when I was a teen, and then send him back in time to specific dates and places for him to find me and report what he saw. To my surprise he was able to describe people, places, names and even things I had forgotten about which I had also done on these same past days. Having done that I decided to sent him to find me 10 years into the future, and then again 20 years. At 10 years in the future (2003) he found me standing at the base of a pyramid with a blond woman in a group of people. At 20 years (2013), he'd not found me at all, but rather realized that everything in the area was dead with the exception of black cockroaches. There were no cars moving on the road, no birds or animals, no people to be seen and all the trees and lawn looked dead for miles around. The only sounds left to be heard were high winds. Strangely enough the houses and office buildings where still intact but lifeless and dark with no power. Rusting car wrecks littered the roads from place to place with human skeletons still crawling with bugs.

Anyway as it turned out, I actually did find myself standing next to a blond woman in a group of people, at the base of a pyramid in the summer of 2003 and even took a picture of it to show friends. Unfortunately this gifted kid eventually lost his ability to astral time travel when him and a friend attempted to go back in time to kill Jesus in an attempt to stop and prevent the Christian religion without my knowing about it, but while working with him at the time, we did discover that it's possible to manipulate events of the past, but not in the current time line. However we did discover a kind of ripple effect which can occur from one time line to the next in a kind of mirror effect as though all the time lines somehow complimented and effected the next.

Speaking of gifted people, here is yet another young person by the name of Adam who was able to do similar things, but in his case he uses his ability more for good and healing others.

Anyway that's my story.

James Truthseeker[/b]

I have learned from one experience, and tihs was the only one in which i was displaced into my past body, and i had altered events. This wasnt intentional, I was trying to astral to another universe, but i dont know, i must have thought about the past or something, and i was thrust into Aug. 2003, it was a night during Mar 2004 when i was thrust into the past. Right when i was thrust, i found myself in my younger selfs body, it was during the NJROTC Orientation. It had to be the first day because we were all introducing ourselves, and what we wished to do in the program and in the future. After we introduced ourselves, i went up to my friend Laura, and talked to her for a while, and a bit into the discussion, she talked about her boyfriend Naquan, i knew him, and he did a lot of bad stuff and choices. I expressed my concerns to her, and after that i was thrust back into Mar. 2004. When i went to school, i found her with someone else whom also happened to be a friend of mine, and i asked them how long tey have been together and they said "5 months". I remember in the "original" line she has been with Naquan since 2003. I also noticed that Naquan and a few others acted very differently. So now i think that if you alter the past it can do
A. Create a "changed" timeline seperate from the "original" line.
B. Erases the original timeline and replaces it.
C. Shifts the person who changes it to an alternate universe where it is changed. {may go along with A.}

I have not been to the past unless i was in astral form and made sure that i concentrated on leaving my body only. There is a possibility that i may conduct a controlled experiment in going to the past and altering it again to see what happens when i return to the present. If it works, i will record the changes and go back again and re-alter it as much as possible to see if it will return to the original. I will let everyone know if i decide to do this. I may also do one physical jump to the future. This is more likely as i wont be as busy this summer. I will bring a camera and take pictures and bring something back. I have a scanner at my grandmothers so i will scan the pictures and post them when i get the chance.

HDRKID, one question, did you hear about that one Senator from Michigan, i dont remember his name, but he is writing the Articles Of Impeachement up against Bush, do you know anything about this, and do you see it happening?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Traveler Malaki\")</div>
I have learned from one experience, and tihs was the only one in which i was displaced into my past body, and i had altered events. This wasnt intentional, I was trying to astral to another universe, but i dont know, i must have thought about the past or something, and i was thrust into Aug. 2003, it was a night during Mar 2004 when i was thrust into the past. Right when i was thrust, i found myself in my younger selfs body, it was during the NJROTC Orientation. It had to be the first day because we were all introducing ourselves, and what we wished to do in the program and in the future. After we introduced ourselves, i went up to my friend Laura, and talked to her for a while, and a bit into the discussion, she talked about her boyfriend Naquan, i knew him, and he did a lot of bad stuff and choices. I expressed my concerns to her, and after that i was thrust back into Mar. 2004. When i went to school, i found her with someone else whom also happened to be a friend of mine, and i asked them how long tey have been together and they said \"5 months\". I remember in the \"original\" line she has been with Naquan since 2003. I also noticed that Naquan and a few others acted very differently. So now i think that if you alter the past it can do
A. Create a \"changed\" timeline seperate from the \"original\" line.
B. Erases the original timeline and replaces it.
C. Shifts the person who changes it to an alternate universe where it is changed. {may go along with A.}

I have not been to the past unless i was in astral form and made sure that i concentrated on leaving my body only. There is a possibility that i may conduct a controlled experiment in going to the past and altering it again to see what happens when i return to the present. If it works, i will record the changes and go back again and re-alter it as much as possible to see if it will return to the original. I will let everyone know if i decide to do this. I may also do one physical jump to the future. This is more likely as i wont be as busy this summer. I will bring a camera and take pictures and bring something back. I have a scanner at my grandmothers so i will scan the pictures and post them when i get the chance.

HDRKID, one question, did you hear about that one Senator from Michigan, i dont remember his name, but he is writing the Articles Of Impeachement up against Bush, do you know anything about this, and do you see it happening?[/b]

This doesn't sit well with me but I still find it interesting yet hard to believe.

So you are saying that you went back in time with your astral body and by doing so you created an alternate universe where you are now? What happened to your body in the other timeline where you friend's boyfriend was naquan?

Hi Pieceofaman:
Malaki has told me future events. I am a very poor psychic, but both my mom & dad are psychic and both of my grandmothers are great psychics.

I am curious to know how you accomplished to have a vision of your past life? Can you give details on how you did this?
I was hypotised by this girl, not my girlfriend, she was into eastern religions - past life regression was her kit. She told me to relax and try to recall past events.

Hi Malaki:
did you hear about that one Senator from Michigan, i dont remember his name, but he is writing the Articles Of Impeachement up against Bush, do you know anything about this, and do you see it happening? I saw a line where Bush is impeached. They find out that he was involved with 911.
Seemed different from our line, people were out in the street shouting "Down with Rotten Bush!"

Malaki, I don't usually ask people to do this, but if you can effect a change please go back to 2000 and have Gore elected president. I will know that you are successful because the towers still stand in that line and the price of gas is $1.13/gal, also there is no war. I am psychic enough that I will remember the destruction of the towers, and that Bush was pres b4 the change. BTW, this will cause great change in the future because many of the people who died in the towers would have done great things in the future. :)

Hi Keroscene:
No problem. I am an optimist. We create our future. :)

Hi Frog:
Thanks for posting about Mia and your past life. Have you ever done a future life progression? Dr. Bruce Goldberg talks about how to do this. :)

Hi J-Truthseeker:
I am curious, did your psychic friend make any other predictions? What you describe has been told to me be other time travellers and the description fits what I have heard. I am blocked from travelling inside the 2010-2015 box, but in a jump to 2026 I was able to see the distant remains of a city. The skeletonized buildings and grass growing in the highways/streets. I use the HDR for astral time travel. :)

Hi JasonX:
1. Do you know what was the real guys name who Wrestled as Monster.
Not his real name, no.

2. Did you ever go to a line where there was wizards and dragons
There are wizard here on this line, but sadly no dragons. Ever ride a red? They are the most fierce, and can never be trained. :D

3. Have you ever saw on any line a gremlins 3
Funny you should ask. I remember seeing it and then it never came out.
It was supposed to come out in 2004 but helliwood screwed up.

4. Who wins the nba finals on other lines?
No, but I saw Lebron James in a commercial , he was drinking this strange blue stuff that I had not seen b4. Not sure of the name. It was not powerade or propel, maybe powerboost? :eyebrow:

Hi PE:
KID, What was the true identity of Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac Killer?
Not sure about zodiac, but Jack D Ripper was none other than the royal physician :scared: Sir William Gull. I saw that on an alternate timeline so who knows if it holds true in our timeline. The other suspect the prince was lazy as a housecat and retarded as roadkill. So that aint gonna fly.
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