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One day when I traveled I saw many sad grapes. They were sad because thay had been picked before their time and that made them not only sad but mad also.

That was the year that Portugese Tawny Port was so hard to come by wasn't it? Or
was that in another alternate timeline?

Anyway, one day... at alternate timeline band camp...

Hi GL100:
Sorry, GL, but I don't understand the question.

Hi Starlord:
Sad grapes? No, I have eaten sour grapes. I think the question about what happens to the forum in the future is valid. The possibility of a time traveller with an advanced time machines coming by and posting should occur to you. After all. He has all the time in the world - TAKEN FROM "The Time Machine"

Hi happymagilla:
Hemisync works. In fact, it is still a great way for me to prepare for exams. It helps relax a person and allow them to access the alpha state. It seems that the alpha state allows a person the ability to remember events more clearly.

OBE was always difficult for me. Even now. That is why I use the HDR.

Hi m6scott:
I use astral travel. This allows me to see things. It is similar to remote viewing, but not the same.

Hi JasonX:
1. SAN antinon waon the nba finals did you see on any other lines who won the nba finals?
I will check.

2. On the line where the time travel forum was shut down did you se my name under there JasonX?
You might be going under another title. Avatars are not te same. My avatar is a hawk on another line.

3. do you remember what port arthur was about?
Yes, but it is a long story. Deals with time travel.

4. so monster and kid scoripan where a team who were some teams they vs in that line? There were other teams on that line. Not the same as here.

5. Was linsdey lohan chubby in that line like see was before?
She looked healthy, not fat.

6. Was that dawn of the dead movie like in that line?
More creepy. The have a dead grave digger that tries to bury the living. The dead are more rotten and look like they are falling apart. :)

What has occured to me is that nothing you say can have anything to do with the truth here on this world. Just because you claim it to be means nothing. You of all people should know that a old lie today is the same as a lie from the future about the past.

Best be careful where you tread Star. You are, after all, dealing with alternate timeline potentially hardened criminal. He's probably made friends in "the yard". Of course, the other side of the coin is that by talking to him, you could be arrested by the "you know who in you know what" for aiding and abetting, conspiracy, receiving stolen time property etc...

Yessir, I'd be careful if I was you or Office Obie and his boys are gonna show up using up all kinds of cop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer's station. I heard on that other timeline that they was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, and they took twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence against the kid. Took pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not to mention the aerial photography. Terrible, just terrible.

Hi tchetcha:
Thanks for the link. Yes, we are gearing up. I hope it does not happen.
BTW, there is a terrible drought in Portugal and Spain. No rain in months. I predict that many Spaniards will have to leave if things get worse. Problem is super high unemployment in Germany.

Hi, yes the drought is really bad this year, but this happens every 10 years. Next year we will have big floods.
I never asked you anything before because you already have many answers to give, but I have a doubt on something you said. You said that Europe get's all destroyed. Do you mean big cities, like in USA, or ALL of it?


Can you believe that? Can you believe that there is a need for conjecture, pseudo facts, misdirected hyperbole that has no connection to anything real?
I have to tell you I am dumfounded as to which is the bigest prevaricator. Bush or the kid here. This sure has the look and smell of the Savings & Loan Bonanza that so many poor people fell for.

1. have you ever been to future time lines that are not as advanced in technology as we are now?
2. have you ever saw yourself meeting someone from these forums in the future?
3. Seen any riots that take place in the future?
4. Do you believe you have natural psychic abilities?
5. what effect does over population of people have in the future?
6. have you ever seen a movie in a time line that is maybe 3 - 5 years ahead of this one? If so, what was the name of the movie and what was it about?
7. Who is the vice president in the year 2008?

....i forgot one more question. Have you ever thought of starting a website detailing your experieneces in astral time travel ? I just don't mean a blog but a full detailed site with stories, a biography section, a message board, etc.

hi hdrkid

1. On that line with the real timetraveler and the forum shut down did you see someone that had my writing sytle?

2. have you ever seen golberg on any other lines wrestling?

3. What was so sacry about port arthur and did it make alot of money?

4. in the line you saw the movie war of the worlds in how much money did it make and who stared in it?

5. did you ever go to a line where you saw malls with hot girls shooping?

6. Did you see katie holmes on any other lines yet?
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