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1. yesh some teams monster and kid scoripian fought aganist?

2. Who stared in port arthur and in what year does the movie come out?

3. Who plays gilligan and why is he bad? also who plays jeannie in the i dream of jeannie remake?

4. How big of success is war of the worlds on other lines? like how much money does it make?

5. what was that person avaitor who was asking all the questions and did it look my writing?

6. So herbie fully loaded was terrible in that line who else stared in the moviein that line?

7. Have you ever heard anything about Cleveland,Ohio in youre travels?

8. Who played on the pitsons on the line they win the championship?

The problem is that you are not preparing for a global war because you do not see it, not yet. Yes, people talked about WWIII back in the 50's, but the Russians did not feel cornered back then. They do now.

If there is a coming war of apocalyptic proportions, there is very little one can prepare for. The Russians didn?t feel cornered back then? What does this mean? Ever heard of Kruschev, the missile crisis, Checkoslovakia 1968, Afghanistan 1980? Yeah, the Russians were fine folks back then. Please explain your ?they are cornered now and not back then? theory.

Saying that I am a liar is your way of using denial. The future gets worse because people fail to confront the problems. Right now Bsh is getting ready to invade Iran, he is claiming that the tangos are hiding in Iran and that Iran is working on the bomb, but the real reason is that we need oil.

I have not called you a liar kid although I have severe reservations about your word. Iran does support terrorism and is advancing on its nuclear program. I personally think Israel will take them out with air strikes myself but that?s neither here nor there. Please explain to me how it is more economical to spend money and man power invading a country, rebuilding it, protecting it and manning its oil resources rather than investing less money, manpower and resources into untapped oil resources in Alaska and the eastern Gulf of Mexico? Tar sands and oil shale? Coal bed methane? The idea of an Iranian invasion for the sake of getting their oil is childish and simplistic. Not to mention it would destabilize the Saudi relationship. I think we should invade Venezuela, its closer, good oil reserves and their military is weak and has no nukes. More importantly, it would be a lot easier to establish a pro-US regime there than in the Middle East.

Bush does not see that this act will bring about the end. It is like Hitler invading Poland. People put up with him taking over Sudetenland, but not Poland. Just like 911 was similar to the burning of the Reichstag, invading Iran is close to Hitler invading Poland. You do not know this, but Russian and China are starting a massive military build up. They are getting ready.

I have no idea what you?re trying to say here. How is 911 similar to the Reichstag fire? Bulgarian communists did both? The twin towers were Nazi symbols? Help me out here, I?m not understanding your logic. Don?t understand the whole Bush/Iran , Hitler/Poland analogy either. How are they alike? Explain this to me please.

Hate to tell you this but, I do know about the Chinese military buildup. Me and oh about 2 million of my closest friends who keep up with the news have known this for years now. The Russians by the way are having a much tougher time of it but I?m sure they?ll do fine. Well that is until the Chinese decide to cross the Russian border and confiscate their oil fields in the area. But maybe they?ll bomb each other into oblivion and we won?t have to worry about them. Maybe that?s what they are getting ready for.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
I have no idea what you?re trying to say here. How is 911 similar to the Reichstag fire? Bulgarian communists did both? The twin towers were Nazi symbols? Help me out here, I?m not understanding your logic. Don?t understand the whole Bush/Iran , Hitler/Poland analogy either. How are they alike? Explain this to me please.


They were both phony attacks perpetrated by the fascists in control that were used to scare the public into submission. Doesn't take a time traveler to see that.

Kid, Are there anymore sequels to George Romero's living dead series, in this timeline or any others?

Hi Kid,

Just one question:
You said that Europe get's all destroyed. Do you mean big cities, like in USA, or ALL of it?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Passive_Extremist\")</div>
They were both phony attacks perpetrated by the fascists in control that were used to scare the public into submission. Doesn't take a time traveler to see that.[/b]

I agree. It doesn't take a time traveler to see that. This is more of a job for the paranoid conspiracist type. Did they get an alibi from the Illuminati for these attacks?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
6. Was that dawn of the dead movie like in that line?
The dead came out of the graves and started eating the living. There was a \"dead\" gravedigger that was buring the living. ?:)


Is this the original or the remake?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
I agree. It doesn't take a time traveler to see that. This is more of a job for the paranoid conspiracist type. Did they get an alibi from the Illuminati for these attacks?[/b]

I guess this means you can prove the communists and bin laden were behind reichstag and 9/11?


Lets see, in order to have the BBB do anything for you from the get go, is that the business you purchased from has to be a member. You weren't really prepared to answer that one were you? You are assuming of course, that a farmer would take the time in his haste to manufacture Placebos, to join the Better Business Bureau.

Honestly, do you think that Gibbs would return ANYBODY'S money when the unit is predicated upon 'you being ready' ?

Tell the truth now, do you know of anybody that has returned a hdr because it "didn't work" for them and got their money back?? I seriously doubt this ever happened. Why? Caveat Emptor Buyer Beware.

Imagine the run of the mill fool that just wasted his hard earned 375.00 dollars on a time machine. It doesn't work. Can't get it to work ( what a surprise) you go to small claims court. You tell the judge that you bought a time machine and to your shock and great dismay it does not work....

After the janitors leave the court room after cleaning up all the crap that was let loose from people laughing so hard they lost it, the judge finally has wiped all the tears from his face and very solemly asks you "Well, exactly how many Magic Beans did you spend on this time machine?" after the janitor cleans up the second mess, this time it's the judge's fault so you don't have to worry, the judge just might ask if there are any warranties? Well now, do you answer 'Faith'?

What waranties do you think Gibbs would offer? Perhaps "So long and thanks for all the fish"?

Once again you insult folks intelligences kid. Your points, along with your stories are weak, they have no substance, no veracity, no connection to reality and the world.

You would get a A for effort if this happened to be a LA meeting.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
I agree. It doesn't take a time traveler to see that. This is more of a job for the paranoid conspiracist type. Did they get an alibi from the Illuminati for these attacks?[/b]

The attacks of 9/11 were, of course, perpretrated by the descendants of the Draco line of Annunaki hybrids. The towers cast a long shadow. We all know how reptiles like the sun, right?


Hey kid,
when you see this future of unemployment is it as bad as the depression of the 30s or worse?

Also have you ever seen lightsabers or other sci-fi tech that are commonplace?

If possible could you name some cities that do better than others in the future?

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