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I was browsing some of the other sites and found an interesting HDR thread on anomalies from about three years ago. What struck me immediately was the similarity in style of writing and banal historical references. Here?s a sample quote:

Lets us imagine this scenario.
100 years ago 1902.

? You try to explain to your neighbor,
a prominent rich banker that he
should put his money into \"aviation\".
You tell him that people will soon be
flying through the air like birds.

? He tells you that you are a fool
and that the Wright brothers are kooks.

? \"The Wrong brothers say it is heavier than air. Well, if it is heavier than air it will fall out of the sky, the only reason a balloon works is that it is lighter than air so it floats. The AEROPLANE will never work!\"

? First flight in Dec 17, 1903 remember.
Ten years later you visit him again,
he says biplanes are much too dangerous.
fourty years later (the banker is now an
ailing old man) you try to convince the
banker to time travel back (using PE tech)
and advise his younger self.

? The old banker no longer cares about money,
since it has cost him his health.
He now realizes that his life is almost over and that more money will not help him.

? He says no.

The link for the thread is here:

Here?s my dilemma, kid. This is very similar to your posts but written by someone else, CarlosX. When I checked on the TTI site, I noticed that your styles are again very similar. Furthermore, you and CarlosX posted from the exact, same IP address. My question is this kid.

[font=&quot]Are you CarlosX? It's been asked before but never answered.[/font]

Hi HRDkid,

I heard his interview as well as the other guests. He says some things that are very different from those you been saying. He freak me out!!
He never mentioned astral time travel, only fisical jumps.
He said that you can use the HRD and just disapear because you can be a descendant from aliens. How will I know that??
You have to believe in God and not use the HRD to evil, or you'll be punished. Ok, I agree, and you said things like these before. But been taken away by greys??
He says he is not from this timeline, he is from another where everybody died due to solar activitie. If the HRD unit just give you seven hours to travel to a different timeline, why he is still here?
He said a brother and a sister went to the greek period and they never came back. The greek period was much more than 500 years ago. How could be that possible??
I'm sorry, kid. I am. I'm feeling I'm being hard...
All the things you been saying make some sence to me, and I believed in you!
But to hear the creator of the machine to say so many nonsense things made me wonder: How can you believe in him?? What made you believe in him?? Were you so curious that you just never questioned his contraditions?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Mudpuppy\")</div>
You deem them \"stories\". These are his experiences. Big difference. You are the one doing all the labeling as \"stories\"...not HDR kid. This is his revelation...however he tells it...not yours to deevolve into a \"story\" or a \"hoax\". Noone that I know of has given you that right. You have bestowed it upon yourself.


While some of my comments may have crossed over a line I did not see, as possibly have Starlords, I think it is wrong to admonish anyone for calling a hoax a hoax.

Gibbs' claims made about the HDR include actual physical time travel if the HDR is operated at "a vortex point." Vortex points do not exist.

Similar to the famous charlatan Uri Gellar, and right in line with all the mediums debunked by Harry Houdini (not to mention James Randi), Gibbs also claims that the HDR will not work in the presence of a skeptic.

Take these two absolute incontrovertible facts about Gibbs and the HDR together and tell me, are you really prepared to say that the HDRKid is not a hoaxer?

Starlord has let himself get rattled by the Kid several times, primarily because when Starlord has asked questions of him, the kid has responded by answering slightly different questions and pretending that those are what Starlord asked. Any subsequent attempt to point this out to the Kid and his readers has basically been ignored.

A few pages back I tried to poke fun at Starlord for allowing the Kid to "jerk his chain" (I believe that's the terminology I used) but apparently that hasn't injected any humor into the situation.

As you suggested, I have mostly stopped reading the thread, except when I note that there is a new post from Starlord here. I usually only use the "new posts" function on this board since I've read most of what's here. When I see a new post from Starlord to HDRKid, I click here for the entertainment value.

I must reiterate though that it seems a little ridiculous to me for you to say the "jury is still out" on a device that operates on the principles of radionics, a bankrupt pseudoscience that was debunked repeatedly in the early part of the 20th century. Early "Radionics" Quackery


Hi Hartke:
It is good to be a skeptic, but remember the greater the honour the greater the challenge. I fell that our present technology is crude and primitive compared to what we will have in the future.

Using magetic fields to time travel is only tech developed in the Philadelphia Experiment. The key is to alter the flow of time particles.

That is why I use a watch to gauge the power of my HDR unit. If the HDR can alter the flow of time then the watch moves faster than it should.

Hi JasonX:
1. Did the guy who got his hdr tooken away tell you what city he lived in? He probably did since I was supposed to send him a unit.

2. have you ever went to a line where here were no holidays?
I went to a line where Germany won the war, no 4th of July on that line.

3. have you ever saw any celbritys that look different in other lines like fatter or uglier? Mandy Moore is fat on one line.

4. Have you ever saw shrek on another line?
Yes, no Pinoccio in that one.

5. what was the worse movie you ever saw on another line?
Worse than "Plan 9 from outer space" none so far.

6. what else did jamie spears and jay leno talk about and what did jay leno look like and who were the other guests that night?
She talked about her movie. Jay Leno was old. Wait a minute he is old here. :D White hair instead of grey. More wrinkles. I like Jay Leno, but he looked like Jamie's Grandpa.

Hi tchetcha:
Funny that you should say that what I say is different than Steven Gibbs because according to Starlord AKA GL100 both Steven Gibbs and I are the same person. He also claims that I am CarlosX head of the Gibbsgroup. :lol:

Funny actually.

Hi GL100:
I got my drivers lisence this year. Hope that answers your question.

Hi Enigmawriter:
I hope you become a major book author in the future. Please write about psychic phenomena. My fave subject, next to time travel that is. :)

Hi Starlord/GL100:
Are you angry at me, or just the HDR? :lol:

Hi tchetcha:
Do you have an HDR? If you do then you will soon find out that the HDR has a nasty habit of sending people to bad timelines. Like ones where there is a terrible war.

I do not know why Steven Gibbs says this, I can call him up and ask him. All geniuses are a little unusual.

Here is wishing you the best. :hug:

Hi Mudpuppy:
Using the HDR has been a real intense experience for me. I saw on another forum where a person was in the 1800's for a few seconds and saw a glimpse of what it was like back then.

It was so beautiful back then, B&W photos don't do it justice. :(


1.I think that person yore were going to send the hdr to was a future me did you find out what he looked like?

2. how big was mandy moore in that line and was he famous?

3. who is the ugliest person you ever saw on another line?

4. have you seen any of the batman movies in any other lines?

5. who were the other guests that night on jay leno and what did kevin eubanks look like?

6. have you ever saw lita the wrestler on another line and have you ever seen randy orton on another line?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
5. what was the worse movie you ever saw on another line?
?Worse than \"Plan 9 from outer space\" none so far.


If you think Plan 9 is bad you should check out The Thirsty Dead, Biker Zombies (from detroit), Redneck Zombies, House of the Dead, King of the Zombies, Orgy of the Dead, Astro Zombies , I Eat Your Skin , Zombie Lake or Garden of the Dead.

These movies make Plan 9 look like shakespeare.

Anyhow on the subject of HDR's, I gotta say HDRKID, you make it sound pretty tempting, where can I get one?

However if I get one and end up lobotomized, I'm putting blame squarely on Harte, Starlord and the other bandwagon jumper typical debunker guy's shoulders for not convincing me otherwise. :P

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Harte\")</div>
I agree it's annoying to see the same things over and over on each page, like over and over reading posts from a bunch of starry-eyed halfwits asking idiotic questions of an obviously not-too-intelligent self aggrandizing egotistical liar unable to deal with the fact that he is only a mark and has been taken for a ride by a \"radionic\" con artist using a con that originated over a hundred and fifty years ago and that any thinking modern-day person would laugh at instead of fall for.

Are you upset?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Kero:

1) He is nice and respectful to everyone, regardless of the attacks brought upon him. Thanks.

2) He tells people what they want to hear, and they believe that he believes it is the truth. Most people do not want to believe that a big war is coming; me included, but that is what I see in the future.

I also believe that wars are inevitable, on all scales, for as long as people feel pain and fear death, which will most likely be the entire existence of the human race. I don't think they made all those big firecrackers if they didn't intend on lighting them.

Did you see on any timelines where the nuclear weapons were "cleaner", such as JT stated?

I miss John Candy too, he was one of my favorite actors. :(

I like psychic phenomena and time traveling too. I wanted to write something like that, but you have to write it right, you know? I hope that I will get cracking on this soon.

Hi GL100:
I got my drivers lisence this year. Hope that answers your question.

No. It doesn?t. But it no longer matters. The fact that you blithely sidestepped a simple yes or no question with a disingenuous, glib response speaks volumes. Like Harte, I have kept up with this thread purely for the entertainment aspect of it. While I have no belief in your visions, astral time traveling, your machine nor its inventor, I did find the questions and answers in this thread sociologically interesting and entertaining . But that was when I was under the impression that you were nothing more than an innocent youthful dreamer. Unfortunately, in light of the glaring similarities in the posts that I stumbled upon, I no longer have that impression. Maybe these similarities are a huge massive coincidence, but I don?t really think so and I certainly don?t have the experience or inclination to research it further. There are others here, fellow Texan Virtualgirl comes to mind, who are excellent at this kind of work. Perhaps someone else will notice these similarities and look into further. If my assumptions are wrong, please accept my apologies. As for me, I?m through here. I no longer want to be involved with this thread, you or your alter ego. Good luck and Godspeed whoever you are. I hope you find whatever it is you so desperately seek. Just remember, in the words of Carlosx, ?What we say today will echo in eternity.?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"gl100\")</div>
No. It doesn?t. But it no longer matters. The fact that you blithely sidestepped a simple yes or no question with a disingenuous, glib response speaks volumes. Like Harte, I have kept up with this thread purely for the entertainment aspect of it. While I have no belief in your visions, astral time traveling, your machine nor its inventor, I did find the questions and answers in this thread sociologically interesting and entertaining . But that was when I was under the impression that you were nothing more than an innocent youthful dreamer. Unfortunately, in light of the glaring similarities in the posts that I stumbled upon, I no longer have that impression. Maybe these similarities are a huge massive coincidence, but I don?t really think so and I certainly don?t have the experience or inclination to research it further. There are others here, fellow Texan Virtualgirl comes to mind, who are excellent at this kind of work. Perhaps someone else will notice these similarities and look into further. If my assumptions are wrong, please accept my apologies. As for me, I?m through here. I no longer want to be involved with this thread, you or your alter ego. Good luck and Godspeed whoever you are. I hope you find whatever it is you so desperately seek. Just remember, in the words of Carlosx, ?What we say today will echo in eternity.?[/b]

Hi Gl100,
They seem similar indeed, but CarlosX was more an attacker than just a normal poster. He liked to shake peoples up, usually his posts were small, not very long ones.
What is similar are some things they both pointed on, like the gas prices. CarlosX said in 2002 that the gas price would rise to 4.50 per galon, and HDRkid said the same thing not so long ago.
If they are not the same, they are seeing the same thing.
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