Confirmed Hoax Hello from 2070.


Hi All I just wanted to say I knew he was a hoax or a fake if he was real then he would of answered all of our questions truthfully when I read his message in the forum I thought he was real but only john titor would know his own descendant or relative whereever he is now I have three theories he was stuck in another dimension aprart from our own he never made it back to 2036 or he could of died when he went to 2036 by an accident or on purpose as for his time machine I believe it is a working time machine not from the government or GE but from the further future for the other advice john titor mentioned about his family in 2036, 1975 getting the IBM and the wars and so much more it is all true how I know I can't tell you anymore then that and I won't be answering any questions I have many dreams or astral travel trips that I can hear and see the past, present, and future and when I go it seems so real and not blurry or staticy it is sharp and clear like I am really actually there in person it is really like peeking into other dimensions or parallel universes or timelines and everytime I wake up from my dreams or astral travel trips I remember them all I don't use machines or devices but meditation and other things in general and in private!


Senior Member
I was joking. It was a stupid hoax. I am a 12 y.o. Veteran Computer Programmer. I enjoy the thought of Time Travel a bit, and love the John Titor stories (I believe in John Titor, by the way). I'm really very sorry and only wanted to keep this going for a day or two. I have no interest in posting on this forum anymore as I'd assume you are all pissed off at me. Well it was all in good fun (for me, anyway) and please have a good week everyone.

Regards, T%%B

I have doubts that you are 12 years old, but if you are, then you have much to learn. Let these almost forgotten sayings teach you lessons of value...

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!" ~Sir Walter Scott This means when you deceiv, lie, cheat, etc., you entangle yourself in complicated situations- trying to cover your a$$, when your deception is exposed.

"A man is only as good as his word." What does that quote mean? A man who cannot be trusted is not much. If you can believe his words and he lives up to them, he is a good man. If someone scams you or lies to you, or promises you something and never comes through, he's not much of a man.


Senior Member
He's not 12 years old just a 12 year veteran of computer programming.

Oh, LOL! Thanks for clarifying that for me! (It was late when I read that.)
That's even worse. He's a grown man and should know better. SHAME ON HIM!

A man is only as good as his word, and if his word is no good...Well, you get the point.


Senior Member
I was joking. It was a stupid hoax. I am a 12 y.o. Veteran Computer Programmer. I enjoy the thought of Time Travel a bit, and love the John Titor stories (I believe in John Titor, by the way). I'm really very sorry and only wanted to keep this going for a day or two. I have no interest in posting on this forum anymore as I'd assume you are all pissed off at me. Well it was all in good fun (for me, anyway) and please have a good week everyone.

Regards, T%%B

Please feel free to stick around.

Honesty is refreshing pleasant.
