Hello From TTO34

Hello From TTO34


Since I won't be on for long this morning, I decided I would reply to your post immediately. I am going to only speak for myself here.

I sincerely apologize for any hurt feelings you may be experiencing. One of the hardest decisions I had to make as moderator was Heggy's post. It was research and not an accusation. By not posting the research, there would have questions in peoples minds that would have been blown all out of proportion. I've gotten to know you over the past week or so and had a difficult time imagining you could be behind a hoax.

I encourage you to remain in our commmunity, posting and chatting with us. I also hope you will accept my heartfelt apology.


It is my hope that the research that we have been doing has not scared you off. We are not a group of debunkers ready to beat you up. We research/discuss/post everything you say both pro and con.

You have not posted the picture you promised. You have not answered questions as to whether or not you are the same person as TT034 in various other sites. You have not logged on since your chat with us.

By delaying or avoiding, you only make people feel that you are something you say you are not ... a hoax.

I encourage you to do all of this, or suffer continuing questions that will take you a long time to explain to people's satisfaction.
Hello From TTO34


I too see the humor in this. I am sure anyone of us may be the other half of 34--but unfortunately you happened to chat "a bit close" just as Heggy, Snow, and the rest of us were training our laser on 34. You may convince us you are the standard garden variety suburban Mom, but would that be any different from say convincing us you are a time traveler?

All visitors to this site must realize that hoaxers are a regular part of the mix. This tends to create a sharp, skeptical, sometimes jaded mob. This is the hot kitchen.
And remember hoaxers represent deceit pure and simple. Another name for this forum might be the Often Deceitful Visitor Forum.

So I think it stands that we have only half a 34 regardless of who the other half is.

Maybe we should call him 17.

Best to you,

Hello From TTO34


Phew, I'm glad I was wrong. A lot of people here really like you :)

A apologize for putting you under the gun like that. We're all just a bunch of conspiracy theorists who like finding something when nothing is there. LOL

Glad it wasn't you :)
Hello From TTO34

So TTO34, I see you reading this thread. I have wondered myself why believe you. Where is your proof? Where is the material you claimed to have?
Hello From TTO34

hey folks

TT034, u tell an interesting tale my friend !

i ain't weighed in on this tale jus yet as i'm waiting on the much mentioned proof to surface .. but i would like a chance to chat to TT034 in chat as i have some slightly more technical questions for you !

so then .. which chatroom are ye using and on which server is it ? there are so so many i can't find ye !!

hugs and bubbles

Hello From TTO34

first to clear up that i had a Scanner/ camer what ever....
Location Then:
( Or now if you are from this time period)
1) People you knew, alias ok
2) Occupation you had
3) Recreation you enjoyed

Who you are:
1) What you wished to be called on this board
2) What languages you speak
3) What education/training you have

The Trip:
(Or trips you took)
1) Month, day, year left
2) Method of time travel
2b) Capabilities and limitations of travel if known
2ca) Why you time traveled if intentional
3) Month, day, year of arrival if known

This Forum:
1) How you found this forum
2) Why you are posting on this forum
3) Any goals you hope to achieve

Location now:
( Or that you went to )
1) Geographic region you live in
1ba) Type of building you are staying in
2) Who you live with, alias ok
3) How you live, (Job/Money/Guardians/Begging/Foraging)
4) Media technology available to you
( Scanners, Webcams, Digital Camera, mics)

Please post your answers to these question and a link to the topic(s) that you post under.

this is the questioner when u feell it out if u read mine under

4) Media technology available to you
( Scanners, Webcams, Digital Camera, mics)
i put.......... i like it if u ask me...... I NEVER SAID I HAD THIS STUFF
Hello From TTO34

I, and several others distinctly remember you stating that you were in posession of a digital camera. Keep trying.

Also, what a convenient and vague answer. So glad you answered it with something ridiculous like that. Be proud.
Hello From TTO34

i put.......... i like it if u ask me...... I NEVER SAID I HAD THIS STUFF

Temper temper. That is not very Titor of you and only here for a few weeks...

I have a question for you 17, can you explain to us why you referred to yourself in the third person i.e.

11:47 PM [TTO34] if im in 2034 wont i always travel back in time.. so isnt there a chance i ill end up here on this timeline again.. but wont rember doing any of this..
11:47 PM [TTO34] thats a great question 34..

Thanks for clearing this up.
Hello From TTO34

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Oct 13 2004, 08:34 AM
To start, he could explain why he posted on a tech support forum in July....


Or this one:


And it looks like he beta tested Star Wars Galaxies:


Oh yeah, this one too:


o yea great proff there.... an you are apart of



and if your not you can't be you.. i mean what are the odds someone might use the same username thats not even you???
