Hello I am Jaden... a time traveler

Did they say if it was an antenna that was like a thin pole going up vertically?
No, they said that besides those features it looked like any other T.V. They said that it wasn't enough for someone strolling around to see the difference but enough for someone looking for it to see the difference.
You mean that somebody strolling around to actually find the antenna, would know that the antenna was different?
I guess you can say that.
He avoids technical questions. IMHO, Titor did a much better job.
Paula i did ask jaden in an earlier posting why they didnt send him back to the time when those TV`s were around, but i think it got mixed in with other other messages
Oh sorry, didn't see it. I came to 2015 optionally. If you look at Admiral (the company that made that T.V.) they were created in 1947 and in 1952 they still used antenna's.
He avoids technical questions. IMHO, Titor did a much better job.
What else do you want me to say?
so really what you are saying is that you hope anybody reading these posts will have that exact TV you are looking for?
Because if you go around looking for a blue vertical antenna, you have no chance of finding it..
Here's my mission: Go to 1952 retrieve a T.V. with that description and bring it back.
What else do you want me to say?
so really what you are saying is that you hope anybody reading these posts will have that exact TV you are looking for?
Because if you go around looking for a blue vertical antenna, you have no chance of finding it..
Here's my mission: Go to 1952 retrieve a T.V. with that description and bring it back.
So you have the capability of going back to 1952 and finding it?
And you popped in here 2015 just for a laugh?
so really what you are saying is that you hope anybody reading these posts will have that exact TV you are looking for?
Because if you go around looking for a blue vertical antenna, you have no chance of finding it..
Here's my mission: Go to 1952 retrieve a T.V. with that description and bring it back.
So you have the capability of going back to 1952 and finding it?
And you popped in here 2015 just for a laugh?
Yea basically.
Jaden do you have any details of that antenna?
Uh, yes. They said to make sure to find it they gave specific details of the antenna. They told me that it apparently was taller then any of the other antenna's. They said it was blue rather then gray. They also gave me the specific number of the T.V. on the bottom of the T.V. they also said that you could see the letter A on the top o the T.V. N on the bottom, L to the right, I to the left, and on the back E. Those were the details they gave me.
Interesting...L to the right I to the left and on the back is E....now what does that spell? lmao>>>LIE...your busted brother :ROFLMAO:
