Confirmed Hoax Hello! I'm a Time Traveler

John's Future

Junior Member
"Destroyed" means in great distress. Most of America has been destroyed, literally, but the land is still habitable, as Americas didn't take even close to as much of the blow the middle east did.


New Member
:rolleyes: Y'all are on this thread too. 26 pages in. Are the crack-pots really gonna try to call me black?

I couldn't care less. You lose someone loved to suicide, if anything will get you googling time travel its that.

wtf's all your excuses? You wouldn't know the real thing if it was on any stupid website, so why waste you time on this one? This guy is what your here for yes? But you would laugh a real time traveler off just the same as a fake one. So why bother?



:rolleyes: Y'all are on this thread too. 26 pages in. Are the crack-pots really gonna try to call me black?

I couldn't care less. You lose someone loved to suicide, if anything will get you googling time travel its that.

wtf's all your excuses? You wouldn't know the real thing if it was on any stupid website, so why waste you time on this one? This guy is what your here for yes? But you would laugh a real time traveler off just the same as a fake one. So why bother?


We would believe a real time traveler if he were able to supply sufficient proof. The problem is, none of the Titor-Wannabes are able to pull it off. They melt when we start asking difficult questions. Then, they tell us their time machines are a porta-potty and wonder why we can't take them seriously. :confused:


This is just ridiculous, absurd, silly and foolish mister wanna be time traveler.

But i have to admit it is working.
4000 views since Nov. 25th:sick:

There should be a label "GIVES NO PROOF" and be done with it.

Imho he is not even answering the questions.
He just sidesteps them every time.

There is no sense at all in this, still we keep feeding the troll.
The worst kind of people are the dishonest ones deceiving and lying.
You do realize what you are doing right?

I think that you are crossing the line, but that is just me.
So give proof or let it be.
If you don't want to, there is no sense in saying you are a time traveler.

There is not even a nice story behind this worth reading.
Actually there is just babbling and gibberish, he makes up as he goes.

Sadly not everyone is reading the whole post, what makes it really easy for him.
But that is a fora problem in general.

P.S.: Is it vacation time in the states?:rolleyes: Can we check if he's online during school hours?

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