
Re: Hello

I agree with most here, if they can't offer proof then good ridence....Interesting how when ppl start pressuring these soo called travelers for proof they just suddenly decide to leave because they are offended no one believes them...Well BOO HOO.

Are you implying that prudish monkeys dressed in overalls and mowing lawns is not proof enough? Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, did they have the foresight to envision repressed simian cable installers. I think not. Guess you just can't please everybody.
Re: Hello

Isn't this how Planet of the Apes got started? We enslaved primates, then they got smarter and wiser then us! :unsure: The whole world went to hell in a handbasket!:huh:
Re: Hello

I find it odd that for 2 people from the future that don't use keyboards and all their electronics are 'voice activated'.. will still say things like 'hehe' and 'Yeeee'.. would they really be able to adapt to our 'keyboard elite speech' so quickly that they would replace those two words to express laughter? Especially Tess who hadn't been on a forum in our timeline before yesterday?

I want to believe.. more than anything.. but we need more proof.

Re: Hello


See, that's the whole problem in a nut shell. There are folks here that really want to believe that Time Travel is possible, and then you have people that take advantage of that desire and will lie, cheat and mix half truths to best of their ability to get you to believe them.

What they are doing is by no means cool or great. It is mean, deceitful and underhanded. It hurts people to find out that they have been lied to for days.

Too bad Draw & Quartering is out of style.... Can't think of a better way to treat people that choose to lie to other people.
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Buggy\")</div>
Come on Starlord don't hold back, tell us what you really think of hoaxers![/b]

Did I studder, or is your monitor vibrating and you can't read it??:grin:
Re: Hello

Indeed Ralan? This from a past Hoaxer is quite funny. Where is their proof?
Where was your proof when you Hoaxed here many times before???

What is there to disprove it? Considering the exponential growth of the rate of technological advancement, what is there to say that we cannot have the scientific knowledge to genetically alter the genome of a monkey to raise the level of its conciousness to sentiency, and with it the shame these 'travellers' claim they will have, within 150 years from now?

I see I am alone in my distaste for the way time travel claimants are being treated. I will try not to mention it again.
Re: Hello

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Felic--\")</div>
What is there to disprove it? Considering the exponential growth of the rate of technological advancement, what is there to say that we cannot have the scientific knowledge to genetically alter the genome of a monkey to raise the level of its conciousness to sentiency, and with it the shame these 'travellers' claim they will have, within 150 years from now?

I see I am alone in my distaste for the way time travel claimants are being treated. I will try not to mention it again.[/b]

The skeptics motto Felic- Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!

Its going to take more than some stories about monkies in manpants to convince us.
