

New Member
Hello. I found your site while looking for a place to discuss time travel and other ideas. Thinking causes old, lazy brain cells to spark (they hate that, the slackers) and to consider differing opinions. I look forward to interacting with many of you.
Thank you. (I could crack a dirty joke at this point but I don't want to give the wrong impression, at least not right away. ) :)

Tell them the one about asiprin. It was really bad...

Do you remember it? I do.

I also remember why I politely stopped talking to you. You'll never know why. Nor does he...

Then, after why we stopped talking, it didn't help when you turned your back on me to be his friend.

Now? I don't trust you. At all. Proof he stalks me even through friends. That's why *I have to stay off the internet". It's not a lot of fun. But, I certainly have dealt with it better than, I've been told, anyone else ever could.

Hi Brooksie.

Hope the Ghost hunting is going well.

Take care!
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Not much 'troll spray' needed here (so far as I can tell, that is...)
You wouldn't know though... Now would you. ;)

Trust and truth are both a special thing. Not many anymore, hold it.

Trust is now proven. Not just given. Ask yourself what he (Brooksie) did? I've proven my trust and loyalty... Despite all circumstances.

And, counter intelligence? It doesn't work. It just makes you a liar.

See, what Brooksie doesn't know is that it's not about taking a left or right. It's about walking straight... Like the time his friend was given the opportunity to walk straight. But, chose to dodge the draft.

My mother knew he (Brooksie's friend) couldn't (walk straight)... I should have listened then, even when too young to understand.

But, guess what? We win the race in the end. And, I know why...

I apologise TJ. You'll not be able to replicate my heart in all effort to build a machine.

A machine... Is without a soul.

You're lucky I love and forgive easily.

Trust? A whole different thing.

And, you're right. I have no empathy for a man claiming victimhood after abuse of a woman with child. Even with the do not tread on me sign. Sorry. No real snakes welcome here.

Hey... You pressed the issue. You sent your friend. ***9 and 1/2*** years later...
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Tell them the one about asiprin. It was really bad...

Do you remember it? I do.

I also remember why I politely stopped talking to you. You'll never know why. Nor does he...

Then, after why we stopped talking, it didn't help when you turned your back on me to be his friend.

Now? I don't trust you. At all. Proof he stalks me even through friends. That's why *I have to stay off the internet". It's not a lot of fun. But, I certainly have dealt with it better than, I've been told, anyone else ever could.

Hi Brooksie.

Hope the Ghost hunting is going well.

Take care!
Hello. Not for nothing but I believe you are mistaking me for someone else. I have no idea of what you speak nor the incidents to which you allude. Also, I have never been referred to as "Brooksie"
Brooksie was my name I personally gave you that you never heard. Of course you don't remember the incident. It's hard to admit you were hitting on your friend's wife before they were divorced.

I am so tired of being stalked by him through his 'friends', still to this day.

I know that through his questionable behavior for almost a decade, he hopes such will cause me to internally implode forever. He has been trying all these years for just that...

While such will never happen as I will not allow it, I must say your aiding him in his desired outcome has caused me to feel more alone than ever.

I was told recently he poisons everything (for me). From people to whole communities. True.

Looking forward to the activity of beginning to run again, to privately deal with the frustration that anyone would naturally endure from it all. Turning what was meant to cause another negative in our lives, into a positive.

I can say, thanks for the unattended encouragement.

I'm totally gone now.

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I have been happily and faithfully married for 47 years. There are probably one million + people named "Brooks" in the planet. At least 50,000 of them have "A" as the first letter of their first name. I am not the person you are going on about. Please accept that and Goodbye.
