

Senior Member
I have Shamanic ancestry with the ability to communicate with older sheep who knows an ancient language, by understanding their grammar using the triggering of muscle memories through synesthesia. Starting with a long preamble tone that speeds up the frequency of memory recording. Feels like adrenaline but you only remember it in slow motion. Then the rest is two-tone syllables representing muscle movement verbs in reverse polish notation. Lambs can only speak sentences taught by their elders, because their modern dialects don't work on humans.

Had many future dreams, which are very vivid and can not overcome sources of quantum randomness. Could not see past my age of 30, which made me worried about dying at that time, but it was only that my dad started birdwatching, which prevents predicting events caused by birds not yet born, for their genes are mixed by quantum randomness. Got my ability back after my dad stopped birdwatching. The visions can be very annoying when doing household chores just to wake up and realize it was a future vision, but at least I knew that people would hoard toilet paper in the Covid-19 pandemic, so I started hoarding my emergency supplies two years ahead in 2018. My parents laughed when I tried to warn them, and my dad ended up in the intensive care because the warning was ignored.

When my cousin had a near death experience from choking during night, I dreamt about attending her funeral. Possibly by quantum entanglement when one end of a particle pair becomes observed when the brain gets on oxygen. If a particle gets observed by not having oxygen in the brain, this may suggest that out of body experiences are real, or that something triggers to send a death notice, even if the person ends up surviving.

Once saw a ghost cat during night, which laid down in my bed, yet levitating one decimeter above it, like poorly calibrated augmented reality. It looked up in surprise, stared at my brain and internal organs in horror, then jumped out through the wall. Probably because walking through would get stuck in the ground. The cat's time moved at around five times normal speed and the region in northern Sweden is rising above ocean due to released pressure from the ice age, but having physically gone further into the future would have ended up somewhere else in space because the earth is also moving. This may suggest that the cat was not physically there, but a mental death notice for my friend's cat. He was moving to a new city when it happened, and I could not contact him to confirm when his cat died.

People often complain about my long cynical rants about random things or find me creepy when talking about ghosts.
Yes, the cat have 7 lifes. In my other life, i have 38 yo.
In what number of life the cat was is the real solution
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Yes, thank you for the coffee
Do you want somes thea ?

