Help maybe?


Senior Member
Well that happen one time but I also saw Selena Perez a Latin woman who die at 23 yr old she was looking at me and she have a golden behind her and turn her head away from me and I saw her disappear I was like wow I was not thinking of her but I daydream about her must be a dream or something it was real to me
Ethereal sexual attraction but we won't go into that.


Senior Member
By the way I saw myself in black person I am white but I hear many hands on the window and it like spark but I was inside of my apartment and the nosie it said open the door but it stop after fully awake it must be a borderline sleep I kept having it alot
I see' were you musically inclined?


Senior Member
By the way I saw myself in black person I am white but I hear many hands on the window and it like spark but I was inside of my apartment and the nosie it said open the door but it stop after fully awake it must be a borderline sleep I kept having it alot
Like this guy? One of my favorites ;)


Senior Member
I have to tell you something one time I have this dream of horrible sink smell like it was hell I saw few people and there were sick, vampire,dead rotten people I never forget about them but it seem to sad
By memory the vampires I knew about three hundred years ago, by cellular memory were neatly dressed, well-groomed and they had a complete functioning laboratory. Dated by today's standards but still enough stuff in it to make modern day science.

One of the sprigs that makes me up today was a victim of the junk vampire plague made in India. This was about year 1200.This virus worked its way over to Europe till it hit and bloomed there.

I was a resident in a small village and must have been bitten in my sleep when the plagues started. I died, but was thrown on an oxcart to be buried with others that also succumbed.

I remember coming to and I had mustard yellow knickers on, with white stocking and like a blocky heeled shoe, with a white puffy-like shirt. When I opened my eyes, the entire forest was indigo colored. I slid off the cart and went into the forest. The trees had no leaves on them.

I wandered into the forest and came upon a big hump in the forest with an iron gate covering its entrance. It was not locked. But once I opened that gate and wandered in, everything goes black.

I was a recovered junk vampire, which is like a low-level virus. This was a clan vampire cove and the vamps in it, were very high quality. They then did or gave something to me that I could live, but I don't have any memory after that point of time.

They helped me, but these were powerful vamps, they could have easily killed me.

I could image the lab but don't know if I was seeing it with my body or eyes?
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Senior Member
I have to tell you something one time I have this dream of horrible sink smell like it was hell I saw few people and there were sick, vampire,dead rotten people I never forget about them but it seem to sad
I had a similar dream when Syria's refugees arrived. A huge crowd of people in need pouring in. Torn between wanting to help everyone and knowing what someone cornered by an unforgiving system might do for survival.


Active Member
I had a similar dream when Syria's refugees arrived. A huge crowd of people in need pouring in. Torn between wanting to help everyone and knowing what someone cornered by an unforgiving system might do for survival.
long time ago i have this one time dream lucid dream it was the most awesome dream i have it about where i was dress up a black uniform and that i use my first finger and then open the portal but the first finger i did was moving it fast like many water sound was at my old job place anyway that all.
