Hi. I stuck in the year 2018.

Lord Quantum

Junior Member
if you signed a contract not to talk and if things come to the worcest for you id brake that contract and they can come and pick you up if they care and at least you be back in your time then unlless they say not to come back but then if you talked how would they know when they are in the future and your back here what would they do check newspapers and find out themselves from going through old newspapers dated 60 years in there past if they ever keep records like that
But otherwise I won't get payed.
Yeah they would not know if I would be from the past, but I am from the future, So it's very easy to check. I mean we know stuff about John Taitor and it's close to 70 years ago...

Lord Quantum

Junior Member
best chance is to find the people or company if it existed here still like in the future and arsk them for help tell them you are stuck here in a car time travel machine they built in the future they would maybe help you
The company I am working with was established in the late 2060s as the government gave limited permission to universities to do time travell tests.

Lord Quantum

Junior Member
who made the car you drove whats the name of the company or engineers who biult that time travel car do they have any past descendants you can go to tell them your stuck in 2018 in a machine they biult in the future they may help if they care about what may happend if the time lines get changed to much that may affect everyone there to
As I said, the company will be established in 50 years + It's in Munich...
