How Can I Strengthen My Mind Abilities? (kinesis)


New Member
I read and tried a way to help us meditate and clear our mind faster. Try squatting in a quiet room where the only sound that you can here is your breathing. Try focusing on your breathing so to take your mind off of everything else. Another way is to have a dripper and a bowl 2 to 3 ft away under it. Listen to the sound as it hits the water surface. Once you've mastered focusing your mind on those sounds, you can easily focus and rid your mind of any unnecessary thoughts.


I heard many times of the breathing method. I've never really dedicated myself to meditation, although I used this method in the past to get rid of unnecessary stress. Yes, it did work, so I assume I wouldn't have too much of a hard time if I gave a serious try to meditation.

I'd go that way.


New Member
The problem with exercises for this kind of thing is a reliable feedback to measure if you get anywhere in building up strenght. If you manage to move objects that sure counts as feedback ;). So I suggest doing more of that. You probably have realized that some days you get better results than other days. And some days you have random occurences when reaching for small objects. I will suggest an exercise to bouth measure(feedback) and strenghten your power:

Start by holding your hands in front of you in a relaxed manner. Like you where holding a ballon. Try to feel the energy between the hands. If you have a feeling of "something" there. Try to make the sensation stonger any way you can. This "pulsing" sensation of energy will normally ebb and flow with the breath. Try to make it equally strong on the inbreath. If you manage to do this with some ease I will suggest, using your imagination, to use a set of 2 more invisible hands. Try to feel the same sensation between these hands as well at the same time as you feel between your physical hands. The beauty of this kind of exercice is that you know if you are doing it right by the intensety of the feeling you get (feedback). I f you manage to use the 4 hands technique you can drop the physical hands when out in public.

Useful for instant mesurement of you ability to mobilize "power". Some foodstuff will weaken this ability and you get feedback. In my experience ginseng can be useful and also other Yang food. Emotional states can weaken or strenghten the feedback. Try to identify which. If you use other exercises of spiritual nature, try to see what kind of feedback they give. Do they weaken or empower you?

Best whishes from Bear :)


well you could always try thinkin bout liftin a mountian you know like yoda and lukes fighter when it was sunk in the swampo_0 ???????????heavy liftin works for your arms why not the brain:)


New Member
First, i'd tell you to stop putting harmful things into your body such as smoking, processed foods, or anything artificial. These things disrupt your chakra or Ki or life energy or whatever ya want to call it.

What about prescription medications? Since most of them are chemically based, I assume they'd be considered "artificial". Do you think they affect your progress or the depth of your abilities?


New Member
Some foodstuff will weaken this ability and you get feedback. In my experience ginseng can be useful and also other Yang food.:)

Hi Bear. Could you possibly list some of the negative foodstuffs? Perhaps a few more examples of yang foods as well? I'm sure it would be too daunting to post an all-inclusive list, as I'm sure there are many, but could you give us a small sample? Thanks. :)

I'm going to try this technique you've mentioned as well. Sounds similar to creating an energy ball, but I've never seen the ideas about the 4 hands before. Sounds interesting.

Orpheus Rex

Studies show that meditation and medication both can increase psi abilities. Karolina Zychowicz is currently studying which is better and "will explore any correlations between frequency of use, length of use and precognition scores. This study aims to shed some light on altered states of consciousness and whether they can facilitate psi success."
I believe that meditation is like training and psychedelic drugs are like steroids... They can give you a boost, but it may not be the best way to go. No matter what, you need talent. Some people are going to be naturally better as amateurs than others who have been doing it for a while... But, its not a competition. hehe, I've been meditating and practicing for about a year now and I can't do half of what you do. It's probably due to the large amounts of MTN Dew(nectar of life) that I drink. :D
So keep at it.
Good luck~


I have been practicing Telekinesis/Psychokinesis for 2 days now.

So far, I've only been able to move plastic ballpen caps and nothing else.

So far, my best is at 3-5 millimeters. I was wondering on how I will be able to strengthen my mental abilities. Should I start eating rat's brains? Kidneys? or should I start carrying around crystals too?

Please, please, please help me! I'm still a beginner and I'd really appreciate your suggestions!

Thanks a bunch! :)

Make sure the fan is off. When attempting that's my tip. Otherwise it will be like false hope.

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
"As above so below" your mind is above, it is you, the center of your ability and reason. To affect the world around you, you must make it so in your mind first. Then you can do so in the world.
However there are times that the reverse is true.. and sometimes a combination is required.
Experiment is the best advice. Don't be afraid to look stupid or fail
