Schematic How to generate a Rotating Field


Time Enforcement Commission
Many of the sources in the alt-sci underground relate that Philadelphia Experiment-type setups rely on a rotating (usually magnetic) field as the key mechanism for producing spacetime shifts. We should be able to accomplish this without the need for bulky, expensive 1940s electromechanical equipment such as synchro-motors and generators. Indeed, it can be done quite simply (at least the basic waveform control) using today's fast digital signal processing chips and software. For you hobbyists, however, there's also a relatively simple way to do it using analog circuitry built from readily available parts.

First, we need an oscillator or wave function generator, which can be built using a few parts that you can buy from Radio Shack. (We are assuming audio frequencies in this discussion, up to about 10 KHz maximum.)

1) Using the example of the simplest periodic wave, the sine wave, the first step is to generate both the sine wave itself, and simultaneously, a cosine wave (a sine wave shifted in time by +/- 90 degrees with respect to the sine wave) at the same frequency.

2) These two waveforms must then be transmitted into an area together, with a 90-degree spatial separation between the antennas/coils/speakers/transducers. In other words, they're perpendicular or "orthogonal" to one another.

3) Across from each of the above, at the opposite side of the central focal point for all this transmitted wave energy, we need another transducer whose waveform is inverted or phase shifted 180 degrees from our sine and cosine waves, above.

Thus our 4 transducers' outputs form a "cross" with one transducer at each point of the cross, or "compass," in a horizontal plane:

the "North" one projects the reference sine wave;
the "South" projects an inverted sine wave;
the "East" projects a cosine wave;
the "West" projects an inverted cosine wave.

All four transducers are aimed at the central focal point that they surround.

Now what you must understand is that the above will only work if you have complete control over that 90-degree phase separation at every frequency of interest. If you decide to change the reference oscillator frequency, the cosine wave must "track" and maintain the quadrature (90-degree time-) relationship. If you want to do this with more complex waveforms, such as sawtooth or square or even white noise, this can be very problematic. Why? Well, how did you generate the cosine wave from the sine wave in the first place? Ah, there's the rub: If you didn't use a quadrature oscillator (which automatically does this for you), then you must have used a phase-shift circuit to do it. The problem with that is that phase shifters do not and cannot shift every frequency across the audio spectrum by the same amount. It's just mathematically impossible since the phase shift offered to any particular frequency is a function of capacitive reactance vs. resistance in the phaser: the good old electronics technician's formula Xc = 1/(2 PI F C), where R = Xc at the quadrature frequency. By definition, only ONE frequency will be shifted by 90 degrees for a given RC combination. So what do we do now? The answer is to use a differential phase-shifter, which is two separate phase-shifters, each of which is inputted with a copy of the audio signal we're interested in making quadrature. Yup, each of them suffers from the same problem as outlined above, BUT-- if we carefully tailor the values of the capacitors and resistors in them, we can engineer things such that the difference in phase shift between channel 1 and channel 2 will always be about 90 degrees! In other words, it doesn't matter that channel 1 of my phaser shifts 1 KHz wave by 270 degrees (-90) but only shifts 2 KHz waves by 225; channel 2 will shift the 2 KHz frequency by 315 or by 135 degrees-- the point is that the difference between 225 and 135 is 90 degrees, and that's what we want, a quadrature separation.

A Differential Audio Phase Shifter for Rotating Field Generation

Below I present a schematic diagram of 1 of two identical channels of a differential phase-shifter built with commonly-available quad op-amps such as the LM324, the TL074, etc. It can also be built using 2 LM358 dual op-amps per channel, or you can use 4 single 741s if necessary. Nothing is too critical here. Notice that below the schematic I've included a graph of frequency vs. phase shift (data from electronic simulation of my circuit), and that, above 10 Hz, the difference between channels is almost exactly 90 degrees up to near 10 KHz. (Above and below those extremes the error increases unacceptably.)


Notice that this arrangement implies that we could use broadband "white" noise-- lowpass filtered a bit with a roll off around 5 KHz, so it would be "pink" noise-- as our signal source. Transmitting this type of noise in quadrature would mean that the central focal point would be surrounded by a rotating, multi-frequency standing wave, containing every frequency and amplitude (varying randomly) from 10 Hz to 5000 Hz. This might have an application to measuring and quantifying absorption/reflection characteristics of, say, a human body standing at the focus or "zero-point" of the rotating "wave cloud". But which way does it spin? You have complete control over that; simply reverse the phases of the cosine wave and its inverted twin, while leaving the sine wave as it was, and you will have reversed the direction of field rotation.
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walt willis

Senior Member
I am starting to feel sorry for you Num7.
By trying to reinvent the wheel it may drive you nuts and lead you to the wrong approach.
I'll share a clue that may keep you interested and/or amused.

Mr. Cole shared this with me along with many other ideas he got from Corso:
If we had a mono-pole magnet we could move the earth... Hint.

Also sound only diminishes from our perspective.

Even in the particles within the string exist a individual frequency.

A/C is much more efficient then D/C.

Extremely high energy capacitors can fail and leave you stranded in some God awful place.

Murphy lives!

Hope that helps.

If I send you a PM in around five years from now, read it well.

On a side note: you may wish to read a good book called: "There is No Death".

You'll need more then just one of the above.


I am starting to feel sorry for you Num7.
By trying to reinvent the wheel it may drive you nuts and lead you to the wrong approach.
I'll share a clue that may keep you interested and/or amused...
Why would you feel sorry? I'm not the one who invented this device. I'm just posting it so that anyone can discuss about it and share what they think of it. It's not about me. It's about us, time travel enthusiasts who like to discuss and study small time travel devices.

walt willis

Senior Member
You seem to lead the pack on a search for the truth of how humans may relocate themselves in space/time, and though the effort is a Nobel one, the ability has all ready be achieved.
Most people like yourself that have the lead in the quest also have a good reason for doing so, and I would suspect that your desire may be so motivated.
Many times the quest is to help them resolve issues from the past, or relive anxieties about the future.
Either cause may have a person miss out on the values of today.
That is the concern for your well being.

walt willis

Senior Member
The info in your head post is very close to how it all works, but you'll need very high energy and high density mater in in very high motion and a super conductor in very high atmosphere pressures.
The big challenge was how to regulate and concentrate the operation as to have it be man size portable.
If you could have it all fit in a mid-size blue car you should be able to keep a low profile.

John Daveit

New Member

In 1895, while conducting research with his step-up transformer, Nikola Tesla had his first indications that time and space could be influenced by using highly charged, rotating magnetic fields. Part of this revelation came about from Tesla's experimentation with radio frequencies and the transmission of electrical energy through the atmosphere. Tesla's simple discovery would, years later, lead to the infamous Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk time travel projects. But even before these highly top-secret military programs came about, Tesla made some fascinating discoveries on the nature of time and the real possibilities of time travel.

With these experiments in high-voltage electricity and magnetic fields, Tesla discovered that time and space could be breached, or warped, creating a "doorway" that could lead to other time frames. But with this monumental discovery, Tesla also discovered, through personal experience, the very real dangers inherent with time travel.

Tesla's first brush with time travel came in March 1895. A reporter for the New York Herald wrote on March 13 that he came across the inventor in a small café, looking shaken after being hit by 3.5 million volts, "I am afraid," said Tesla, "that you won't find me a pleasant companion tonight. The fact is I was almost killed today. The spark jumped three feet through the air and struck me here on the right shoulder. If my assistant had not turned off the current instantly in might have been the end of me."

Tesla, on contact with the resonating electromagnetic charge, found himself outside his time-frame reference. He reported that he could see the immediate past - present and future, all at once. But he was paralyzed within the electromagnetic field, unable to help himself. His assistant, by turning off the current, released Tesla before any permanent damage was done. A repeat of this very incident would occur years later during the Philadelphia Experiment. Unfortunately, the sailors involved were left outside their time-frame reference for too long with disastrous results.

Tesla's secret time travel experiments would continue on in the hands of others who were not as concerned with humanity as Tesla. We are left with rumors and speculations on who may have become the heirs of Tesla's research -- hopefully, someday these secrets will be revealed once and for all.



Senior Member
walt everone has their opinions but going too far is going beyond. And going beyond get's you in trouble when you least expect it. You psycho analyze my friend I will do it to you. over re inventing the wheel. walt what are you doing on here anyways, I have done my work lot's of it.


Senior Member
walt everone has their opinions but going too far is going beyond. And going beyond get's you in trouble when you least expect it. You psycho analyze my friend I will do it to you. over re inventing the wheel. walt what are you doing on here anyways, I have done my work lot's of it.
Trony mate, youre replying to a posting that Walt made on Oct 21st 2015 ::LOL:: :LOL:
