I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation


New Member
My knowledge of Titor is pretty darn good. My experience with it is comprehensive. If your one of the 4 individuals that attended the JI meet ups then you know what I look like.... I discovered the JT writings around 2003. I watched as certain things he spoke on unfolded. And I watched as something he spoke on did not unfold. He was never a knower of all things. He was just a dude that recounted his past. Not a predictor nor prophet although by reading about his words of his futures past we can get a general idea of how this world is going and maybe use his own personal life experiences to better our own little earth.

So if you have any question about John Titor at all feel free to join the discussion.
My thinking is that may be he was from another worldly line ,the future he told may be of his world and he just jumped to a another parallel world (steins gate reference.)


Senior Member
I don't know you. I don't plan to insult you for having an opinion.

Re-read my post. I mentioned the possibility of the posts being a message to someone. I am only speculating and giving many different scenarios. One scenario is that none of it is real. There are an endless amount of scenarios someone can come up with for conversation.
Let's think of one: Maybe Habers were held at gun point by an alien who demanded that they make the posts so that their leader in the future can get valuable information. I don't know. There really is nothing to be offended about. We are all speculating and taking in evidence.

On the first one, kidding around. There no such thing as dance insults. Like that's in the movies. A joke?

On the second one, just like the Billy Meier landings. I have suffered from these two. They came out and said, { A combination of creative writing, some slight of hand and the Army was sanctioned to do this, I guess with real time travel help" This is why when I met the real Titor online when he was asking for a burnt out e-board replacement, that we jived together in me helping him.

He was in Florida at the time and this was recorded on Art Bell's BBS. There was stuff passed in that conversation that only a real time traveler could have known. I'm affiliated to past off world royalty for real. That's a major connection, so I guess that they wanted to let me know.

The weird thing about it all, is that it's housed under entertainment, so anyone's interpretation of anything is only a point of view. But if you want it from the horse's mouth, a combination of the three just like I said.

What I'm thinking is they used a unit like Andrew Basagio was said to have gotten hold of and engineered it that way. Really don't care, everyone's entitled to their opinions.

It is bad about the Pleiadean Sem-ya-zee dying from being at Billy Meier's house, hitting her head like she did. Only now they're saying that she was from a major upper tier house in her sitting with the Pleiadeans. I guess that's why they let me know. Among the Pleiadeans, her death is being treated like a murder. There's groups of Pleiadeans that are really pissed at other groups.
The landing at the Meier farmstead was supposed to be a quick in and out operation and turned into a royal mess.

The Meier affair and Titor in a way are related. But what they're trying to do is to cover things up by sh*t that swims to the surface.

Andrew Basagio described the unit he time traveled in. So I wouldn't put it past the creators of this story using real time travel equipment. Past Pamela Moore had said that something about the entire affair seemed supernatural and odd at times.


New Member
Getting an original must be nigh on impossible or costly, is there a pdf copy of the original availble to read ?


New Member
Ok without going trough 47pages, did JT predict that 2038 would be an issue like Y2K ? or was this known to many before he started blogging ?


Senior Member
Ok without going trough 47pages, did JT predict that 2038 would be an issue like Y2K ? or was this known to many before he started blogging ?
Going out of combined legacy systems, which was an IBM cloned, to be the first publicly sold PCs. That's Gateway, Dell, etc. There was a shift from 32 bit, to 64 bits internal board card architecture. But the thing is since there would be other possible timelines involved and they would have their own versions of the PC, nobody knows what that impact, lesser or major would be, except in Titor's telling.

This really odd hippopotamus who has a human body that's peering over the enclosure rail. So' in probability began to upset the Frankin-monster creators of this story. This if and buts were, and this is why Larry Haber & company had to purport such bad acting, saying they were the only ones who knew about Titor, as it was them that created him. Is that yeah, sort-a, there had been a transitional burp in going from 32 to 64 bits, as the jump made certain PSs obsolete.

The next technical jumps that are now occurring, are AI ponds forming in both devices, any style. And there's now implanted computers, that can be web capable the year of this [posting projected to be put in people's heads. So the next steps are cyborgism.

Year 2029 is by Nostradamus & Babba vanga's prediction is an asteroid strike to planet Earth and this is a big asteroid. The second prediction and I don't know if this leads to world war three, is a small conventional war, that gets out of control and this goes as nuclear.

This is an a-lineal particular could-be multi-verse guess. So possibly, this could be messy,..


walt willis

Senior Member
I am afraid that I do not see how one could ever return to one's original timeline after leaving it (if leaving it is indeed possible.) I shall try to illustrate what I mean.

View attachment 9658

The time traveler lives along timeline A (black line).

At point X, the time traveler goes back in time to point -X (via upper red line).

At the moment of transfer, timeline A branches off into timeline B (upper gray line) and timeline C (green line). The B timeline is that state of the universe which continues to exist after the departure of the traveler. (It may or may not be the same as timeline A.) The traveler, at point -X, will now move along the C timeline.

At point Y, the traveler goes forward in time to point +Y (via lower red line).

At the moment of transfer, timeline C branches off into timeline D (blue line) and timeline E (lower gray line). The E timeline is the state of the universe which continues to exist after the departure of the traveler. (It may or may not be the same as timeline C.) The traveler, at point +Y, then moves along the D timeline.

Red lines do not indicate timelines, but rather the instantaneous transfers of the traveler from one point to another.

I apologize both for the crudeness of the illustration and my lack of knowledge concerning these things, but it seems to me that if the act of time travel in itself changes the timeline, then our traveler can never return to his origin point.
What you posted is a "Theory" and not a fact any more then JT story?
I also have a theory about space/time.
My info comes from what was told to me back in 1965 from the Corso family.
It was info gotten directly from the gray alien of the Roswell crash.
Grays are and have mastered the ability to travel around in time but I was not told about multi-timelines.
Who came up with the extra info?
did it come from the horses mouth or the other end?
I have learned that BS travels much faster than the speed of light!
I get tired of people telling me what a gray looks like that have never seen one face to face like I have.
False info will drive away people that get tired of being jerked around.
Enough said about that!


New Member
Going out of combined legacy systems, which was an IBM cloned, to be the first publicly sold PCs. That's Gateway, Dell, etc. There was a shift from 32 bit, to 64 bits internal board card architecture. But the thing is since there would be other possible timelines involved and they would have their own versions of the PC, nobody knows what that impact, lesser or major would be, except in Titor's telling.

This really odd hippopotamus who has a human body that's peering over the enclosure rail. So' in probability began to upset the Frankin-monster creators of this story. This if and buts were, and this is why Larry Haber & company had to purport such bad acting, saying they were the only ones who knew about Titor, as it was them that created him. Is that yeah, sort-a, there had been a transitional burp in going from 32 to 64 bits, as the jump made certain PSs obsolete.

The next technical jumps that are now occurring, are AI ponds forming in both devices, any style. And there's now implanted computers, that can be web capable the year of this [posting projected to be put in people's heads. So the next steps are cyborgism.

Year 2029 is by Nostradamus & Babba vanga's prediction is an asteroid strike to planet Earth and this is a big asteroid. The second prediction and I don't know if this leads to world war three, is a small conventional war, that gets out of control and this goes as nuclear.

This is an a-lineal particular could-be multi-verse guess. So possibly, this could be messy,..

Talking about timelines, Titor has alreadyaffected his timeline by coming back and going on chat rooms and now its been discussed over the internet for teh past 20yrs?

Getting an original book must be nigh on impossible or costly, is there a pdf copy of the original availble to read ?


Senior Member
Have a look here @philtw

The first thread, Time-travel Paradoxes!, was created by user named Paul 14 on October 23, 2000. Titor replies as TimeTravel_0 a few posts down:

Here is the oldest known archive of the first Titor posts as they originally appeared on TTI:

The second thread, Topics Limited to 11 Pages was created by Titor on January 26, 2001. At the time, the forum software had issues with long threads in which posts after a certain threshold would not show up:

"!Also, keep in mind that Titor never actually registered on the site. All posts were made as a guest, and were later attributed to a manually created profile so the posts could be surfaced more easily."
