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Sound Judgment

Junior Member
Now onto your other statement. You should never act like this:

"Because I've seen it, everyone else has seen it"

Hmmmm. I haven't seen anyone make that kind of statement here? If they have might you please post the Reference number to it? I agree it is flawed logic. But please let's be sure of the actual words used, before attributing them to someone else. Thanks.
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Junior Member
What does Titor mean when he says:

" Yes, there are a great many people who think that Revelations has come to pass. However, the new fear is that Christ has returned, he's not telling us and he's very angry. "



Senior Member
What does Titor mean when he says:

" Yes, there are a great many people who think that Revelations has come to pass. However, the new fear is that Christ has returned, he's not telling us and he's very angry. "


When everything comes crashing down, people's faith will be shaken. Some will say, "Why didn't Christ return to rapture us before everything crashed down on us?" Others will joke. "Christ came back, and found us selling in church. He is now overturning our vending tables." Yet others will say, "The Rapture is our death and we must endure it in order to reach the gates of heaven." Some say "The world is Sodom. The world is Babylon."


Active Member
I've got a question:
How many % different did John Titor say this world line was from his? (And did he mention if it was + or - ?)


I think it was something between 2% and 5%, can't say for sure.

That being said, it has to be the best excuse ever to explain events not taking place exactly as Titor predicted. Just saying! ;)


Active Member
Good point! Parallel universes are always used in science fiction.

Here's what I think of Titor so far:

It makes me wonder how the C204 unit has so little accuracy, I can understand how he wouldn't be able to travel to a point in his own world line, but not 2%-5% difference. In theory it should only travel on the same world line and when the destination is reached then the worldline shift, but then again there might be some sort of science I am unaware of involved.

Then again, him just saying some of information could cause the named people or companies to change certain events or cover them up to make a time traveler look like a fake. Such as CERN could have had the LHC active in 2001 but only said that it active in 2008/2009 to make John look like a fake or another unmentioned device that is still operational today could be what Titor meant.

I ended up having a read through a chunk of Johns posts as TimeTraveler_0, and he wasn't very clear on what ours was exactly. There was times he said it was ~1% and others around 2%. At other points he says he gets about 1% per 60 years and that he got 2.5% in 1975 which is 61 years from 2036 which would put our worldline at ~0.6% and ~1.29166666667% respectively.

There is the factor of that there was things that Titor predicted, such as (I believe it was) mad cow, and that the civil was before WW3 is happening but not in the same way. There have been civil wars in the middle east and the events on your doorstep are actually happening over there. There is also the possibility that some of the things that Titor was saying was cryptic, such as there is always a debate whether or not to send soldiers to the latest civil war in the middle east, could John Titor be referring to that? However there appears to be no AFE, then again the Parallax error of the Worldlines might mean this doesn't happen. I have been doing research elsewhere about different things and it appears a civil war in America and WW3 will be one and the same, in other words, quite possibly every single country on the planet will be at war with itself, and the possibility of war with others at the same time. And there also a possibility of the war not being brief as well, possibly up to or more that eight years. I'm not trying to say that what the WW3 will be like is true, I'm just saying is that what I said looks the most likely based on present information.

Basically I am on the fence about the whole John Titor thing, I'm not convinced he's real, but I'm not convinced he's a fake either.


New Member
There's something bothering me , once John mentioned a legend ( for lack of a better term) that a time traveler landed in a world line with zero divergence. Is possible that near world lines could actually cross and one could unwittingly,change to another near line and not notice?
Legend? The better term would be anecdote. I don't think he said that though
